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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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Not sure which forum i saw the thread on (probaly the noe one), but anyway someone was asking how it would work with rev controlls, for those who are right handed, when link if left handed, now that the rev controlls are for real, i though i would ask the same question. Would the allow a choice, so he can be right and left handed (he used to be right handed anyway)-but all the pictures have shown left handed so far..., or could they just leave it, it wouldn't make to much differnce i guess, any thoughs to the matter...?

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They'd have to change it, and I'm sure they will ask before starting a game.


I doubt there is actual Rev swordfighting though. Some minigames if we're lucky, but with revmote swordfighting it'd be a completely different game. If it's for fishing or stuff like that, it doesn't matter which hand you use, because you're supposed to hold the rod with two hands anyway.

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They could add actual pixel shaders :cool:


I doubt the French guy should be taken literally though. Even if a Rev version would push better graphics, there's no point in making seperate discs for it. They could make a better looking version on a Cube disc. The extra development time seems a waste for a slightly better looking version though.

gamecube has no problem with shaders that's a myth, all the isa around the fixed T&L is programable, so gamecube actually has one pixel and vertex shader... this "shader" on gamecube goes to the extent of being better than those on Xbox, as we can see from Wind Waker, Starfox adventures... how skining, volumetric fog and bump mapping are applied so easily to games... rareware had problems with Xbox when using fur effect. And Twilight Princess is not a regular T&L game aswell.


when I talked about better particle effects I was saying that because all the consoles this gen have a limited amount of fill rate to do those, so with all the things going on in TP they could certainly use a new or enhanced particle system with the extra room to push on revo... having a pixel shader unit 1.4 compliant wouldn't make any diference in TP's case, because the game indeed uses shaders... you could see improvements only if that pixel shader provided more fill rate or upgraded the engine to pixel shader 2.0 (or 3.0) compliant. (and revolution can certainly do those)

They'd have to change it, and I'm sure they will ask before starting a game.


I doubt there is actual Rev swordfighting though. Some minigames if we're lucky, but with revmote swordfighting it'd be a completely different game. If it's for fishing or stuff like that, it doesn't matter which hand you use, because you're supposed to hold the rod with two hands anyway.

they could put that one in a submenu when you choose the save file of your game, just like in OoT and MM... they had two control schemes... (I don't really remember if wind waker kept those two schemes).
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Heh, I thought the Cube (being pre-DirectX 8.1 and all that) had no shaders whatsoever but apparently there's a workaround.


They could, with a lot more shaders (as in 16 or something) and bump mapping, pimp up the graphics a lot, without messing with models and the textures. Games like Conker for the Xbox used the same models as in the N64 version, but due to bump mapping and loads of shader overkill on them, they looked very pretty.

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There aren't going to be two different versions. If you read accurate sources of news, you'll find out that it's confirmed that they are currently working on 3 Zelda titles right now, TP, a DS Zelda, and a Revolution Zelda. They haven't said anything about a two version TP. They said TP is focussed on the Gamecube. And remember, you can't rely on outside sources. Only official Nintendo sites and IGN, 1up, and Gamespot.

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Heh, I thought the Cube (being pre-DirectX 8.1 and all that) had no shaders whatsoever but apparently there's a workaround.


They could, with a lot more shaders (as in 16 or something) and bump mapping, pimp up the graphics a lot, without messing with models and the textures. Games like Conker for the Xbox used the same models as in the N64 version, but due to bump mapping and loads of shader overkill on them, they looked very pretty.

I agree, if they set up to use those they could really take the graphics to a new level, for example the grass effect on ground is very demanding because it's done with texture layers and GC only has 4 pipelines, it doesn't take space as a texture because it can virtually be using the same throughout all the game, they could really apply it, although looking at the size of hyrule field... I honestly don't know if it's possible to apply it all over, then again starfox did it only in the area around the main character, and it was almost unoticiable.


But remember this is Nintendo we're talking about, we are hoping for this, but if we're lucky we'll get TP with lots of AA and AF applied on revolution at 60 frames per second and that's about it, that's what I'm counting anyway. If we really have a control scheme enhancement letting us use the FHC we'll be very lucky, let alone better graphics with alternative code paths for revolution...


As for Conker remake I didn't knew (or ever dreamt of) that they used the exact same models from the N64 version, I think at least they bumped the polygon count in characters, then again I could be mistaken as I don't know much of conker remake's development... but yeah, when you have lots of fill rate and pipelines you really can take a game for the next level, one proof of that is seeing PSone emulation with shaders applied, it's a night and day diference. :)



Nintendo France seems pretty reliable to me.


But yeah, two versions of TP in development seems ridiculous. I'm wondering though, maybe the DS and Rev Zelda caused the Twilight Princess delay?

there was a rummor last year (or something) that said that there were 3 versions in development, I don't think that was a lie it's too surreal to be made up... anyway, I thought at the time that they were trying ideas for revolution in one of them, it would be silly not to implement them. as for Zelda Rev I believe they are working on TP's engine and it's pretty much some ideas floating around at this point in time, they have a master plan but that's about it.


I don't think 2 versions can made it to the end though... only if it's a collectors edition with extra content and a normal edition (like 50€ for the regular one and 60€ for the collectors edition) if there's a version solely for revolution improvements they'll have to make it one for the final built.


I think that's why the guy from nintendo france said that... probably there are two builds at this time, one with revo controls (that could end up being only a test for Rev Zelda) and one with the regular controller, those two at this time are probably running at diferent dev kits, diferent than the original cube devkit with a FHC bundled, anyway...

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Do you think Nintendo will put in so much improbvement, like framerate boosts and sword-fighting? I'm expecting Rev gimmicks such as fishing and a few bonus items/areas, but nothing more.


The three Zeldas planned is confirmed. The DS Zelda has been confirmed to be in actual development several months ago by Aonuma, I guess we'll see more of that at the E3.

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Do you think Nintendo will put in so much improbvement, like framerate boosts and sword-fighting? I'm expecting Rev gimmicks such as fishing and a few bonus items/areas, but nothing more.


The three Zeldas planned is confirmed. The DS Zelda has been confirmed to be in actual development several months ago by Aonuma, I guess we'll see more of that at the E3.

One year ago they talked about 3 versions of Zelda in development they were really refering to 3 TP builds, with no DS or Rev version mentioned. now... there's certainly two in development right now and one at least in planning stages, being those for GC, DS and Rev respectively.


But all in all I was saying we'd be lucky with just that, even if there was no revo control scheme and it ran at 60 frames with lots of AA and AF. I don't think they should make improvements based on each released game framerate wise, but all games in revolution should run at a higher framerate using the extra power provided by revolution. the thing is... nintendo are known to be lazy in this, Majora Mask running on GC had lots of slowdown in the town area even worse than in the original version, N64 games will probably be fine this time around but I don't know what to expect from Gamecube games, I think everything should be locked at 60 frames with AA and AF though. this being said I doubt they'll do this (although they might)but, I even doubt more about significant (or minor) changes in the graphics for TP, although admitely they could do them.


I too hope to see Zelda DS shown in E3, It'll be a letdown if it's not showcased.

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well information overload.. how much more is there to say.. give us the damn game Nintendo.. im old enough to remember when you got 1 magazine once a month with news and pre- and rewievs.. try building a hype on that.. but ok.. back then a game probably took the most of a weekend to code..


Ganon is links mother

Ganon is links sister

Ganon is Link in the future

But I hope you get to control Ganon.. would be cool.. imagine you could switch between Link and Ganon in the fight between them .. ha ha just for the kicks of it

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who feels like they're gonn be Zelda fans forever? I mean literally...forever. not like " When I'm 30, I won't be a Zelda fan anymore" but I mean literally who feels like " I'm gonna be a Zelda fan FOREVER? I for one feel this way. I'm going to be 18 in April, and my mom's all like " Why are you still playing those stupid games?" and I tell her if she'd just give Zelda a chance, she'd be hooked too. So sorry mom, you can't stop me from my special bond with ZeldA! :P

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But all in all I was saying we'd be lucky with just that, even if there was no revo control scheme and it ran at 60 frames with lots of AA and AF. I don't think they should make improvements based on each released game framerate wise, but all games in revolution should run at a higher framerate using the extra power provided by revolution. the thing is... nintendo are known to be lazy in this, Majora Mask running on GC had lots of slowdown in the town area even worse than in the original version, N64 games will probably be fine this time around but I don't know what to expect from Gamecube games, I think everything should be locked at 60 frames with AA and AF though. this being said I doubt they'll do this (although they might)but, I even doubt more about significant (or minor) changes in the graphics for TP, although admitely they could do them.

GameCube games will probably (pretty definite for full backwards compability) have the system clocked back to GameCube specifications. The game will have to run in Revolution mode for extra graphics power, and I don't think that's worth spending time on.


At zeldafan2020: Please stay off drugs - you're getting hallucinations.

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GameCube games will probably (pretty definite for full backwards compability) have the system clocked back to GameCube specifications. The game will have to run in Revolution mode for extra graphics power, and I don't think that's worth spending time on.


At zeldafan2020: Please stay off drugs - you're getting hallucinations.

depends... Hollywood was build from ground, it could very well have a Gamecube backwards compatible path, and just apply AA and AF for free or use the extra room with V-sync to push the 60 frames per second... they wouldn't need to spend time on each single game, unless maybe doing a compatible list to boot with... anyway it's too soon to predict that.


here's some info that wasn't yet posted (I believe) about the game:


The enemies in Twilight Princess will be in tune with their surroundings, using their environment against Link. Oyama also hinted that players would get the chance to explore the motives of certain enemies, such as the hog riding creatures that were first revealed during E3 2004. Players may be able to explore the living quarters of these beasts, and discover the language they speak.


To fall in line with the rest of the series, Oyama said unique items and familiar enemies would make appearances in the game.(...) He went on to say that some of the enemies will be smaller and easier to handle at the beginning of the game, but further on these same enemies will have relatives that are much bigger and stronger.

Source: http://www.rpgamer.com/news/Q1-2006/013106a.html


Sounds neat doesn't it? :D

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GameCube games will probably (pretty definite for full backwards compability) have the system clocked back to GameCube specifications. The game will have to run in Revolution mode for extra graphics power, and I don't think that's worth spending time on.


At zeldafan2020: Please stay off drugs - you're getting hallucinations.



what the hell do you mean by staying off drugs and that I'm getting hallucinations? Just because I made a statement that if you're a true Zelda fan you'll never out grow it you think I'm hallucinating? :S C'mon! I'm serious...if you EVER think you're gonna " out grow" a big part of your damn soul! you're ^&*(%$ up!

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So, have any major spoilers been released? I hope not cause I think that the Internet has ruined too many games' story lines.
Nintendo is trying to lower the spoilers in almost every single way, they only showed us the very beggining of the game, the trailer who showed the most about the game was the first one.


I don't think they will release big spoilers.

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