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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)

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Well we already know that there are Gorons, mean fighty Gorons with HUGE heads!

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There's a lot i wanna see in this game. I just want the introduction to be good, like the Wind Waker's. The tapestry was awesome. :)

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Yea I want an intro like WW or MM,thought the WW was great because it tell's a story and give's you background but with MM it showed you Clock Town and what it was like.

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Yea I want an intro like WW or MM,thought the WW was great because it tell's a story and give's you background but with MM it showed you Clock Town and what it was like.


Zelda games have amazing intros tho, really. Ocarina of time's was brilliant, as was majora's mask with Skull kid. A link to the past's wasn't that amazing but it got you right into the action and story.

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I hope TP will surpass them all.Perfect Intro for the perfect game.Hope it give's some background information then go to Tauro Vilalge to see Link then the camera move's to Hyrule Castle and you see the Twilight Realm appearing and spreading and to finish it move's up to the moon and display's the name.Just an intro that will be catchy like the previous one's would suit me.

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I think if we go into it expecting the perfect game, we run the risk of being disappointed. I think the anticipation could kill the love for this game.

Either that or make it stronger.

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I reckon it's end of September everywhere, then November for the Revolution.


I'm a little worried it may not live-up to expectations and not have a special feeling to it, i know it's sound weird but sometimes a game you've waited so long for can feel empty, i loved WW but i felt something was missing, emotion perhaps, sense of adventure if you get what i mean....


I'm predicting it may well be truly enchanting/emotional actually.


I haven't felt attached to a adventure game since Ocarina Of Time, so i'm hoping this will have that.

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The games don't change- the players do.

Expectations but also maturity and emotional attachment.


There is a period in our lives where we remember a game so perfect and very few live up to it- I compare most games to Final Fantasy 7 and so do a lot of people.

There are games that compare well to 7, like 9 for instance.


But I changed I think, Wind Waker will be my first Zelda game.

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I think it will be more emotional especially with the 3rd trailer you felt something was wrong and something bad was going on.

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I think it will be more emotional especially with the 3rd trailer you felt something was wrong and something bad was going on.

Yes, the Wind Waker was very strong in that (especially towards the end), and this game seems to be more convincing in the way of storytelling.

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I still got a good sense of adventure and emotion for WW and still do. Like when Link's sister gets kidnapped,it's really sad...and the ending almost made me cry...not sadness...it was a happy well happy/sad feel. happy in the sense they were off to find a new land and sad in the way where Link had to wave bye to his friends and family AGAIN! so sad... but happy...

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when links sister got kidnapped i said "YES FINALLY" now off to this adventure


when i completed it, i felt, WOW that was EASY...

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The only real important question a diehard Zeldafan should ask is whether Link will be sleeping or not when the game commences. I sure hope so. Unlike agent Bauer, who only rests when knocked unconscious or if temporarily dead, Link shall need all the rest he can get. 100+ hours of gameplay, after all being like four seasons of 24. Even Jack couldn't muster that.

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I want to see a little wolf gameplay, some landscapes and some living people! That's all I want. Nothing more, nothing less.

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The only real important question a diehard Zeldafan should ask is whether Link will be sleeping or not when the game commences. I sure hope so. Unlike agent Bauer, who only rests when knocked unconscious or if temporarily dead, Link shall need all the rest he can get. 100+ hours of gameplay, after all being like four seasons of 24. Even Jack couldn't muster that.


Still Jack must need to drink/eat and go to the toilet at one point.


As for Link he always has those potions to drink and the world biggest bladder by his side, or inside of him.

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I believe that because TP is 100+ hours of gameplay it really should feel like a epic! Can you imagine how much there is actually to see and do?


The sense of adventure was there in WW but not as strong as in Ocarina Of Time, i believe this was because it was easy/short and there wasn't many islands with inhabitants, were they?


Roll on September! (I'm so certain it's September) :yay:

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Where was everyone's favourite island in Wind Waker?

For me it has to be Dragon Roost Island, the music being one of the greatest things about it :D

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I liked Dragon Roost too mainly because the dungeon and boss battle was so clever, though a bit too easy

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So TP isn't even finished yet is it? How long before a release date do games actually get finished? Nintendo should bring this out as soon as it's done, I can't wait!

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ma favourite island would probably have to have been windfall. it was really small but it felt really big if u know what i mean. plus there was always so much do do on that island.

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Will be done in the next few month's I think.Hope a date will be said during E3.

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