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3D Modelling Thread


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Yeah that Blast Point (I forget the name) really needs to be cut.


The first two environments are quite nice though!


I think the first could be done with going over a little bit more, it's nearly there though.


The second has a really nice appeal but just needs a little more of something to make it shine - some kind of edge in the colour palette.


The last thing I'm not so keen on though... the focus is all on the truck yet texture wise it doesn't look right at all.


Just looks like a straight up shader.


But it's all really promising though!


Can you post us some close-ups with wireframes and texture maps?


It's really cool to have you back by the way Lamamamamama.

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That truck is just shader work, there isn't a texture on it haha.


I wanted to make a low res model, bake the normals down, and texture the low res... but my professors said to just use the high res model.... which... I didn't want to UV that mess.


I have a low res model UVd... somewhere for it....


That whole asset I really wanted to make another UDK scene out of.... but I didn't have the time for it, so I made a small area for it in Maya.... which let me do some silly animation stuff.


Is there anything specific you want to see wires of? My truck... the truck was built with baking the mesh to a normal map in mind, so the wires aren't that great haha. I don't have really any of my art on this laptop so I can't grab wires or texture flats right now, but if there's anything in particular you wanna see let me know and I'll grab some renders for you.


I do have a few high res renders (non wires) from my 3 main assets in my reel though.








Click the images for the high res versions.(2160X1215)

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Lamamama, I would love to see some more detail on the wind... thing (what are those exactly?) and the barn on the right of the image.


Also how were the buildings done on the first image, were they just planes with textures or full buildings that were positioned?


How's your course going, Ashley?


(You Maya slut.)

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That's cool, I'm happy to hear that it's going well dude.


I've not a lot to show lately either to be honest.


Since September my free time has been spent learning MAXScript, Topogun and zBrush.


Although I've nearly finished a zBrush tutorial and I'll post that up.


Hopefully later this week I'll have time to finish off cooker and start on my next thing.

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Lamamama, I would love to see some more detail on the wind... thing (what are those exactly?) and the barn on the right of the image.


Also how were the buildings done on the first image, were they just planes with textures or full buildings that were positioned?


How's your course going, Ashley?


(You Maya slut.)


The windmill is a bit low res because originally it was supposed to just be a background element.... and I was hoping that when it's animated it would help sell it... but pictures don't show the animation haha. I agree though, I could dress it up a bit more.


The house on the right side of the image... I put a lot of focus into the porch area of it, and didn't ever even pay any attention to the roof really. That house is made up of heaps of modular pieces that I made, and there's another house built off of those same pieces off in the distance to the left of that image. (around 30 seconds in on my demo reel)


The alleyway scene.... *sigh* my professor forced me into not making full buildings, and so the buildings in it all really rely on their placements and such. The tall brick buildings are just glorified planes really. there's only one side to them plus some thickness so the tops don't look too odd.


Then there is the smaller brick building, and the blueish building which both are separate buildings... and even still can't really stand alone because I designed those assets around the fact that those buildings belong right there. The props that decorate the buildings all are able to stand on their own.


I really enjoy making props... but I don't like just putting props on display as props... so I make a whole environment to go along with it.... and yea. I think that's my main problem.


I have another environment that I worked on with a small team of students (me and 2 other kids)


It was a map for UT3, and this was my first Unreal project :P












I made 1/3rd of the art in the map, and was in charge of the level design, placing all the assets in the map, most environment effects (which the pictures don't show off too well...), animated objects, and the kismet scripting in the map (movers, animated lights, destructible objects... stuff like that).

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For a first time that's not too shabby!


I know the feeling when lecturers push you in a direction you don't really wanna go on, but I assume it was to save time?


Don't be shy to post some beauty shots of single assets though!


It's cool you like doing things in a level and presenting it in that way though.


I thought I'd be able to finish this tonight but I'm way too tired.




My first crack a zBrush using a great tutorial on hard surface sculpting.


Only about 2/3 done, still some objects to throw in, reshaping the jaw, adding the neck effect on the back of the head and colouring it.


The tutorial leaves it at the zBrush stage but I'll make it game worthy later on.

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I made a whale today!


It wasn't meant to be one but it ended up looking like an okayish whale.


I'll try and remember to save a render on Thursday as I'm not at uni tomorrow as I'm protesting.




Apparently I'm protesting about not being Italian...


There's something about this thread that just makes me talk in one line paragraphs.



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Ha. The more I look at it the more I think "this is shit".


The blue pane was mostly for my own reference. We were supposed to show a sinusoidal wave but as I accidentally made a whale that I liked (other than the eyes) I wanted to use that. Realised whales don't show that much of a sinusoidal wave as they're big old things so I wanted to have him do something else.


The fish tank idea is a nice one, particularly as I was apparently supposed to make him turn corners.

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Llama hit it on the head about the movement, instead of having the camera target the whale constantly just have it follow the general direction.


But it's very nice!


I know how it feels to be given those "your first" tasks is and it's pretty daunting, so well done dude.

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At the college I went to, the first month they let us play with Maya they made us do a group project where we had to model/rig/animate a character, create a scene, and have 3 side projects on the side as well haha.


All that was within a month, with another class... so we really only had half the month to work on it.


Mine was AWESOME!!1!



There are other people in that scene, just off camera haha.

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So did you just make the displacement map in Photoshop and then apply it to the mesh? (Are you using Max?) Or how are you going about generating your displacement map?


I ask because I'd imagine painting one would be rather awkward.


I just applied a displacement to a plane, set a strength, then I go into the material editor and make one there. It's really quite easy.


You can do it by importing a bitmap and I'll probably do it that way for the rest of the map, but for now I was just messing with the material editor and displacement. :grin:


...and yes I only ever used 3dsmax or udk.

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It's not bad, it's just hard to understand what's going on because everything moves (I know the plane doesn't move in 3D space, but since the camera moves so much it makes it look like it moves)


You just need something to ground the viewer with.


Mhm that's pretty much what the lecturer said. I just fancied mucking about really ^_^

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