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3D Modelling Thread


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Its a shame we don't live closer together Nightwolf, I think we could help each other out.


Anywho, I was going to link you to a chapter in a book that helped me (regardless of the fact it is Maya I think its all very similar yes?) but its the only chapter not available on Google Books >_< book anyway


Basically it was a case of building the skeleton (do you know how to do that? If not there's a lot of tuts out there) then drawing a simple two-pointed arrow on the floor and linking that, so you move that to move the whole body round. Then doing similar with circles for the legs and knees.


Sorry if that's not what you mean. Imma sleepy.


How much does your human (I'm going to name it Russell) need to do?

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That book is for maya, althought 3ds max is pretty samey.


It needs to run towards a bumper car, climb in and move a steering wheel so the bumper car move. I can do it with a biped easy peasy. I can even do it with a biped linked to a model with skin, but when I apply weight its just ridiculous and doesn't work so well.


I've been talking to others (nearly the whole class!) and there's only about 10 who've managed to rig a character and model it fully and theirs tends to be its just a modelled character moving. So I'll wait on what rueben (my tutor) says tomorrow.


Probably going to end up just linking the bipeds arms to the steering wheel so when the arms move the steering wheel turns, we'll see. I just want to pass now haha screw good marks!

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Just another odd thought, but I presume that thing Wesley posted is a placeholder for the feet? If the spacing isn't turning out like you expect (compared to the measurement you entered), could it be that there is a decimal point in the wrong place?

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I say carry on with the human.


Other people in your class has done them, so you want to try and beat them.


You wanna be the best.




Becoming the best in terms of animations takes years. Not weeks. It's her choice really but bleh.


Unless you can animate as well as animators in the industry, no one cares. At least with something very simple, you have more time to work with the golden rules of animation.

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Well what I'm saying is that at uni maybe it would be best to try and kick other class mates asses (in a graceful way).


That way she's pushing herself.


And maybe she might realise that she actually really likes animation (once a hurdle has been hopped over) and she has a talent for it.

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Well what I'm saying is that at uni maybe it would be best to try and kick other class mates asses (in a graceful way).


That way she's pushing herself.


And maybe she might realise that she actually really likes animation (once a hurdle has been hopped over) and she has a talent for it.


I hear what you're saying. But, again.. from experience. I did the exact same thing. I kicked everyones ass. But I was too naive to realize that collectively we were all shit. I was pretty much the least shit. My final year project, I animated 4 bipeds and a quadruped. It came out shit, but I still got top marks for it. It certainly didn't get me anywhere. With animation, and this is imperative, you start out small and then big. No one goes into the industry for the first time animating characters unless they are either a. Talented as fuck, or b. worked their nuts or ovaries off to get the job.

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Oh dude there's no way in hell I'd try being the top of my class, its just not possible. I sit and do stuff I know will take alot of time outside of uni and do uni work to the best I can with the time limit.


I've started animating, I'll show you guys when its done.


My tutor said about using IK solvers for a seat belt and the steering wheel, I'd be covering what I'd need and it'll be a damn sight easier and look fun too. So all is good. Just need to go over it with him tomorrow.

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I don't think I've ever used any particle effects in Max, sorry.


But: http://www.tutorialadvisor.com/3DS_MAX/Effects/index.html ?


I don't know what's a good tutorial or not with this.


I've tried that link a few times, it doesn't work.


Its kinda fustrating not being able to do a particle effect. Tempted to go into the next class and ask about it. I should know this but I just can't seem to remember given it was ages ago now (like two weeks.)


Doesn't seem to be many particle (spark) tutorials online. Hmm.


Anyway otherwise I've finished. I did want to do seat belts, but it was being such a hassle with weighting that I gave up.


So I've basically finished. Got a few tweaks on the animation to do, bit altering on the camera and add particle emitters. But finally..and yes I realise I could do alot better.



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Okay so I now have a shit character body.


It isn't done in terms of the actual model.


But I'm stuck before this anyway, because I don't think it'll look right.




Not cartoony enough.


I mean, he'll have a lab coat, trousers, shirt, etc.


But proportion wise he isn't cartoony enough.


Any ideas?

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