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3D Modelling Thread


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The real world wouldn't have me making three different games at once to be fair. Deadlines yes, three games at once - no.


Its like nobody communicates with each other in that place. Alas its alright anyway.


After losing my work I had to start from scratch on my modelling work. Heres my bumper car take 2..I have to say the silver lining to losing your usb pen, your work is better.




and basically finished, just got little bits to tweak.




Just got to put a particle emitter on the top as its part of the requirements, then rig a characters hands to the steering wheel. If anybody has any simple rigging tuts that'd be great.

Edited by nightwolf
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Do you have to model the an actual human and then rig it (and have the hands on the wheel) or are you using the actual biped itself as the character?


If it's the latter then yeah, just sit the biped in a nice pose with the hands on the wheel and just use the select and link tool to link the palms to the wheel. Just make sure that the object centre on the wheel and base (I'm presuming they're the same object) is the middle of the the wheel and then it'll rotate all nice (using local, not view) and the biped's hands will follooooow.


Really awesome looking bumper cars when they're all lined up and looking glossy!

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We don't have to use models, we can do, but really because its an animation module not a modelling module I can use bipeds. I'll stick to using link tool then.


Thanks guys, I'm glad I lost my usb pen just to show my bumper cars off. Nice to be proud of work for a change ^_^


EDIT: been talking to the housemate, she thinks putting numbers on the back of the bumper cars might look interesting, watcha think?

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Can any of you lot help asap?


Basically I've started modelling a character, everythings fine until I do symmetry, I've done one half of the body, then click symmetry modifier and I get this..


Its supposed to have the legs slightly apart! In every tutorial I've put up it seems to work fine, but mine doesn't.



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Can any of you lot help asap?


Basically I've started modelling a character, everythings fine until I do symmetry, I've done one half of the body, then click symmetry modifier and I get this..


Its supposed to have the legs slightly apart! In every tutorial I've put up it seems to work fine, but mine doesn't.


This might sound really obvious and patronising (bear in mind I know nothing about 3D modelling), but did you "build" half the groin line? It's the groin that provides space between the legs, isn't it, so I'd have thought you need to include that? Sorry if I've misunderstood something.


PS - Your finished dodgem car looks great.

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I can't really afford to, its due in friday at 12 and rendering could take anything from 3 seconds to 3 days.


So I need it done by wednesday at the latest, I've yet to get the weight sorted, then I need to do a run cycle.


Albiet it doesn't sound much, but I'd rather get it done now and stay up late than leave it and worry tomorrow!


Sorry to double post.


Can anybody think of another way to rig something? My tutor says I don't have to rig a human, instead I can use a biped thats been altered slightly. But all I can think of is my bumper car, but how I'd rig something like that is beyond me...

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First of all, no offence but attempting to rig a character is beyond your capacity at the moment. Second of all, a bumper car does not need to be rigged, unless you have specific animatable parts on it.


Haha tell me about it, although for some reason they are expecting us to rig something. Alot of my friends/classmates have managed to rig a character, but it takes way too much effort to get right.


I emailed the tutor anyway, see if he can give me something to rig tomorrow. If not I'll skip it and get less marks. Its not worth the stress right now.

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Haha tell me about it, although for some reason they are expecting us to rig something. Alot of my friends/classmates have managed to rig a character, but it takes way too much effort to get right.


I emailed the tutor anyway, see if he can give me something to rig tomorrow. If not I'll skip it and get less marks. Its not worth the stress right now.


Seriously, this is what I mean. In the industry, rigging alone takes a minimum of 4 weeks. That's only in the movie industry. Well depends what you rig.


If you HAVE to do it, seriously, go for something really simple. Hell do a pencil, and animate that, give it life. Work with your limitations. Don't do something so complex, because you won't learn anything.

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