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Tommy Tallarico speaks!


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For those of you that don’t know, Tommy Tallarico has been making music for video games for years now. He recently got a chance to check out the Revolution at THQ’s event, and left some impressions on the IGN boards.


“Rev Controller was interesting but it didn’t totally blow me away as some were expecting. Need to see more games for it I guess. It was running the new SpongeBob game from THQ. The coolest part was that the controller could be used it different ways for different gameplay mechanics and levels. For example, sometimes you would turn it on it’s side as use it as a steering wheel. Other times you held it upright and used it like a flight stick. And another time you could use it like a hammer or pick-axe to destroy stuff. The game itself was running off the GameCube (with the Rev Controller) so I can’t really comment on the graphics… they looked like an old GameCube game.â€


Tommy says he wasn’t blown away by the controller, and then he goes on to discuss how the coolest part about the game was the Revmote functionality. I guess he is saying he enjoyed the controller, but not as much as he thought he would. Then again, perhaps he is saying that he didn’t enjoy the actual game at all, but the best part of the game was the Revmote aspect. It’s just a little hard to decipher those comments.






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Tommy Tallarico does a couple of shows on the US channel G4. He's a bit of an idiot really, and basically disregards any game that isn't "cool" and "mature" without any kind of thoughtful judgement whatsoever. His opinion on the Revolution isn't really news to me, nor is it going to change the way I think of it....

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He told us nothing and basically set up this article so he could get a new job.. first sentence: For those of you that don’t know, Tommy Tallarico has been making music for video games for years now.


[insert a load of bullshit saying the controller is okay but i didn't like it that much] hey presto he has pleased just about everyone in the industry and will probably land a job somewhere else because he was critical of the Revolution he has probably pleased a few Sony/Microsoft developpers.


It's classic advertising, like an episode of Richard and Judy

Judy: Hi there Davina.. how are you?

Davina: blah blah small talk

Judy: So I hear you have a book out?

Davina: Oh yes.. advertise yawn



I mean it must get pretty boring making music for THQ games, I don't blame him for whoring himself.. probably wants a job somewhere decent.

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I mean it must get pretty boring making music for THQ games, I don't blame him for whoring himself.. probably wants a job somewhere decent.


Making music is never boring!

Don´t matter what film game or whatever it is for!


But back to topic.

I think it´s cool to hear that a game uses the revmote in more than just one controllscheme.

It prooves that it´s not that hard to invent controllmechanics for the FHC.

And that there´s no huge deal to port a game....many people believe it´s too costly to invent a controllscheme for revolution,which is exactly total b/c....


Mario party will be cool with so many unique types to controll the minigames:yay:

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