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Guest Jordan

Whether or not the 360 can actually run that though.

The GPU in the 360 isn't fully Direct X 10 capable, it only has certain elements of the next gen graphics technology.


It certaintly has the power, but probably not the technologies.

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Did anyone get topspin 2 i realy like it as good as number 1 i think the reviews have been abit harsh the ownly downside to it are the graphics looks very similar to topsin 1 but the online is great just like the original.


Yeah, I got my copy yesterday, really enjoying it so far, have been hammering the career mode at the moment so I haven't had a chance to test out the online yet.

Guest Jordan

Just finished Tomb raider and hit 4K gamerscore.

Short and easy on Normal mode. :-/

Guest Jordan

50 points for the first 3 levels.

75 points for the last 2.

125 for finishing easy/normal.

175 for hard mode.


Oh and 25 points per time trial... then theres stuff for collecting medals.

Yeah, I got my copy yesterday, really enjoying it so far, have been hammering the career mode at the moment so I haven't had a chance to test out the online yet.


I'm enjoying it too. Am I just really bad at this game, or is career mode really tough?

I'm enjoying it too. Am I just really bad at this game, or is career mode really tough?


Yeah the career can be quite tough until you get quite a few stars your best off just entering the ones that say minor or major and not the official ones.Has anyone come across the invisible man in career mode ive had it 4times now and have all been in the final it makes it quite hard when the only thing you can see is your players hat.



Guest Jordan

Great little program, i had one like it before but it was such a memory hog.

Has anyone come across the invisible man in career mode ive had it 4times now and have all been in the final it makes it quite hard when the only thing you can see is your players hat.




Yeah, I've had the invisible man, just the once though, happened while I was playing in a masters tournament, managed to get through the first round and then he appeared in the second round so there went any chance oif me making the quarter finals. From now on I'm saving between rounds on tournaments, just in case.


Is this the right place to discuss xbox live stuff? I looked in the Online boards but tehy looked a little dead. Just wanted to ask some questions. I have a core xbox 360.

Do you need a credit card to get on live or just a debit card?

Do I need a hardrive?

Oh my xbox and broadband are two rooms apart can I get a wirleless thing?

Also what games do you guys play online/which ones shall I get? Ive heard ghost recon is a classic online. Co-op stuff sounds fun. I probably won't be getting on LIVE till summer because of finances and study but will be classic to play with some RE members when I do.

Guest Jordan

You need a visa or mastercard, debit or credit.

You need either a HDD or a memory card... though the latter is probably better.

You can get a wireless adapter yes, but it isn't cheap.

Ghost Recon is good online, Halo 2 definatly, Kameo Co-op is fun, Burnout Revenge is good online also.


Basically, you can get live Silver which is free and on certain weekends online play is free... gold is obviously much better.


You can get cheaper wireless thingys that aren't amde my M$ but work fine... and when you get XBL silver you get 1 month free gold u can check it out.

You don't need a credit card/debit card. You can just buy one of those paper card thingys which have a code on it and you just enter the code on XBL.

Battlefield Modern combat is comming, that should be fun online. Otherwise.. Halo 2.. and everyone sas GRAW is really good.


Cool thanks for all the help guys. I have a maestro card so I guess thats ok and I can get one of those cards if not then.

Are these wirless things expensive :/ Really need some money nevermind. So do you guys here play ghost recon co-op? I love co-op shooting games would be classic to get involved.


You should buy a subscription card of ebay. MUCH cheaper. Amazon and play and gameplay and stuff is £35.. shops are £40 (i think) and if you look on ebay you can get it for like £22 and around that price (£25)... and if you don't want shipping costs you can ask the seller to just email you the code to put into your xbox live.

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