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Red Steel -1ST Rev game screenshots in gameinformer


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Cool :)



SO lets take a look at the GFX. IT's simpley amazing. This is revolutionary in many ways.



Sony showed you whats look like a greate game. To bad it dosen't look as good as the games on our console. We are taking a step in the right direction. Better GFX and Xbox live.



Look at the way it changes the way we play and involve our self with games forever.




if Red Steel only looked half as good , it would still make a better impression then Gow or MGS4 at e3 because how its played ....

i think people are STARVING for inovation , and NEW gameplay (ds is proof, if this were not true , psp would be sold out ;not ds )...


Gow and MGS4 will look AMAZING , but playing them will feel OUTDATED...

Red Steel will look amazing, and play AMAZING!



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You just can't compare Red Steel to either God of War or Metal Gear Solid.. Metal gear has earnt it's status as one of the best games ever. The same applies for God of War..


Like Bookerman said, we don't know much about it yet, even a control scheme can't make a freaking game.


It's good but not godly.. and doesn't deserve to be compared to one until it has earnt it.

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Control Scheme won't totally make the game but it will help show how good it is,you can't really compare them all because in their own rights are all different.And each game will play different.Will be harder for Red Steel because of Metal Gear because it's got such great games.

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I find the metal gear solid game play mechanics to be more outdated then most other games

the game is mostly played at a overhead view like 2d zelda games and the original metal gears for nes are played ...

every boss fight feels like a chore instead of being fun ...

Fighting ocelot in mgs 1 for the first time in the room rigged up with c4 ....beating this battle meant you run in a circle over and over and over , shoting occasionally (everyone remembers this fight) ...it was a lame fight and i thought mgs 2 and 3 wouldnt share the same lameness in its boss fights and controls....(but they are exactly the same)

Now think about when your fighting ocelot as a boss for the first time in mgs3 , you shoot him , he shoots you , back and forth , back and forth , theres nothing else to do besides that ....

i could win most boss fights , just standing in one spot, eating rations all day ...



all MGS's are , are just super long movies,with great storylines , and amazing graphics.. i find the controls in ever mgs to be terrible , but that doesnt stop me from buying every


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Not sure if its been mentioned anywhere but Red Steel is to sit alongside MGS4 and Gears of War at E3



Speaking on this, both Nintendo and Ubisoft know that this will be big at E3. Having Red Steel, Gears of Wars, MGS4 in one session creates the perfect situation for Ubisoft using Nintendo's strategy to show that even thought Red Steel is behind graphically it's ahead in controlability. For Nintendo, E3 will be the place to prove to the public that what they have done is the best road to take. It maybe be a one shot thing for Nintendo but as the have done with the DS, I believe they will do it once again with their new home console. But only this time they will have a much better software lineup from launch unlike the DS.

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Look legit to me.

Who says they're final versions? Nobody.. they have to work on an engine before the work on the graphics.


I call alpha version leak.


What satisfaction does anyone get from making such a shoddy fake? None,,



Probably the same satisfaction as the person who made Nintendo ON

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The images look really bad there,kinda 'fuzzy' looking.Why would the release alpha versions when they've already released nearly finshed shots? Lighting is bad aswell.I don't care if they are fake or not,i've sen the first batch and that will keep me going.

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Probably the same satisfaction as the person who made Nintendo ON
Err no, slight difference is Nintendo ON was a health and safety risk.

Put a mask over your head and go run around your room- yeah great fucking idea.


This however isn't so ludicrous.. because it isn't proposing that it can read your brain. It's just a screenshot.. and you guys are acting all defensive because it doesn't look so great.


All games have to start somewhere.

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Still looks just a little better than Xbox but I don't really care. It even has more advantages than disadvantages: smaller, low-power, cheaper, easy and fast to make games... Graphics are a lot more important on the artistic side really. Gamecube and PS2 have proven that to me. Graphics don't need to come close to reality. If that's what you want, then I'm affraid you have forgotten the true essence of gaming just as many others have.

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