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Red Steel -1ST Rev game screenshots in gameinformer


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Oooooooooooooooooooooone question!


In the cover pic what is that thing. A sword or a simple knife? Whateva I'll loooooooove it!!!


It;s a sword because of the "blood line" , it's also stright so probaly a ninja sword, maybe a Ninja-Ken...

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I think we have a Winner...hell I thought we had a Winner when they told us the name of the console, This Console is just going to blow the hell away from any other, E3 is even more far away after seeing these screenies

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WOW yes baaaby!! I thought all the pain will be over in this moment, but i feel it´s only been the beginning...I´m going to go crazy..... THis just looks soo good as it was handdrawn.......

I´m really happy, and all those haters and nay-sayers are going to suck a big dick....

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