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That's unlikely, it's probably a power source yet to be discovered by mankind, given to Nintendo by an alien race because they like Zelda.


The good thing thing about it is that the power source makes the Rev compatible with Dolby Digital, cassette tapes and gold fish fodder.


What is the 2nd secret? The 1st is the controller right? Or is the 1st the virtual console?


BTW, nice cartoon! Reminds me of watching Star Trek: TNG and all of those holo deck scenarios!:p Who'd want to be hurt by a game!

To be honest, I don't think there's another ground breaking aspect of the revolution which is yet to be announced.

Nintendo said that this secret feature is more revolutionary than the controller.


The true revolution is without a doubt, a fish delivery service.


he he, I just started a new rumour.




Two days later, on th gamefaqs forum: OMFG! TeH 3 rEvOlUtIoN iS tEh FiSh DeLiVeRy SeRvIcE!11!

It was a long time ago. Trust me they said it, or at least something along the lines.


To back Stocka up I do remember them saying that. Can't find the source though soz.


I think we really are all barking up the wrong tree. Nintendo wouldn't say there was a secret if it wasn't worth:

A. protecting from competitors still in development

and therfore if A is true:

B. it is not easily guessed and they can safely reveal there is a secret but it's totally mind blowing.


it's hard for us to comprehend I guess.. I have faith Nintendo won't let me down..but I'm a very skeptical realist when it comes to this.. I think it's gonna be Miyamoto brain juice.


I will co-sign what Stocka said, Nintendo said that the next secret is more revolutionary.

I didn't hear Iwata point to the flap on the Revolution console and say "the real Revolution is in here" but I did hear Iwata say the secret is more revolutionary.. it's certainly not gonna be a microphone, or some piss poor hardware revision.

Possibly a insant girlfriend finder? *Hopes that is true*


LMAO Just use LYNX mate it always works for me.;)


EDIT(Did u say finder I thought u meant blinder soz)

Nintendo said that this secret feature is more revolutionary than the controller.


I hope it's as groundbreaking as the megaton announcement was!!!!1111one-one-one-eleven

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