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Why Mozart?


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I'm in the midst of writing a German report on Mozart's life and compositions even though I don't know anything about music. This is a little problem, though, as I have to write something intelligent and not just tell about his life.;)


So I have this one question, I would like some help with:


Why was Mozart so special and popular?


I hope you can answer this 'cause I cannot!

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, born in Salzburg (Sailsbury) Austria, simply was a genius regarding music. Pretty similar to Einstein in Maths. At the age of five he could create compositions, play fluently and needed very little teaching. He had an incredible understanding of what sounded right and what sounded wrong and surpassed skilled compositors at a very young age, while they had to practice every day to get that good it was almost natural to Mozart. The difference in musical style to other compsitors however is not that big, everyone played classics mainly on the great piano or some precedessor but Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was almost a pop star because he was very young and a genius. He played for the Kaiser and gave many concerts for the rich. As he got older he also created some operas with political background that brought him surprisingly little trouble. Everything he did in music had a very good sound and didn't get boring, it just seems right - listen to one for yourself, even though I doubt you like classic you must admit it still sounds very good.

However, I doubt that Mozart would be as successful if he lived nowadays because music tastes changed and I'm not sure how well Mozart would be on a E-Guitar.


I hope this helps, I could also write in in german if you need it :D

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He also broke the mould as far as Musical style went. The closest comparison you can probably find is Picasso. Both were phenominal at their given area from an early age and both went on to completely change these areas. Mozart felt that musical compaosing had stagnated and become dull (not unlike the games industry!) so he was trying to really capture something new and energetic.


He was also a notorious party animal womaniser. His reputation and fame came from this as much as his work. As said above, hes the original rock star. Also his work was quite unappreciated at the time, one classical quote from a Royal (sorry can't remember who) said that one of his pieces had "too many notes" to which Moxart replied that there were as many notes as were needed. Also he was quite Mathematical about his composition in the fact that he often reflected and inverted not patterns or phrases. You will often hear sectino on one piece that sound like another being played backwards.


Seriously though, just go and have a quick dig on the net.

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