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The fight for the Moon


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Flawed, flawed and yep flawed. Everyone of those points is appaling. Did anyone watch question time and see that uber geek go on about how sep 11th the planes were not airliners but missiles and then Dimbelby destroyed him by saying I wonder who was making phone calls to their relatives. BOOM HEADSHOT.


You say what I said was flawed and don't say why. :hmm:


You didn't even use the quote button, why am I even bothering with this.


I'll admit the no shadow thing I said was bollocks, I don't know what the fuck I was smoking when I saw it last time -- but after checking it out again the shadows and reflections were all wrong.

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Your opinion doesn't actually prove that it didn't happen though, does it? There is plenty of evidence to suggest that it did.


I'm not trying to prove anything i'm just saying my opinion.


Science geeks have proved it wrong ages ago but some American universitys persist that it's right but it's kind of suspicious that only American's seem to think it was the real thing y'know.

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I'm not trying to prove anything i'm just saying my opinion.


Science geeks have proved it wrong ages ago but some American universitys persist that it's right but it's kind of suspicious that only American's seem to think it was the real thing y'know.


They haven't proved it 'wrong' though, have they? Unless you can supply your sources.


There was a cold war going on at the time. If it was faked Russia would've been first in line line to throw the Communist Potato of Doubt at their Capitalist enemies.

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It was all propoganda back then.


Man listen to yourself. Do you even understand what propoganda is? To say everything from America was 'propoganda' is absurd. Have you reasearched the period at depth? Can you gaurentee that every news outlet was under tight control by the government?

I am sorry if my tone is brash but I am annoyed by the rampant anti americanism with no basis in logic or reason. I didn't quote you before becaue when I copy and paste it only pastes one line. I am sorry for that discourtesy and this is no personal attack on you.

To say why the points were flawed. Firstly to say it came from a university is just better than saying it was one side of a debate at a newsagents. Many things come from universities and many things are proven false, it is a place of intellectual debate not a place where infallible truth leaks from every proffesor.

The movie argument is just your observation and I would ask what would you have it look like? Do you want it filmed in widescreen and have smooth edges and high definition flags? My point is neither you nor I know what it looks like on the moon apart from sources that we have to place trust in.

The third argument just repells me and is why this whole post may come across in bad temper. It is illogical and racist. But of course because its aimed at America its allowed to slide. Nice.

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I can't stand you people who seem hell bent on believing the moon landings were fake.


Give me evidence that proves it was fake. Go on, I challenge thee!


And the whole "the shadows were cast in different directions therefore there were multiple light sources" rant is a pile of crap. If you stop and think about perspective you'll realise that shadows do appear to converge on each other.


Man listen to yourself. Do you even understand what propoganda is? To say everything from America was 'propoganda' is absurd. Have you reasearched the period at depth? Can you gaurentee that every news outlet was under tight control by the government?


True, partly. News media might not have been under strict control by the government, but at that time you were either a full blooded capitalist or a evil commie bastard. The things was, if you said that the moon landings were fake you'd probably be hung strung and quartered by a mob of commie fearing citizens. The space race had alot to do with showing the west that they were one-up on the soviets. Back then everyone was in a constant fear of all hell raining down on them in the form of ICBM's, and when you have a society in that state of fear, it's easy to manipulate them.


With all that said and done, I still think the moon landings were legit.





AAArgh! :shock:

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