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Atomic Boo

Worst injuries

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Once when i was 8 i road my bike into a wall (i did it as a bet for a tenner) i flew and hit the wall causing me to faint and when i hit the floor my mate told me i landed funny on leg causeing it to dislocate but at least i got the tenner

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Tell that guy he owes you another tenner, i wouldn't do that for a tenner, twenty at the least.

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I played a game of chicken on my bike against someone else on his bike, neither of us "chickend out", it wasn't a nice experince.

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Tell that guy he owes you another tenner, i wouldn't do that for a tenner, twenty at the least.

sadly he got run over by a car last year :weep:

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when I was four, I was in the next door neighbours garden (was friends with their kids and we had been invited so I was in there legitimatly) anyway, they and my brother ran into the house while I was on the swing, I let the swing stop, then I ran after them.

unfortunatly there was an uneven paving slab, and the night before the neighbour and her b/f had a fight involving a bottle which lay broken on the back door step.

falling, I put my hands down to save me from a face plant (as you do) and ended up having my thumb lengthened. can't remember the exact details, it was pretty clean, the cut was about half the width of my hand at the time (not big as I was only four).

anyway, my hand soon filled up with blood, next door neighbour came out pretty quick, and popped me back in my garden and left me to it 8-).

my mum wasn't too pleased when she saw I had a handful of blood pouring onto the floor inside the house.

Anyway, I had my hand wrapped in a bandage to stop me bleeding dry (there was a fair amount of blood in the garden and neighbours garden, musta looked a bit sick!

and then I went to the hospital where they sewed my hand back up without any pain relief.

they were worried about my tendon, but its ended up pretty much perfect, I have a slight loss of flexibility on the affected thumb, but its not really noticeable so :)

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