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Singstar Rock

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Maximo Park, Apply Some Pressure


Stereophonics, Dakota

The Killers, Somebody Told Me


Bloc Party, Banquet

Franz Ferdinand, Do You Want To?

Kasabian, Club Foot

Razorlight, Somewhere Else

Jet, Are You Gonna Be My Girl?



Bowling for Soup, 1985

The Bravery, An Honest Mistake


Those are the songs i wouldn't mind singing

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I like singstar but i'm really disliking the tracklisting so far, sadly.


Can't wait to see which other artists are on it.


Hopefully a Singstar Emo will come out, lol :grin:


(I'm being 100% serious, seriously)

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Singstar Emo might be a bit...difficult.


Why would it be difficult? It is a little..i don't know...i mean it's like bringing out a game called Singstar Chav ain't it? Whats the word?


Taking Back Sunday, Panic! At the disco, Fall Out Boy how cool would it be though? Thats my type of music! :hehe:

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I mean difficult to do. What kind emo are we talking about here; emo as in screamo, or pop(ular)-emo?


Panic! seem more I dunno, Hip/Pop/Rock to me, too upbeat and silly for emo. TBS I'd agree, FOB hmm im on the fence. Was discussing it today with people and we came to the conclusion they're rock. Genres are tricky. I'd say Test Icicles is emoish but apparently not (according to GraceNote).


But anyway, I meant it would be difficult to do screamo, bit straining. Plus emo gamers are hardly the largest demographic.

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I mean difficult to do. What kind emo are we talking about here; emo as in screamo, or pop(ular)-emo?


Panic! seem more I dunno, Hip/Pop/Rock to me, too upbeat and silly for emo. TBS I'd agree, FOB hmm im on the fence. Was discussing it today with people and we came to the conclusion they're rock. Genres are tricky. I'd say Test Icicles is emoish but apparently not (according to GraceNote).


But anyway, I meant it would be difficult to do screamo, bit straining. Plus emo gamers are hardly the largest demographic.


Ah i get ya! Yeah i see what you mean, couldn't be screamo could it? Quite difficult and give gamers very bad throats.




See with the Singstar rock tracklisting i probably wouldn't enjoy singing them that often. I mean the Stereophonics song is pretty good, it's just not worth buying at the mo, will see which other songs are on it...


Now Buzz! The Big Quiz i'm definately buying.

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Hmm I'd imagine they would try and get The Arctic Monkeys on, jump on the bandwaggon and such. I'd love The Strokes - Juicebox to be on there. Or even a Panic! song as you said. Would be amusing for personal reasons if Dashboard Confessional ended up on there.

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It if was sing star emo, there would be a queue to slit your wrists hundreds of times. Imagine the blood loss1


Anyway, i don't quite get how this game works. How does it know when you're saying the right words? O_o

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Anyway, i don't quite get how this game works. How does it know when you're saying the right words? O_o

It doesn't, it just knows the pitch. You can fool the game by just saying things like "aaaa" or "eee" at different pitch.

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It doesn't, it just knows the pitch. You can fool the game by just saying things like "aaaa" or "eee" at different pitch.


But whats the fun in that?


I think its more of a multiplayer game really, cause it scores you on your pitch perfomance, but then your friends can judge you too. C'mon, whats more fun than having friends judge you?

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But whats the fun in that?


I think its more of a multiplayer game really, cause it scores you on your pitch perfomance, but then your friends can judge you too. C'mon, whats more fun than having friends judge you?


Well it comes with 2 mics and it's much better in multiplayer!


I've only bought Singstar and really enjoyed it! The more players the better mind you!

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Full track listing: http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=63066


Wouldn't really call "What You Waiting For?" rock, something like "Just a Girl" may have been more suitable but I like the song. Also would have preferred "Walk Idiot Walk" to "Hate To Say I Told You So" but all in all a good listing in my opinion.

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This would be a good party game. I might have to pick up a PS2 for games like this and ofcourse, 24: The Game.


"Queen - Don't Stop Me Now"


I would buy it for that song alone (if I had a PS2 and regular parties).

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Blur - Song 2

Queen - Don't Stop Me Now

The Bravery - An Honest Mistake

The Hives - Hate To Say I Told You So

The Killers - Somebody Told Me


Yay! I am almost tempted to get this game... considering the amount of hours of un I have put into Donkey Konga with friends, this could be great!

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Picked this up today, but doubt I'll get a chance to play it (plus I've got a headache). Anyone else got/getting it?

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