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N-E Online Mario Parties (Week 27 - Waluigi's Island - MP3)


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Some interesting games going on here.


That last mini game decided all the placing! Nuts!
It went by too quick though, so screw it! Straight to Mario Party 2's Pirate Land!


@Dcubed lost 3rd place because of TOAD In The Box. Yes, really. Everyone had 1 star going into the Bonus Star handouts! Very close game.
I appreciate Mario Party 1's weirdness, but after 9 games, it feels great to be playing a more balanced game!

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Boy howdy! Did we get some choice clips!

Seriously, 3! It ended up like this!


@BowserBasher was the one person who didn't land on the Bowser Space, but he had his own way of making everyone hate him.

He had the least to lose, so he bought everyone down to his level, a very Mario Party 1 move, that.


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Right, so because we already started Mario Party 2 this week, our next game will be on...

Western Land


After giving Capt. Bowser an impromptu vasectomy (Yes, really), we're moving on to to the Wild West, where Bowser the Brash is running havoc. Huh? No, they're totally different Koopas! Don't be ridiculous.

The main thing to watch out for is the train that travels around the tracks, it moves to the next station whenever someone lands on an happening space, and if you're standing in the way, you'll get sent back to start. Thankfully, unlike Pirate Land, this doesn't happen all the bloody time, and if you're smart about it, it can give you an advantage.

Thursday, after Mario Kart will likely be the next time all four of us will be available.

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18 hours ago, Glen-i said:

He had the least to lose, so he bought everyone down to his level, a very Mario Party 1 move, that.


HAHA That was so much fun. I love how @Dcubed thought he got away with it by using his golden mushroom just before hand. Best move of the night for me,

Great fun, much more fair than MP1. Also Glen I'm not sure who you @ in that tweet nor do I know how you got that zero with a strikethrough.


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11 minutes ago, BowserBasher said:

Also Glen I'm not sure who you @ in that tweet nor do I know how you got that zero with a strikethrough.

I tried to @ you. But something freaked out and that happened. It was so bizarre that I didn't bother fixing it.

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Thanks for the games. :D

Of course there was hardly any lag on the previous weeks when I wasn't streaming our games, this week there was a lot, but it added to the experience...

It'll be interesting to see how it runs next week, I'm not sure what changed, or if it's just because the GameBoy service recently launched.

Here's a link to this week's stream... :peace:


Mario Party 2 on the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack - N-Europe Multiplayer (10/02/2023)


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@Dcubed's moaning about @BowserBasher using his Plunder Chest to secure his second place, but it was impossible to overtake me anyway, due to him and me getting a Happening Star. He made the right choice.

Some choice moments. Now with warbled music!

It's not very often that using a Magic Lamp when you can't afford a star is the best move. It bloody is when the Plunder Chest is involved!
Worth keeping in mind for the rest of Mario Party 2.

Timestamped for your convenience


Worth noting that @Dcubed stole a star from me right before this.
Safe to say, that turn was the most decisive one of the night.

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Space Land


Bowser the Brash has been taken down with the power of shortness! But now, Black Hole Bowser is threatening the entire Galaxy! Rosalina doesn't exist in the year 2000, so we're gonna have to sort it out ourselves.

Landing on a Happening Space in this board will cause a police car chase to occur down the corresponding green lanes, those in the way will get dragged along and forceably moved. Utilising the Snifit Police can extend the chase sequence, possibly dragging more people along, but that involves a fair bit of chance in order to be beneficial.
What's more noteworthy is the middle section. That "5" will tick down whenever someone passes that junction, and when it hits "0"? Well, let's just say you don't want to be on that long diagonal path when that happens.

Friday at 8pm is when I next expect this game to take place.

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Thanks for the games. :D

The online seemed to hold up a lot better this week, aside from a few disconnections.

Some good moments as well, such as the draws in the minigames, and some great/not so great dice rolls.

Here's a link to this week's stream... :peace:


Mario Party 2 on the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack - N-Europe Multiplayer (17/02/2023)

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Mystery Land


Black Hole Bowser didn't expect Yoshi to be able to run at the speed of sound, then again, who did? Now we move on to a board that looks somewhat similar to Wario's Battle Canyon. It's not as random. The dreaded Bowser Sphinx resides here, cursing all who meet it with the most devious of riddles.

You mostly move between the islands by landing on a happening space. So I hope your dice game is up to snuff. There are ways to bribe yourself to where you need to go though. Of note is the Shy Guy Curse House, where you can pay to put a slow curse on someone, including yourself. It may come in handy.

Friday night is when I expect we'll play this board.

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