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Holy hell! I may have spent the last 7 hours playing and I've only just gotten to FF 9. (Going by release order, so Mystic Quest and Tactics is done, but I skipped over the 7 spin-offs and remake)

Someone help me!

Not keen on the game reverting to the short version of Dancing Mad and One-Winged Angel though. That sucks.

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21 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Not keen on the game reverting to the short version of Dancing Mad and One-Winged Angel though. That sucks.

Great, the Advent Children version of One Winged Angel is still it's massive 6 minute version. So now I'm completely flummoxed on why everything else seems to have been shortened to 2 minutes.

I'm up to Dissidia now (past the 2005 mark).

Wonderful, wonderful game.

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Currently working through Final Fantasy 7 remake. Went through the series in order except for the first one where they locked you to the demo series So I started with Final Fantasy 2 then did 1. Got 2 "All Critical" so far and most of the songs are perfeect chains. Doing it all on the basic score then moving up to Expert when they're done.

Been failing most of the quests because I switch out to the new characters every time i start a series so they're underleveled. I'll go back once I unlock endless mode at the end and work my way through the failed quests with a stronger party.

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29 minutes ago, martinist said:

Been failing most of the quests because I switch out to the new characters every time i start a series so they're underleveled. I'll go back once I unlock endless mode at the end and work my way through the failed quests with a stronger party.

Great minds, I've been doing the same. Just feels right. Although, I might be going overkill, because I only use characters that match the game they're from. Which led to the awkward realisation that I couldn't kill anything in Mystic Quest because I only had Benjamin in the party for those songs.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, darksnowman said:

Didn't you have to pay them to take yours? ;) 

How do you think I know?

If I had to choose 4 songs from Live A Live, I probably would've gone with the ones they chose here. Of course, I would've preferred it if they all were the HD-2D versions, but eh...

4 isn't enough though. I can think of three more that should be here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

World Ends With You songs are now out.

3 from the first game, 3 from the sequel.

I recognise the final boss music of NEO from the title and that is a very fine choice!

EDIT: It's the full version! Even better! There is one song that I probably would've swapped in NEO. It's not bad, but that game has better options.

Good pack.

DOUBLE EDIT: OK, no. I do have some misgivings with "Calling". It's half the length then it was in Curtain Call and it doesn't have the Tokyo backdrop. Which is just wrong.

It's made me realise that all the field music in DLC songs don't have unique backgrounds. It wasn't as noticeable with Live A Live and Romancing Saga, but it's very noticeable here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

First Nier pack is out now.

Weirdly enough, all 5 songs are from Automata. That caught me off guard. There's 2 Nier packs though, so I imagine songs from the first game will happen then.

I'm glad Emil's shop is in there, but all in all, I think the songs aren't as good as the Nier songs from Curtain Call.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Second SaGa pack is out now. Skipping over Romancing SaGa 2 and 3 to give us 4 songs from SaGa Frontier, 2 from SaGa Frontier 2, and 1 song each from Unlimited SaGa, and SaGa SCARLET GRACE: AMBITIONS.

It's a very solid pack, (Then again, it's SaGa music) there's 7 songs that weren't in Curtain Call. "T260G's Last Battle" has a very cool developing background.

"Battle #5" is proper good though, that's my favourite here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The second Nier pack is available now. Focusing on the first game, the three Nier songs from Curtain Call return, along with two new songs, and one from Nier Replicant.

After "Calling" got it's length cut in half, I was concerned that "Shadowlord" would get the same treatment, but nope! It's still over 4 minutes long, and it is glorious! The long slow section before the hectic fourth minute makes for a really great rhythm game track!

The new songs are solid too. A very good pack here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The first Chrono Pack is available now. 6 songs from Chrono Trigger, and 1 from Chrono Cross.

The majority of these were in Curtain Call, except for "Wings That Cross Time". And anything Chrono Cross is new to Theatrhythm.

There's still a few songs from Chrono Trigger missing that were in Curtain Call, but there's a second pack in the future, so we'll likely fill out the rest then.

Anyway, you don't need me to tell you this is a good pack. It's freaking Chrono Trigger!

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  • 3 weeks later...

The second Chrono Pack is out now. 5 more Chrono Trigger songs, 2 of which weren't in Theatrhythm Curtain Call, and 1 more Chrono Cross song.

"Frog's Theme" and "Wind Scene" are in this pack, which are two of my favourite songs from the game! Yeah, they were in Curtain Call, so no surprise there.

What is a nice surprise is "To Far Away Times" being the full version. It's one of the greatest credit roll songs in gaming history (Yes, better then Mario 64, I said it), and I'm glad it gets the full shabang here.

Only makes me wonder why Calling got cut even more.

Anyway, "Scars of Time" from Chrono Cross is also a fantastic choice.

Another great pack, but again... Chrono Trigger music.

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I've been working my way through the Expert scores through every song. I'm on Final Fantasy 7 at the moment. Go a while to go untill i'm through the rest plus the DLC. Been leveling all the characters to 99 through silver and golden eggs in order. Finished wit hthe FF7 characters and i'm onto the FF7 R ones,

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  • 1 month later...

I finally finished the Final Fantasy 7 stuff on expert. Most characters are at 99. Just have about 15 more to level and i'm done. Kind of running out of eggs though so i'll probably have to level the last few characters without the exp boosts.

One winged angel can go screw itself. I can't remember which version spacifically but one of them was just way too freaking long. Might have been Advent Children. Going for perfect chains on everythnig means i had to restart it god knows how many times.

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On 23/07/2023 at 7:23 PM, martinist said:

I finally finished the Final Fantasy 7 stuff on expert. Most characters are at 99. Just have about 15 more to level and i'm done. Kind of running out of eggs though so i'll probably have to level the last few characters without the exp boosts.

One winged angel can go screw itself. I can't remember which version spacifically but one of them was just way too freaking long. Might have been Advent Children. Going for perfect chains on everythnig means i had to restart it god knows how many times.

Oh... Oh, you don't know? Oh no...

Anyway, yeah, it's Advent Children's version of One Winged Angel that is stupidly long.

I kinda like long songs though, playing casually, at least. Chasing a Perfect Chain, though? Totally different matter and I agree with you on that part.

"Band: Rise" from the DX list is probably the hardest long song to perfect though. That one took me a few attempts.

I'm almost done clearing everything on Ultimate difficulty. About 80 songs left.

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2 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Oh... Oh, you don't know? Oh no...

Are there more characters or soemthing? Everyone is 99 now and i still have golden eggs left but i refuse to use them from now on. Going through the rest of the songs with a thief build so i can get as many collecticards and items as possible ot restock my eggs. Finished FF8 will probably start FF9 today.

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On 30/07/2023 at 3:54 PM, martinist said:

Are there more characters or soemthing? Everyone is 99 now and i still have golden eggs left but i refuse to use them from now on. Going through the rest of the songs with a thief build so i can get as many collecticards and items as possible ot restock my eggs. Finished FF8 will probably start FF9 today.

Nah, you have them all. But Lv 99 isn't the highest level. And you need to get some (Not all of them, thankfully) characters to that max to unlock a feat.

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On 30/07/2023 at 3:54 PM, martinist said:

Going through the rest of the songs with a thief build so i can get as many collecticards and items as possible ot restock my eggs.

Honestly, if items are what you need, then I've got a better setup.


Yeah, I know. No Hunter Types seems mad, but Bartz is better then anything they can do.

"Job Mastered!" is absolutely ludicrous, and here's why:

  • It boosts all of Bartz's stats by 150, which is pretty good, as it includes Luck. So more treasure chests!
  • Because it boosts stats, and not abilities, it means he does more damage with triggers and summons and lets him run faster in FMS's.
  • It also happens twice per song, and relatively quickly. So all his stats will be up by 300 before you get halfway, which is nuts.
  • Now here's where it gets broken, Mimic has the exact same activation conditions! This means he'll Mimic Job Mastered!... Twice! That's +600 to all of his stats!
  • And if Bartz is the leader, then everyone in the group with Mimic, will also mimic Job Mastered!... Twice! For +300 to all their stats! (That's a grand total of +1,500)

Combined with that lovely summonstone to up CollectaCard drops, and you've got a veritable card factory, just make sure Bartz leads, and Job Mastered! is above Mimic, and you're golden!

Benjamin and Ciaran help cover status effects that can get in the way of stabbity death (Unfortunately, Stone can break through, but that only lasts 8 seconds, so it's not too bad), while Tyro helps with magic coverage.

And if you want, you can teach them all "Rare Collector" with items to help get rarer cards.

If you want, I can share my Summonstone with you. I'm literally 1 card away from completion thanks to that beaut!

EDIT: Oh right, the other reason I came here. October 11th's pack has finally been revealed.


Looks like the first mystery pack will be a Bravely Default one. The four songs from the first game were in Curtain Call, while the two from the sequel are obviously new. Assuming that the other packs will cover the songs still missing, then every song from Curtain Call is looking to be in this eventually. You can retire your 3DS now.

Also, Bravely Second who? Yeah, that game got proper shafted. Shame too, that soundtrack is very good.

Not sure why they had to keep that secret, considering both games were out back in Feburary, but whatever, both soundtracks are amazeballs, so I'm fine with it.
I probably wouldn't have chosen "Spurred into flight" if I was limited to two songs, mind. I would've gone with this. Or even this.
The second song is perfect though, I'm glad that got in.

But now I have no clue what to expect from the final pack! I want it to be Octopath Traveler II, but I'm not getting my hopes up now.

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Obviously, I haven't done any unreleased DLC yet, but I doubt they'll be any harder then the song above.

Didn't have to resort to 4 White Mages in the end. I maintain my "Use characters from the song I'm playing" streak!

OK, I used 1 White Mage, but Lenna's from FFV anyway, so it still counts.
That song is pure hell, I'm dreading getting to it on Supreme...

Ah, who am I kidding? I'm dreading every song on Supreme!

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