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Cartoons of the prophet muhummed, muslims have now gone "LIAR KILLER DEMON".


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Did I unintentionally spout crap at you Adross? I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to say that organised religion is crap. I didn't even say it at all.

Organised religion is very useful to a great many people, despite the conflict it causes. It has been a massive help to humanity and it needs to be respected.

Richard Dawkins; Fucking Toss-Wank, I agree.

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If you draw an analogy between these cartoons and last year's showing of Jerry Springer The Opera on the BBC, you can see there ARE differences in how different Christianity and Islam react to "attacks" on their faith.


At no point do i recall such a backlash, such hatred in the Christian protests against the BBC's decision to show Springer. Islam has a right to protest against these images, no one is disputing that but, the banners calling for "Europe to have its 9/11" are unaceptable and help to do nothing but further exclude the people and faith of Islam from European Society.


If these people continue to divide themselves from acceptable European Society they should forcefully be removed.


It should also be noted that however much I dislike the UK tabloid press, it has so far been extremely sensitive in not printing these images. However, some people within the Islam faith have protested to the extreme in London and other places with offensive and unacceptable slogans.

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Another wonderful reaction by a group of Muslims:




Do the people in Middle-East only know how to react with violence when faced with something that's upsetting or insulting? It feels like you're experiencing the attitudes of a load of 9-year olds in a playground. However, I wouldn't even give these imbeciles that compliment as at least 9-year olds know that committing arson and vandalising is the wrong way to go about things when someone draws a cartoon that insults you. They really are worse than animals.



Now that's just offensive!


You seriously think that there wouldn't be a similar response from a few people over here if a similar thing happened?

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Another wonderful reaction by a group of Muslims:




Do the people in Middle-East only know how to react with violence when faced with something that's upsetting or insulting? It feels like you're experiencing the attitudes of a load of 9-year olds in a playground. However, I wouldn't even give these imbeciles that compliment as at least 9-year olds know that committing arson and vandalising is the wrong way to go about things when someone draws a cartoon that insults you. They really are worse than animals.


thats bullshit. they are reacting the same way i would if they withheld information about my families safety. dont try and make all muslims look violent.

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You cannot call them animals. It is racist, it is bullshit, you are bullshit.


Wrong it is not racist. Just because he is insulting people from a different race it doesn't mean he is being racist. If he was discriminating then it would be racism but he is not therefore it is not racism. People like you resort to calling someone racist when they clearly are not just to make them feel bad about what they said.

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You can't simply accuse a group of people of being scum though, even if they are commiting wrong. It is an uneducated and purile insult, and is not much better then those idiots waving pro-terroist placards in the streets.


I wasn't denying that it was wrong I was denying that it was racism.

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Wrong it is not racist. Just because he is insulting people from a different race it doesn't mean he is being racist. If he was discriminating then it would be racism but he is not therefore it is not racism. People like you resort to calling someone racist when they clearly are not just to make them feel bad about what they said.

You racist, I cannot believe you would use such racial slander against me.

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Would I be right in assuming this is a joke?

Yeah, sorry the reason I called him racist was because I was trying to piss him off. I am aware of the political correctness gone mad thing and I do realise that just because you hate someone from a different race it does not mean you are racist. Just that you think they're an arsehole.

I apologise.

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Yeah, sorry the reason I called him racist was because I was trying to piss him off. I am aware of the political correctness gone mad thing and I do realise that just because you hate someone from a different race it does not mean you are racist. Just that you think they're an arsehole.

I apologise.


It's ok it just annoys me due to someone at school (won't bore you with the story).

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Yes, of course, calling a group of people so uncivilised that they go round on destructive rampages due to some silly cartoons worse than animals is racist. It's actually making my head hurt arguing with someone as immature as Arragaun who resorts to saying things like "sorry the reason I called him racist was because I was trying to piss him off." in order to justify a point of view which is so far off the mark it's untrue.


Being sensitive to ethnic minorities is obviously sensible, but having these people protest in countries and places where the cartoons haven't even been published is silly. Then we have other people who throw stones and dress up as suicide bombers and ask for more terrorist attacks on the UK and Europe. What do they want the UK government or media to do?


I'd say most publications are pushing the boundaries of sensitivity far enough by not publishing these cartoons unlike other places where they are to show that they can exercise the freedom of the press. However, if some Muslims react by having these unnecessary, verging on stupidly dangerous protests, they should be dealt with appropriately. Any hint of violence or hate in their protesting and I'd get the mace and batons out and teach these retards a lesson. They don't realise how lucky they are to live in a country as accomodating and sensitive country like England (or the rest of the UK).

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Any hint of violence or hate in their protesting and I'd get the mace and batons out and teach these retards a lesson. They don't realise how lucky they are to live in a country as accomodating and sensitive country like England (or the rest of the UK).


A good solid beating would sure get the point across. A sensitive beating of course.

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I admit, twas me! April fools! Good to know a slip of the tongue is similar to dressing up as a suicide bomber in public. Sorry.

I just thought it was slightly ironic that you were threatening to commit acts of violence against people who were threatening to commit acts of violence.

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