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Bush does some good for once?


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bush was voted to be president

hitler was voted to be chancellor, except hindenburg died, and hitler took over through (taken from wiki) "Soon after, president Paul von Hindenburg died on 2 August 1934. Rather than holding new presidential elections, Hitler's cabinet passed a law proclaiming the presidency dormant and transferred the role and powers of the head of state to Hitler as Führer und Reichskanzler (leader and chancellor). Thereby Hitler also became supreme commander of the military, which swore their military oath not to the state or the constitution but to Hitler personally"


the analogy is almost exactly like palpatine.


the thing with bush is, he is the classic american president. everyone is acting as if bush is the first one to have wars with everyone. kennedy did it, roosevelt did it (forced into it), johnson had to finish a war, bush senior did it.

its just like communism really, america feared USA would be a communist country.


well i wont ramble on. but yeah

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He said the US was too reliant on oil, often from "unstable" countries, and had to find alternatives.


I think what is considered as an alternative is to claim that oil-rich countries have atomic bombs and the USA have to take them over therefore and then it's a "stable" oil resource :D

And it's not true that we'll only have Oil for a few year, actually we'll have cheap Oil for about 100 years. When 50% of an Oil field is depleted the extraction costs become too high so the field is abandoned and not considered a resource anymore. But I would be glad if some nature-friendly alternative to Oil was found.

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Don't get too excited, he was lying anyway. Oh, I mean not a lying, he just "Didn't mean it literally"


"One day after President Bush vowed to reduce America's dependence on Middle East oil by cutting imports from there 75 percent by 2025, his energy secretary and national economic adviser said Wednesday that the president didn't mean it literally."



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The fact that Bush is only (truthfully or not) admitting the problem now, does not bode well. Bush has only just acknowledged the problem and Kyoto is hardly a sure-fire way of ending pollution, it's only an agreement for God's sake. It's like setting targets to do in school; "I will spend more time on coursework in future" no one ever follows those through.

Earth is doomed. Terraform Mars.

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