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Guest Stefkov

just to add in something, if the graphics of the rev are 2 to 3 times more powerful than what twilight princess is showing us then id be way more than happy!

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I have seen some games running on PS3 hardware. One exclusive title I saw set to hit in 2007 looks amazing. As far as this year an launch. Make no mistake Sony have to come out "guns blazing" as far as games are concerned. The games have to all look amazing. They can't come with sub-par titles like what the 360 has had in it's first couple months. And I would think that Sony knows this and they will make sure this isn't the case for their titles along with 3rd parties.


Cause Microsoft will have some big titles coming.


BigTac dince you've seen what all three can do. How far (In depth) can you qualify what Iwata said "you will say wow". How far do you think this is true and How massive is the difference in Graphics.


Thank You


: peace:

Everyone is too worried about the graphics.... *whispers* Bloody graphics whores.

Let's be honest - Metroid Prime and Resident Evil 4 wouldn't be half the games they are without their graphics. Graphics are actually quite essential for bringing the gameplay and feel of the game to the player.


Remember only the Revolution CPU is rumoured to be twice as powerful as the Cube's CPU. The graphics also depend on the rest of the system, memory amounts and GPU are a key factor in that. If the Hollywood GPU is an up to date chip with lots of support for shaders and bumpmapping, then making games look like 360 games now (which aren't using the full power yet, mind you) shouldn't be much of a problem, I suppose.

Let's be honest - Metroid Prime and Resident Evil 4 wouldn't be half the games they are without their graphics. Graphics are actually quite essential for bringing the gameplay and feel of the game to the player.


Remember only the Revolution CPU is rumoured to be twice as powerful as the Cube's CPU. The graphics also depend on the rest of the system, memory amounts and GPU are a key factor in that. If the Hollywood GPU is an up to date chip with lots of support for shaders and bumpmapping, then making games look like 360 games now (which aren't using the full power yet, mind you) shouldn't be much of a problem, I suppose.

If rev would be capable of running RE4 on fullscreen and with more interactive surroundings (like bulletholes in stuff you shoot), I'll be more than happy!


I personally found Metroid Prime 2 and The Wind Waker's visuals better, Ressie 4 lacked colors and therefore looked quite boring at times. Technically speaking RE4's graphics are the best on the Cube but that doesn't mean anything to me.


Anyway, with more shaders and bump mapping, they can do an easy improvement of the general look of the game without requiring more polygons or better textures. Most 360 games nowadays are Xbox games with a shader upgrade and more bump mapping than is good for them, but they look more natural. If Nintendo and ATI can give good support for that in the Revolution, games can easily visually improve over stuff like Resident Evil 4.

Are you serious? We got Resident Evil, Phoenix Wright and a viewtiful joe that is not a spin-off. That's enough for me.


And regarding the Revolution: the team that made REDS and Shinji Mikami are both working on an exclusive game. We'll probably get Viewtiful Joe and Resident Evil too.

this comes from a little back but:


GI: As far as Clover Studios in general, what can we expect out of the company in the future? Have they come up with any specific products for Revolution using the remote control or for PS3 and 360?


Inaba: We have had experience with all three dev kits. We’ve been looking into this. It’s something we’re putting a lot of thought into because Clover is a relatively small studio. We’re reluctant to jump onto a bandwagon right now and put all of our strength behind one platform or another. Right now we have nothing to announce. We are thinking very deeply about what our next step will be and taking our time looking at the strengths and weaknesses of each piece of hardware. At Clover, our main goal is to just make really good games. So we’ll think of a game concept then we’ll decide which of the platforms we think is most suited for the kind of game we want to make.

Source: http://www.gameinformer.com/News/Story/200603/N06.0308.1629.19628.htm


Shinji Mikami is at Clover so it seems like everything is still kinda "open" at this point in time... let's pray! Clover would be a wonderful adition to revolution catalog, they are one of the few who really can pull it out matching nintendo quality.


We should probably now add Call of Duty to the Reloution game list. This is great news. Call of Duty was the highest selling XBOX 360 game and for good reason. The Rev controller can only increase the gameplay on this game.


It also show sceptics (have a few of them on this board) that the Revolution doesn't need all the buttons that the 360 etc has. A thing that put me off this game initially was the amount of buttons it used and so instead of a button to lean you would just tilt the controller and instead of click the analougue to melee. You could swing the controller like a fist. (These are only just ideas BTW).


This type of thing will really appeal to non-gamers and having a big name FPS supporting Revo can only say great thing about the console.


I really can't wait for e3 and to finally play this baby.



ps. thnx Big Tac for the tip off Im sure activison have much more up their sleeves like you said.


ALSO : I don't want this thread to turn into a slag off Big Tac thread like many others. If you don't believe thats fine but that doesn't mean you can come and go off topic and insult people. Moderators please take action against such people.

Hurray the more games the better... just not crap ones eh!:wink:


Ive never played a Call of Duty game... but i may give it a go on the Revolution.


neither have i so it could be a baptism of fire so to speak.

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