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Doom Eternal


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According to the eShop it's only 18gb, surely they could have squeezed it onto a 16gb card and released a physical copy. 

It does look quite good though, Panic Button have obviously been working hard the last six months to get it running consistently. I've been slowly working my way through all the previous DOOM games recently so if I enjoy the 2016 reboot on Switch I'll be sure to check out Eternal.

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I'm really enjoying this game - a lot more than I expected. I'm now at the penultimate level, it seems When I posted the above reply, I had just got through the first level and didn't really feel it but the game has really opened up. It's really polished and paced exceptionally well. It's still old-school in the sense that you must just kill everything that moves and basically have unlimited ammo. I die a lot but it's fine, I never lose any progress.

I've encountered a single bug that made me restart the mission. During a fight, the game crashed and once reloaded, I couldn't progress further into the level. Just restarted the mission and got through it no problem.

The game runs smoothly on Switch, never experienced a single frame drop. Incredible. However, in handheld, the monsters look like something from a GameCube game up close. It doesn't matter, though. I just chainsaw them to pixels and then I don't notice. :D 

Edited by MindFreak
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