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6 hours ago, Vileplume2000 said:

Well that is off to a bad start haha. Let's switch to normal games instead of ranked.

Did a few more afterwards.. Did manage to rank up actually, using the Robot. I bought that one with gold, he's one of the cheaper ones, but he's also one of the few I had fun with during the betas.

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Nice! Should also play more ranked, I think you can unlock extra stuff in ranked as well.

Yeah I bought the Ctulhu elephant guy (can't remember the name) as I didn't have a support character available and he was cheap as well with gold. But it baffles me how few support characters there are compared to the other classes. I was looking for a healer as that is always fun to play but couldn't find a proper one.

Violet is fun as well, and Krixi is my favourite mage so far. She even has a tongue-in-cheek reference to The Legend Of Zelda, as she sometimes shouts out "Hey, listen!". Valhein is an ass, I refuse to play the guy as everyone else plays him and he feels a bit overpowered.

Anyway, fun game, I think I will be playing this a lot! Would be nice if we could get more N-E people on board.

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Tried being a Jungler for the first time yesterday. Apparently you can buy exclusive Jungle items if you have Punish as your ability.

It actually went pretty okay, was using Violet and I could quickly gain some money. Seems a lot easier being a Jungler here than in League of Legends for example where you need to get some help of others to take down your first Golem.

Anyway, I found this list and it basically ranks all Switch champions, also providing some tips about what role they fit best and what are their strong and weak points. Pretty useful!


So good job @Sméagol, reaching gold rank with the worst rated champion. :p

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On 09/10/2018 at 3:10 PM, Vileplume2000 said:

So good job @Sméagol, reaching gold rank with the worst rated champion. :p

I'm having trouble getting any higher though. :rolleyes:

I totally forgot, but this is important:

RESET after each match! To prevent crashes. Quit the game, and restart it.

It's annoying, but less annoying than crashing. It's a shame so many people don't know this though.. I keep getting bots on my team. I on the other hand, haven't crashed since.

They are working on it though, and while they haven't foxed the crash yet, apparently they're working on the reconnection issues that go along with the crash.


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I'm currently at rank Silver 2, but hope to at least get to gold this week!

But wow, that crash issue is bad. I had it myself a couple of times, didn't know the workaround was closing the game. I noticed it always crashes on the loading screen after character selection, and when I restart the game I don't get reconnected but just start in a fresh cue for a new game. But they fill in my spot with a bot then?

Anyway, hope they fix it soon, as I get way too much joy from this game. It's also funny playing with people who have no idea what a MOBA is and just run around like mad, or dive face-first into a turret without minion backup.

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I find it funny @RedShell is the only one to return the favour of sending me a gold gift, and he's not even seriously playing the game as far as I can tell. Yet he keeps logging in.. So what's up with that @Nintendo Fan & @Vileplume2000? :p (it's in honour > rankings).

Anyway, another new character tonight (after midnight.. I think 02:00 CEST / 01:00 UK). It's Astrid, a new warrior.

I spent all my gold on the last new character, and haven't used him much so far. Though he seems pretty good if you're good with him.

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27 minutes ago, Sméagol said:


I find it funny @RedShell is the only one to return the favour of sending me a gold gift, and he's not even seriously playing the game as far as I can tell.


Yeah, I’m not not actually playing it at all, just claiming the daily rewards :hehe: as I might get into it at some point.

Too many other games to play right now though.

Will keep sending you gold as long as I’m logging in though. :D 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a quick break from Dark Souls to finally play this again.. And there seems to be an Halloween event starting tonight. Furthermore, it seems they have fixed the crash issues?

The Halloween event starts at midnight UK I think. You can actually get a new character (MGanga) simply as a daily login reward, and you can unlock one of his skins when using him during the event if you complete the challenges. This will also get you plenty of gems.

They also regularly add characters it seems, the most recent one is Tel'Annas, a new ranger. She seems to be pretty good from what I've seen so far, and I hear she was pretty popular in the mobile version.

I think I'll try to get some games in tomorrow with the clown dude for the Halloween event. (though I probably should check more games for the Halloween or other events, like Fortnite and Mario)

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On 29-10-2018 at 8:47 PM, Sméagol said:

Had a quick break from Dark Souls to finally play this again.. And there seems to be an Halloween event starting tonight. Furthermore, it seems they have fixed the crash issues?

The Halloween event starts at midnight UK I think. You can actually get a new character (MGanga) simply as a daily login reward, and you can unlock one of his skins when using him during the event if you complete the challenges. This will also get you plenty of gems.

They also regularly add characters it seems, the most recent one is Tel'Annas, a new ranger. She seems to be pretty good from what I've seen so far, and I hear she was pretty popular in the mobile version.

I think I'll try to get some games in tomorrow with the clown dude for the Halloween event. (though I probably should check more games for the Halloween or other events, like Fortnite and Mario)

I've played a quick game of 3v3 with @Nintendo Fanyesterday. Was playing as MGanga, and the opposite team had a MGganga as well. There is one challenge where you have to kill a boss as him. So that other guy was attempting to killing the boss on the 3v3 map, he was almost dead as was the boss. I went ahead and finished the job, killing them both with a good blow. Good times. :D

Haven't played with (or unlocked) Tel'Annas but I think she has a skill where she increases range, and can attack turrets while staying out of their range. Looks like an interesting character and may be my next unlock!

I try to play this game and/or Paladins for 1 or 2 games daily, it's a shame not more people are on board! Although I can't blame them with the amount of (online) titles out on the Switch.

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8 hours ago, Vileplume2000 said:

I've played a quick game of 3v3 with @Nintendo Fanyesterday. Was playing as MGanga, and the opposite team had a MGganga as well. There is one challenge where you have to kill a boss as him. So that other guy was attempting to killing the boss on the 3v3 map, he was almost dead as was the boss. I went ahead and finished the job, killing them both with a good blow. Good times. :D

Haven't played with (or unlocked) Tel'Annas but I think she has a skill where she increases range, and can attack turrets while staying out of their range. Looks like an interesting character and may be my next unlock!

I try to play this game and/or Paladins for 1 or 2 games daily, it's a shame not more people are on board! Although I can't blame them with the amount of (online) titles out on the Switch.

Yeah, I played him as well when he wasn't already picked. He's obviously a popular choice during this event (which last a few more days I believe). But I had a few games where nobody chose him, so I chose him. And he's pretty easy to play, so I got enough kills to get most of the rewards. Only the skin is left, I need a few more kills, but that's certainly doable. Nice job on the two birds one stone thing. :laughing: I wish the game had video capture though. Had a nice moment myself yesterday, as I caught the enemy team trying to kill the ehh big boss (forgot the name, not the dragon). I thought "well let's crash the party", so I went in there. Team members were close and immediately picked up on what my plan was and joined in. I think some of them escaped and survived, but we got the buff, and massacred them in the end.

Tel'Annas had a reputation, and now I know why. She looks awesome. I played her in practice (tip: all characters are available in practice). And yes, she had an ability to increase her range for a few seconds. Just outside of turret range. She's not the only one who can damage turrets outside their range though. She will also be my next unlock, saving up right now. I even activated one of my double gold cards for it. I think I'll use the increase attack rate power up on her.

Haven't played Paladins in a long time, except for the odd game recently, to check out all the new stuff I missed. Will get back to it at some point.

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Yep, never playing that again. :indeed:

Edit: Got my skin though.

Edit: And got my first legendary character. Guess who it is. :laughing:

Also unlocked Tel'Annas. Only played one game with her though. She's a beast. But not in my hands. I did destroy a lot of towers.

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10 hours ago, Sméagol said:

Yep, never playing that again. :indeed:


10 hours ago, Sméagol said:

Edit: And got my first legendary character. Guess who it is. :laughing:


Thanks for the games! They were not my finest but very enjoyable. :D With Zanis I completely forgot what his ultimate did, so first time I used that didn't work out haha. Hated that Valhein in the 3v3 match, with his bloody stuns.

Need 8 more kills with Mganga so I'm going for that tonight. After that I'm tempted to pick up Tel'Annas as well.

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  • 1 month later...

Finally reached Platinum last night. That took a lot of going up and down on Gold, haha. But this is probably end of the line for me, end of the season / start of the new season is in 2 weeks I believe. But did it with Robot, never played anyone else in ranked. I love Robot, and I love playing as the character considered to be practically the worst. :laughing: Anyway, I earned almost 4 level 3 Arcana thanks to that.

Still miss the video capture feature though. Had an hilarious win in a standard game. Teams were about even. Similar score and all the high towers still standing on both sides. Then the enemy team attempts to kill the Dark slayer. I jump in (with Robot), steal the buff like am motherfucking boss, then ran the hell out of there. Enemy team just plain surrendered after that.


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