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Spyro Reignited Trilogy


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Yeah, Toys for Bob's reprogramming of the original games isn't fullproof. I've encountered a few game breaking glitches during the course of the playthrough. Including


- The duck in Mystic Marsh not spitting the turnip whenever I bring the rubber duck over

- The lap counter stopped working on the Lost Fleet skateboarding race and the positions dropped all the way down

- One other instance in Spyro 3.


Getting towards the end of the trilogy now and was about to take on the final boss when I read that the actual requirement for unlocking the Sparx levels was simply to beat the area's boss. I had 140/149 eggs and went back to do the Sparx levels thinking there would be two eggs in each world. But there was only one.


So, where are the other eggs? Turns out I completely missed a speedway in the very first world. I should have known, it was a bit odd that there were Speedway levels in the second, third and fourth worlds but not the first, turns out there was and I completely missed three eggs altogether. Whoops.


Spyro 3's probably my favourite of the three games actually, though not without it's faults I feel like there's a lot more variety in here in what you do compared to the other games and this is a strength of the 3D platformer as a whole. Overall though, A Hat in Time still is the best 3D platformer I've played this year but I don't regret going through these classics in their remade form.

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I wasn’t really sure how I felt about this game. I was playing through it and found it all a bit by numbers - similar really to something like Super Lucky’s Tale. Nothing ground breaking but decent enough to play. 

Might be worth noting that i never played the original so there’s no rose tinted glasses here. 

Then I really started enjoying it. I think it’s the simplicity that I am enjoying with it actually. It also really does look fantastic. 

Think I am on the last world now (first game) and it has been delightful. Minor glitches aside!

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