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Mega Man 11 (2018)

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Doesn't really bother me. Gaming is going more and more digital, the previous Mega Man games didn't get individual physical releases over here so I wasn't expecting 11 to either.

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It bothers me. If there is a physical Switch version already being made for other regions, then there is no reason for them not to make an EU/UK/PAL print run, even if it's a low run.

Especially if this is getting a physical release on other platforms as well.

If it's designed to be digital on the other platforms, just like Mega Man 10 was... then, I guess that's different but something is telling me there will be other physical versions.

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2 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

It bothers me. If there is a physical Switch version already being made for other regions, then there is no reason for them not to make an EU/UK/PAL print run, even if it's a low run.

This is my biggest issue with this. The EU market is getting the short end of the stick here and there has been no justification for it. Had Capcom given us a valid reason as to why this keeps happening then that would be fine. As it stands it's as if we are being treated differently for no good reason.

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Demo is now available to download on the eShop. This was probably another announcement that was going to be in the Direct.

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4 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Demo is now available to download on the eShop. This was probably another announcement that was going to be in the Direct.

Most likely.

Hmm. Wonder if I should download it. On the one hand, I'm already 100% going to buy it and don't want to be spoiled. On the other hand, I'm not buying it for the story, and it's not like I'm going to play each stage only once.

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Plaid it for a bit. It's Mega Man alright.

Not sure what to think of the gear thiniges. 

Turned off the voices immediately. Horrible, horrible addition to the game. Thank God you can turn them off.

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I'll probably leave it, I know I'm buying the game so will just wait for that.

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No one playing this?

Played Block Man's stage tonight. I'd like to consider myself a decent 8-bit Mega Man player but man... his second form totally f-ed me over, through many Game over screens. I must have spent at least an hour getting back there, then in the end had to use two E-tanks just to see the fight through. That said, being able to buy them and other perks really feels like cheating.

As for the game itself, seems fun enough at this early stage. It took me about 12 seconds before I went in the options and turned voices off. Much better. I wish they'd gone back to old chiptune music though, the music (for Block Man at least) was terrible.

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I can't get over the poor audio design of this game. The level themes are generic and forgettable and it doesn't use any recognisable sound effects from MM1-6/9-10. What a big missed opportunity.

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There's an echo in here lol

Anyway, finished this a few moments ago. Overall I thought it was pretty fantastic, they really modernised 8bit Mega Man, but kept the feel and gameplay intact. I've heard a few complaints about the game but really I'm not sure what else people were expecting in a game like this.

Great fun, highly recommended. Looking forward to MM12

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I haven't gotten around to import a copy yet.. Plus Dark Souls is eating up all my time at the moment.

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I took a break from playing Yoku and fired this up this morning. I've just finished it.



I have mixed feelings about the game. On one hand it's great to see the Blue Bomber back on modern consoles but on the other hand I think the game tries to hard to be something it doesn't need to be.

The older Mega Man games stages were quite short but required patience and platforming precision. This seems to have been scrapped for overly long stages and average platforming.

The Double Gear also presents an issue in that it makes encounters stupidly easy. You don't even really need to use the power up gear because the speed gear is so OP. It makes most bosses pretty easy, especially when combined with their weakness.

The game was enjoyable enough, and I did love some of the Robot Master designs, but I had more fun playing through the Mega Man X Legacy Collection earlier this year.

Oh, and there's a special place in Hell for the people who designed Bounce Man's stage. What a frustrating level that was!

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Bounce Man’s was annoying yeah. The speed gear is definitely OP, and you become similarly so when you can buy loads of upgrades. 

I think the longer levels are a response to gamers demanding so many hours in their games.

I thought the platforming was fun but nowhere near the precision stuff of the 8 bit games. Decent foundation to build on though.

The boss battles were cool I thought. More dynamic than the old stuff.


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One thing that REALLY feels dated is the lives system, and I can see why Nintendo got rid of it recently. If you beat a boss with 1 life left it’s pointless to try a new stage. You might as well die and then get them all back. 

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