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My free summons on the first three focuses were pretty lackluster (4-Star Laslow, 3-Star Robin and 3-Star Shanna) but the 5-Star Clair I got today more than made up for that! I guess she wanted to join her brother, who I got from the Tempest Trials yesterday. Not... quite the blue I was hoping for, to be honest, but I won't complain. Should make it easier to complete those flier quests, at least.

Also yay for more Sacred Stones~ (now give us Myrrh in the next batch pls)

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So, in the last day before the SS banner hit, I did one last pull (on a 4% chance) and finally got Summer Corrin :yay: And then Summer Elise and Summer Leo in the same batch! :o Man, my luck is weird.

And my chances on the SS banner got reset with a 5-star Priscilla. That I already had :blank:  Dangit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's tempting to pull for an extra Hector, but I gotta save my orbs for the main Choose Your Legend banner. I'm psyched about that free Brave Lyn (:yay:), but I want Brave Roy, too. Even Ike and Lucina interest me. I'll pull for their "regular" versions some other time.

Edited by Jonnas
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You can still do it! I got my Summer Corrin at around 4%, and Summer Elise and Leo came out in the same pull (still the craziest pull I've had in this game). Keep sniping the blues!

(Unless you need to spend money for it, in which case I understand if you won't)

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3 hours ago, Jonnas said:

You can still do it! I got my Summer Corrin at around 4%, and Summer Elise and Leo came out in the same pull (still the craziest pull I've had in this game). Keep sniping the blues!

(Unless you need to spend money for it, in which case I understand if you won't)

Managed to scrounge 20 orbs from some unfinished paralouges.

First summon no blue orbs. Second summon, 1 blue orbs, a 3 star. Third summon a 4 star. Fifth summon, 4 star.

My appearance rate is now 4.50%. :(

Guess I'll wait for the Brave units banner.

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So... yesterday, I had more than 60 orbs. I thought for sure I could draw one of the Brave Heroes, and then pick my freebie. I was willing to spend money if I didn't get it in my first few pulls. Surely, it wouldn't take that long to get one.

Well, it did take that long to get one. Did you know it's possible for the appearance rate to reach 5,25%? It sure happened. I spent more money than I'm willing to admit. By the time I finally pulled one (it was Lyn, with Roy as the freebie), I realised that I kept pulling more out of stubborn pride than real desire for the prize. I dun' gambled.

Just leaving that as a cautionary tale. And so that I won't forget.

On a lighter note, Nintendo did a live action TV Spot

Weird to see Blonde Lyn and non-redheaded Roy, but Ike and Lucina look surprisingly good.

Oh, and Black Knight confirmed for next Grand Hero Battle.

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Oh God that Advert is so cringe... The Weapon Triangle is completely ignored too...

* ^ * I've been pretty lucky with my summons though...The second last day of the first lot of summer summons I managed to pull Frederick and when the second lot of summer summons on my first attempt I pulled Corrin! 

As for the Brave unites I went with Ike Since I lacked a really good axe wielder. 

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1.7.0 is the best update ever. Supports!!!

My lil' Tiki now has a cute pink frame and a beautiful profile background, and that's not even the best part - I can finally get Jaffar and Nino the S-Support I've longed for all these years! :love:

Now if only I could get Eirika and Ephraim so I can pair them up again too.

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  • 1 month later...

New Halloween banner starts on Monday.

Pretty cool but not that excited for this banner.

Wasn't able to pull Azura from the dancer banner, got 2 Indigo's though. Really want Ayra as well but doubt I'll be able to pull her.

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I'm so glad I've been saving up all my orbs for the last... nearly three months now. That Nowi will be mine!!

(Also extremely thankful that she's not a green hero... I've summoned enough greens for several lifetimes already...)


Witch Nowi GET! Only took me 50 orbs this time! I guess they decided to be nice to me after I spent over 500 to get Summer Elise, ahaha...

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Oh boy I sure can't wait to support Priscilla in a Voting Gauntlet again! We'll definitely win this ti--

First round: vs. Tharja.

...okay never mind then.


Priscilla's pure love definitely deserves to beat Tharja's creepy stalking in the ENDURING LOVE voting gauntlet though... *grumbles*

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It's a tad disturbing that the entire reason Priscilla is in this gauntlet is due to her having a crush on her brother. Like, it's always been there, but IS is practically promoting it now.

Me, I'm going for Dorcas. Truly, a man's man.

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On 12/5/2017 at 3:11 PM, Jonnas said:

It's a tad disturbing that the entire reason Priscilla is in this gauntlet is due to her having a crush on her brother. Like, it's always been there, but IS is practically promoting it now.

Me, I'm going for Dorcas. Truly, a man's man.

Eh, unless i missed something they didn't really say anything specific.

Not really sure who to back, went with Katarina for the first round not expecting her to win. Gone with Tharja since she's probably most likely to win.

My Lyn is +HP - DEF which could be worse.

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