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Call of Duty: Black Ops III


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If there are 4 people to play it with, haha.


True. :D


Honestly, I would have been all over this if Battlefront wasn't dropping so soon and i'm a little gutted it has happened this way. 2 big online FPS games in the space of as many weeks is nuts. Saying that, they are from rival companies so it is expected.

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@lostmario, what're your thoughts on this? Given how you're not really a fan of DICE FPS games, will you be getting your fix from this?



I played the beta and was very inconsistent, one game I was owning everyone, the next I was losing every gunfight. I put it down to old age, my reaction speed is shot.


I'm still deciding if I want Battlefront, its Star Wars and I think I'd put the hours in to get used to the controls and how to play it properly.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I've put a few hours into this now and after getting used to the maps and the boost-movement I'm starting to really enjoy it.


I'd say it's the best CoD since MW3, which I'd say is when the series started going downhill but I still really enjoyed that game. I'm maybe only half way through the first prestige so I haven't unlocked everything but there doesn't seem to be anything too overpowered and weapon & perk balance seems very good... probably the most balanced in any CoD post MW!


The Specialists are alright but sometimes you get unlucky in that you're on a streak and then you get one-shotted which is a bugger, but still, you get these bonuses too and can wreck others' streaks so it balances out I guess.


I'm having loads of fun with it overall (only played the multiplayer) and will sink more time into it... I reckon we'd have a blast if a few of us got online together, set up an N-E Clan... but with Battlefront covering most people's need for a shooter I guess it's not really a must-have.

@Hero\-of\-Time @Blade @dazzybee if you get tired with Battlefront I would recommend you consider this!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I've gone through my first prestige, and did prestige too.


I must say, this is definitely the best CoD since MW3 and I'm enjoying it just as much, if not more, than MW3 too!


It's easily the most well balanced CoD I've played! All the perks, weapons and specialists are fantastically balanced... there's no must-have perk/weapon.



...@Hero\-of\-Time @Blade if you get tired with Battlefront I would recommend you consider this!


Come on lads, you know you want to! Haha

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Yeah this a great release. It runs and looks brilliant. Big step up from the last gen cods technically and the best playing in a long while. I like the specials which is a great idea to take from Destiny. I am more of a Destiny fan nowadays but dont regret buying this. :)

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Played a bit yesterday.


30 minutes of campaign. Was fun :)


2 online matches. Gun Game didn't go so well for me :laughing: But Team Deathmatch after that wasn't so bad. Ranked first in my team, but we lost.


There are a lot of currencies in the game...


Edit: Played some more...Man, I suck at this :D Need to get used to how the game works...it's very different from the shooters I've played.


Much more fast paced. I need to remember that I should think about where enemies could be...reacting doesn't seem to work much for me...I need to think ahead.


@kav82 Any other advice?

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...I need to remember that I should think about where enemies could be...reacting doesn't seem to work much for me...I need to think ahead.


@kav82 Any other advice?


What you say here is the biggest thing. Along with map awareness, which comes with time, knowing where your enemies are likely to be is the biggest thing.


Do you tend to use a particular set-up or do you change it up often?

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I usually stick with a couple of weapons I'm comfortable with. Only have 2-3 loadouts max.

Not a lot of equipment to choose from at level 5, though :D


There aren't any guns I recommend over others really as the weapons are so well balanced, each are great in there own right.


I'd recommend Sixth Sense for Perk 1, Hardline for Perk 2 and Tactical Mask for Perk 3 whilst you're on the lower ranks.

Tactical Mask is very handy (unlocked around rank 13 I think) as the tactical grenades are very powerful in this game, much moreso than in other CoDs I've found... make good use of them!

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Thanks :)


Looking forward to spending a lot of time with this over Christmas (unless PSN is down :D).


I'm not sure how free I'll be over Xmas as I'm still in work and I'm doing Xmas at the girlfriend's this year but I'm looking forward to gaming with you!


Another thing I recommend, whilst you've no got too many scorestreaks unlocked, is to not necessarily use three scorestreaks. Use just the UAV so that everything stacks toward having your enemies appear on the map. When you unlock Counter UAV use that too (although it's unlocked at something like level 34).


I tend to go with UAV, Guardian and Hardened Sentry in TDM but both the Guardian and Sentry are unlocked late-ish so I just run a UAV until I unlock them.

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Reached level 14 in multiplayer.


It's weird. For every ok match (i.e. 10 kills, 9 deaths) I have one that is insanely shitty (i.e. 3 kills, 22 deaths)...


Enjoying it none the less. : peace:



I don't understand the Zombie mode, though. No idea what to do, and in the games I've had my teammates apparently didn't, either...

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Reached level 14 in multiplayer.


It's weird. For every ok match (i.e. 10 kills, 9 deaths) I have one that is insanely shitty (i.e. 3 kills, 22 deaths)...


Enjoying it none the less. : peace:



I don't understand the Zombie mode, though. No idea what to do, and in the games I've had my teammates apparently didn't, either...


I've not touched Zombies yet, I'll give it a go and try figuring it out with you when we're both on.


I was given a tip about controls yesterday that I took up and found it's for the best, although it took getting used to as I played... change the controls to the button layout "bumper jumper tactical".

It swaps the jump and tactical grenade buttons, so L1 becomes jump/thrust and X throws your tactical.

It also swaps R3 and O, so you crouch/slide with R3 and melee with O. Given that melee isnt a 1-hit kill anymore I find this useful.


What it allows is that you can keep aiming whilst jumping and thrusting as you don't have to move your thumb off the right analogue to do so. After you get used to it, it's very handy!

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What it allows is that you can keep aiming whilst jumping and thrusting as you don't have to move your thumb off the right analogue to do so. After you get used to it, it's very handy!


That's indeed very handy. It completely changed my game. I'm less shit, now :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I prestiged again last night, permanently unlocked Ghost. Now to unlock everything all over again... urgh! Haha


The more I play this, the more custom classes I want. I just wish you could unlock them all more quickly!

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  • 1 month later...

@drahkon what times do you tend to play online when you go on this? Most times I tend to see you on is just about as I'm heading off.

Do you game on this with anyone or do you usually game on your own? I'm usually on with one of my mates but if you see me on you'd always be welcome to join us.



I bought the DLC last night, played a bit on the new maps and really enjoyed them. Had a decent night on it with a couple insanely good games too!

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@drahkon what times do you tend to play online when you go on this? Most times I tend to see you on is just about as I'm heading off.


Don't have a preferred time. I usually just play it when I need a quick shooter-fix. Completely random :D


Do you game on this with anyone or do you usually game on your own?


I'm on my own.

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Thinkin about getting the DLC. But 15€ is a lot....


I must admit, I got the season pass. I play the game enough to warrant it I figured. I like 3 of the maps in there, the 4th is basically Hijacked from Black Ops 2.

I need to start giving Zombies a go!

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I must admit, I got the season pass. I play the game enough to warrant it I figured.


That's what I'm not sure about...I don't know if I'll play the game this much when the next DLCs come out. If I do the season pass would save me 10€.


If I don't I'd save 35€ or 20€ since I'd only buy one or two DLCs.


If I buy the DLCs separately and play the game this much when the 4th pack is released I would have spent 10€ more than if I bought the season pass.


I think the most reasonable choice would be to buy the first DLC now and see what it's like later.

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