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White Night (PC/PS4/XBOne)


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The dark will reveal all…


…In this third-person narrative-driven survival horror game set in the jazz/noir-era of the 1930s.


Stranded and injured in the dead of night after an unfortunate automobile accident, players must investigate a nearby dilapidated mansion and interact with their surroundings in search of aid and answers. White Night challenges players to confront the nightmares of the past on an adventure in which darkness is the enemy… and darkness is everywhere.


Classic Survival-Horror 3d Mechanics - Solve puzzle of lights and shadows to survive


Immerse Yourself in the Noir - Unique art and style engrosses the player in the tone of Film Noir


Shed Light On The mysteries of the mansion - Collect matches to light your way and reveal the next passage


Dark entities lurk in the shadows - Avoid Apparitions to continue your search for answers


Stumbled upon this on the PSN store last week and decided to look it up and like the look of it myself, not just visually but gameplay wise (has that old school Alone in the Dark vibe). Been watching a little bit of a playthrough and although the reviews have been middling, it doesn't look too bad especially for a studio's first game. Everything I've heard says it's nailed the tense, claustrophobic atmosphere so maybe those put off by the lack of that in other titles might find something here.


Gonna download it myself later and see what's what. Have found out though, that although it's £13.99 on the PSN store, you can get a download code from GAME and I believe Amazon for £11.99 so take advantage if it's something you're interested in. Guessing it's the same price all round. Some might find it a bit steep at that price though seems to be roughly 4 hours long or so, so not too bad I'd say. Will report back with some thoughts later if possible.

Edited by Ganepark32
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I spotted this the other day and thought it looked absolutely stunning. The price is putting me off unfortunately and I'm in no rush to buy new games as my back log is pretty big.


Visually, it looks wonderful. One to add to the list. Think I'll pick it up when there's a special deal on it.

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So, I eventually got some time put into this and while it's only an hour or so, I think I've got a general feel for how things are.


First off, the game's atmosphere is brilliant. The whole aesthetic coupled with using light and having to use your matches sparingly at time and the music really creates a tense and claustrophobic atmosphere. There are few games that have actually had me kind of perching on the edge of my set as I try to pre-empt any jumps or scares that are going to come my way. But the game's not about those so it create this tension that when you do come across one of the enemies (who will OHKO you, but I'll get to that in a minute) that you do feel genuinely scared. So yeah, it's nailed the atmosphere and feeling perfectly.


Think a big thing that helps that is the fixed camera angles. Sure, they'll not be to everyone's liking, and I will admit there have been one or two times where I wish it wasn't fixed as I thought I could go somewhere only to find I couldn't, but because you only have this fixed view and don't know what's lurking in the shadows, it really builds the tension for when things do happen.


The camera angles don't gel as well with the controls as I have found myself getting stuck on objects and what not and had a few restarts from being caught by the enemies. It pretty much just means that you have to keep saving (done in a Resident Evil 1 fashion by sitting in armchairs) but you do quickly get into the habit of doing this anyway (at least I have) so you don't lose too much progress and you do keep any collectibles (which are in the form of diary entries, photo albums and notes and such) you pick up prior to dying. I do remembering seeing someone on another forum post that they wish that the developers had included tank controls for the game to make it easier to get passed the enemies but while the controls are a little clunky, I think this is more to do with the fixed camera angles and how and where they change to as I don’t think tank controls would work well here at all.


In terms of the story and what not, it’s all a bit muted and being dripped out in small doses so only just beginning to pick up on what the house is and some of the goings on. The dialogue is a bit cheesy but it’s not too much of an issue.


So yeah, some issues aside, I’m enjoying the game and look forward to seeing what else it has to show. I do think the price for downloading is a little on the high side (I think £9.99 would’ve been the right price point to get it in at) but an extra pound or two thanks to GAME having download cards cheaper than the online stores isn’t too bad. I’ll see if my opinion can stay the same as I delve deeper into the game but yeah, I could see it appearing on PS+ at some point, or in a sale, in which case I definitely say everyone should take a look but at the price, I think it’s worthwhile just watching a bit of a walkthrough on Youtube to gauge where you fall as it seems to be a bit of a polarising game from what I’m seeing/reading around the web, some liking it like me and others not really taking to it. It’s rough in places, sure, and does feel a bit old school but as a first title from OSome Studios, it’s not half bad.

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  • 7 months later...
I've just started this and am really enjoying it. It's creepy as fuck! The atmosphere created in this is fantastic and I'm finding it incredibly tense and moody.


Visually, it looks and sounds stunning. :D


Glad to see you enjoying it there Flinky :) interested to hear your thoughts as you get further into the game as I remember it getting a bit frustrating around the end of the second chapter/star of the third and definitely felt that the second half of the game didn't hold up as well as the front end.


Just remember to save in the armchairs often, especially later on, as some points will test your patience.


Remember enjoying the game overall in the end and particularly loving the aesthetics of the game but the last chapter or so and that ending let it down I thought.

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Glad to see you enjoying it there Flinky :) interested to hear your thoughts as you get further into the game as I remember it getting a bit frustrating around the end of the second chapter/star of the third and definitely felt that the second half of the game didn't hold up as well as the front end.


Just remember to save in the armchairs often, especially later on, as some points will test your patience.


Remember enjoying the game overall in the end and particularly loving the aesthetics of the game but the last chapter or so and that ending let it down I thought.


How many chapters are there?


I've just started the third one. Think I may even be halfway through already. I found parts of chapter 2 quite frustrating (mainly evading the ghosts) but in general it's pretty lovely. 10/10 for atmosphere. Very haunting game.

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How many chapters are there?


I've just started the third one. Think I may even be halfway through already. I found parts of chapter 2 quite frustrating (mainly evading the ghosts) but in general it's pretty lovely. 10/10 for atmosphere. Very haunting game.


I believe that the game has 6 chapters, if I'm remembering correctly. The last of those is ridiculously short, think it was 5 minutes or so. So it's not bad in terms of the length of the game. I thought it was just about right on that front.


Yeah, I think that's the point where I was having a bit of issue myself, towards the end of the second chapter. There are a few points going forward that are slightly more irritating than those but I think part of the issue is the static camera which makes evading some of the ghosts harder than it need be.


The atmosphere is great though, isn't it. Looks and sounds great and they really nailed the tension in the house to make it really foreboding. Especially like the whole match mechanic for having light and then having to use them sparingly to ensure you never run out.


Believe it was the studio's first game so for what they made, I think they did a pretty good job. And happy to see others enjoying it.

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I believe that the game has 6 chapters, if I'm remembering correctly. The last of those is ridiculously short, think it was 5 minutes or so. So it's not bad in terms of the length of the game. I thought it was just about right on that front.


Yeah, I think that's the point where I was having a bit of issue myself, towards the end of the second chapter. There are a few points going forward that are slightly more irritating than those but I think part of the issue is the static camera which makes evading some of the ghosts harder than it need be.


The atmosphere is great though, isn't it. Looks and sounds great and they really nailed the tension in the house to make it really foreboding. Especially like the whole match mechanic for having light and then having to use them sparingly to ensure you never run out.


Believe it was the studio's first game so for what they made, I think they did a pretty good job. And happy to see others enjoying it.


I finished the game yesterday. :D


I have to say that I think the game actually got much better as it went on. The ghosts were a bit less frustrating as there were light sources that enabled you to kill them. There were only a few annoying bits for me:


Where you have to get the sheet of music downstairs in order to play the piano upstairs. It's where the fuse goes out and there's suddenly about 10 ghosts in the room with you. Maneuvering through the dark and the rubble and the camera angles made that part a bit tedious.


Also, I didn't like the ending puzzle with the clock and dagger.



Aside from that, I though the game was excellent. VERY tense at times. I love the atmosphere and world created in this. The ending was also satisfying, although I still don't know if I fully "got it".

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