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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Online Meet Up Thread


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What is alt + smash attack in controls?
I have no clue. =P


I think it may allow you to use A+B together to use Smash attacks, but I don't know for certain without checking. Never altered my controls myself, heh.

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In that case, I'm takin' a dinner break! I'll be back from 7:30-8pmish I guess. Room will be open to everyone so feel free to let DuD feel your wrath, folks!


(Oh, and I was right, Alt. Smash attacks are when you press A+B (or whatever you've assigned standard and special attacks to) to do a smash attack. Probably implemented in an effort to save all those poor 3DS circle pads.)

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Pfft, the amount of effort being put forth doesn't really matter, all that really matters is that the players are having fun. I hope you've been enjoying it this evening! Game & Watch match was certainly a highlight!


And I guess I should explain one or two things from what I observed:

  • Ridley is a boss of sorts. You can attack him, and if you hit him hard enough he will team up with you (meaning his attacks will no longer harm you). You can also KO Ridley, and if you do so in a Time match, that will add a point to your score.
  • The Beetle and Boss Galaga items (the ones that would slowly carry you upwards off the screen) can be escaped from if your percentage is low enough by wiggling the control stick/mashing the buttons. The Beetle can also be reflected by normal attacks.
  • That S Flag will give you an extra life in stock matches. That's why I kept taunting "TAKE THAT!" next to it for you. =P

That's all I can think of from what we've played off the top of my head, but if you have anything else you're wondering about I'll do my best to answer.


Room will open again in about 15 minutes! Anyone readin' this is free to join!

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I'm in... the missus is watching 90mins of Master Chef so I'm stuck with off TV play!! (if anyone's still playing that is... )
Room is still open. Join DuD, RedShell and I!


EDIT: Orrrr just DuD and I!


EDIT2: Since DuD has gone missing, I'm gonna create a new room, so please join that one instead (DuD can rejoin too once he returns from wherever he is). Hopefully you're reading this.

Edited by Sprout
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Sorry guys had too help the wife out.


Good games.


I dont know how many games we had tonight, but i got a message saying i'd just had 100 matches in total. I must have shelved the game pretty quickly after release!

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I dont know how many games we had tonight, but i got a message saying i'd just had 100 matches in total. I must have shelved the game pretty quickly after release!
Well, when you consider that I managed to play as every character at least once tonight, I think we can say that you played around 50 matches. =P


Been a long time since I had a Smash session that long. Not sure if I can handle such lengths these days, 'cause I sure am worn out! Regardless, thanks for the games, folks.

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Been a long time since I had a Smash session that long. Not sure if I can handle such lengths these days, 'cause I sure am worn out! Regardless, thanks for the games, folks.
Cheers for staying on for a few 2 player matches last night. :) That Mii vs Palutena one was amazing! I was really trying to play well in that fight (hopefully you noticed :heh:) think I may have improved ever so slightly since playing a bit more recently. Definitely starting to enjoy using my Mii more too. :awesome:

: peace:

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I have no clue. =P


I think it may allow you to use A+B together to use Smash attacks, but I don't know for certain without checking. Never altered my controls myself, heh.


Just popping in to say that you're right on the money there.

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Just popping in to say that you're right on the money there.
I, uh, came to the same conclusion two posts after the one you quoted, but thanks for the extra clarification. =P


Cheers for staying on for a few 2 player matches last night. :) That Mii vs Palutena one was amazing! I was really trying to play well in that fight (hopefully you noticed :heh:) think I may have improved ever so slightly since playing a bit more recently. Definitely starting to enjoy using my Mii more too. :awesome:

: peace:

RedShell, you're supposed to be my token crap player so we can get more players in. People don't want to lose all the time, that's why I can say "Don't worry, RedShell is playing, you have a chance!" So even by improving, you continue to disappoint me.


That said, you're probably getting better, yes. And this new computer doesn't burst into flames when it senses your GIFs are on the page, so I could read your recent SSB post without worry. Your powers over me have weakened considerably.


Man, this post makes me appear like I have such a huge ego.

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Just to say I intend to buy this game tomorrow and I will be up for some online goodness if you guys wanna @ me or whatever if you're looking to organise matches.


I'll be very... VERY rusty, but once I've unlocked Ness i'm there when I can be!

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Just to say I intend to buy this game tomorrow and I will be up for some online goodness if you guys wanna @ me or whatever if you're looking to organise matches.


I'll be very... VERY rusty, but once I've unlocked Ness i'm there when I can be!

You won't need to unlock Ness, as he's available from the start in the Wii U version! You can find a list of hidden characters and stages (and how to unlock them) in the first post in this thread.


I'm sure I can make a room at my usual 8PM time, but if that doesn't work for you then just name a time that's convenient. Hopefully we can get some others who wanna play, too!


Also apologies to @Phube for missing your post the other day. I'm sure you don't want me as an opponent every time though, right? =P Other people need to play more, with or without me!

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I'd be available tonight as well, so I would be up for some Smash. I need to show how decent I am with Lucas!


EDIT: Totally forgot to actually bring my WiiU around to DCubed's, so gonna have to bow out.

Edited by Glen-i
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EDIT: Totally forgot to actually bring my WiiU around to DCubed's, so gonna have to bow out.
That's convenient. =P


Anyway, I sent a friend request your way, @Aneres11, but it looks like it's just li'l ol' me around tonight. What can I say, people are shy to respond I suppose and those who aren't shy are forgetfullll. If not tonight, then I'm hopeful we'll get a group rounded up some time soon! At least it gives you time to unlock stuff, heh.

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Thanks Sprout!


I've only actually returned from purchasing it an hour ago! Meant to go into town this morning and never got round to it so now I'm just doing the update and all that jazz!


Will hopefully get some time to come online with it too!

Well I'm still knocking about, so if the update is quick enough I could open a room, but you might want to get used to the controls and stuff by yourself first heh.


Whether you decide to play online tonight or not, I'll definitely play tomorrow for you. Just name a time, yeah? If you don't it'll be my usual suggestion time of 8PM. /broken record

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Well I'm still knocking about, so if the update is quick enough I could open a room, but you might want to get used to the controls and stuff by yourself first heh.


Whether you decide to play online tonight or not, I'll definitely play tomorrow for you. Just name a time, yeah? If you don't it'll be my usual suggestion time of 8PM. /broken record


Cool well it has just completed and now I'm sat here trying to sort a controller out.

I can't do tomorrow night unfortunately but Wednesday should be ok! I'll be there at 8!

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Wednesday it is! And Tuesday might still be on the cards if anyone else wants to play tomorrow. Speak up, post if you're available and up for it, and buy some scented candles or something because I've been beating this dead horse called Smash for a while now and it's starting to smell a bit.

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GAH! How did you know...?



Uhhh... Yeah... I can, like totally explain that... I mean , um...



I assure you, I made that post once I realised I blanked on my WiiU, but my 3DS lives in my pocket.


I wouldn't actually be that mean.

My hair totally looks like that.

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