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Xpert 11 Season 32: A Universe full of life


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Sort of didn't realise what day it was! I'll sort out last week's by friday's games. Can't believe how much of a shitty week it's been. Thank god for Colo grinding out a point against Eights. Title race has about 6 contenders unless Eights go rampant once again.


Announcement: I'm going travelling in 2 weeks time for 3 months so Winston may be a bit inactive but judging by my last travelling bout there should be enough internet cafes to keep the keep going. If there's a title challenge ongoing I'll be there. If not I think I'll be handing the keys to @roger rederer - a risk given the middling performance of The Crew but I think he's got the talent.


My final game in england will be the double header against Eights #decisive




So you weren't impressed with your secret manager who I recall had won more games than (s)he was expected to! Rude.

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So you weren't impressed with your secret manager who I recall had won more games than (s)he was expected to! Rude.


I spoke to the lads about the possibility and Elroy, who is now our captain, was having none of it




'There is one person that I will never forgive for what he did to me - the previous coach.

'It's not just that. It was also the way he spoke to me and treated me.

'Right from the beginning, it was weird. I could not stand how he was treating me. I received no explanation.

'In training, he put me on the right or left wing. In training matches, I was a substitute with a shirt to keep swapping teams. I really learned nothing!


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He says that he never became the player he could have been after you didn't play him that season as a 18 year old, and didn't jump.


Also I'll be gone for 3 months rather than one and thought it might be too much baggage to burden anyone but a real-life friend with!

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I told you so. 2 wins against Kippen and Madpool have now given me a chance of survival. 1 point separates me in 8th to 4th so this is proving a very close league. Next up is AC Elites. Hoping for a positive result but I know it'll be a mighty difficult task. MOT!!!

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Pleased with the draw expected the peeps to try and win but obviously he is fearful of the might of conden and Burlett on the break! :heh:


Game against silverdale is a big one but I am pleased with my teams high form and think the results will follow shortly.

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Big win today, needed that to keep momentum heading in our direction every game we are playing better and with more confidence!


Nice win for Peeps today still I will try and help you out Tales but I don't think I have good odds of getting anything from Winston :shakehead

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Just a small setback. Nothing to worry about.


It is results like you had today that put me off ever playing my youth goalie, it is the one position where everything hinges on an individual. I have a youth goalie atm and am trying to think what games I should play him in, ones I think I will win or those I think I will lose?

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Lucky result for me today, my keeper really beat the odds!




The spotlight this round was on the lower league, looking at Lords of Hydra vs The Sixty-Fourthers. Players were to predict the score and the manager rating for each team. The score was 6-0 to Hydra with a 3 star rating to 2. Two people predicted a Hydra win but Russian Revolution were closest to guessing the manager rating correctly so they get the point.




Recall United: 2

Hadens Legends: 2

Russian Revolution: 2


The next spotlight will be another bonus round. Any team that scores a goal from a direct freekick during round 9 (next Tuesday) will earn a point.



Intergalactico Stars, AFC Dedede, Recall United - 22

Winston Garden Lions, Kippen FC, Fedex United - 19

Coloccini FC, AC Elites, The Sixty-Fourthers - 18

DuDs Baggies, Leeds M.O.T, Lords of Hydra - 17

Eights United, bob, Spurs - 16

Lylat Wanderers, The Roger Federer Crew, Fake Team 1 - 16

Silverdale Salmon, Atlético Aqui1a, LiVeRpOoL - 16

Rossers Rovers, The Familia FC, The Great Mcoy - 15

Hadens Legends, Russian Revolution, Blue Rogues - 14

Yellow Submarine, Madpool, Gibbs Probies - 12

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Now onto a team who has had a fairly meteoric but conspicuous rise through the leagues. Rossers have been quietly getting on with things in the background without distraction from all the noise around them to earn their first stint in the Elite League this season.


Nikos - Rossers - Where did you come from and what have you made of your time here so far?


I am from Derbyshire and i love this league its a league where you can feel comfortable doing your own thing and thats important when your learning the ropes


Haden - Are you surprised with your dramatic progress so far?


I took this team over at the end of season 29 the change report was very poor showing 4 skill increase and 1.9 skill decrease and the season before (season 28) was no better showing 5.3 skill increase and 3 skill decrease so any potential this team had of being a top team had gone but it still has enough in it to be a nuisance team a team that will make their opponents work for any points they might get but to answer your question yes i am surprised the team has recovered so quickly


Mcoy - Mcoy would like to know how you felt after your first title victory. Do you expect to win more titles in the coming seasons?


Unfortunately i have not won any titles yet and its looking likely we will be relegated this season, i did gain promotion to the elite league thanks to a third place finish last season but we was a long way off the 1st place team Hadens Legends and 2nd placed team Coloccini FC so even when we drop down a division it would be a tough ask to win that league so to answer this question i would have to say i don't see us winning any titles for several seasons the main reason being we are promoting youth i hope to eventually replace the team i inherited so we will always be weakening the squad skill bar wise


Zell - How are you finding your first foray in the Elite League?



Its a baptism of fire but its a good challenge sure we are losing our games but we are not getting thrashed and i think that's the best we could of hoped for, there is some very good teams with good experienced managers in this league and i like to look at their tactics used to see where i can improve my game


Danlikestrees - Rossers - I'm loving watching the rise of the rovers. My only fear is that you have risen too high too fast - is this a concern for you?


I feel with this team its to good to drop into the lower league as its gradually improving each season so it will probably be a yo-yo team one that does well in the middle league but is not good enough to stay in the Elite league so to answer the question i think we have risen to quick but i see it as a good thing that we are competitive like i said earlier in this interview i know this team will never be elite champions as it is now but for now i am just happy to be having some fun with the team


Peeps - You have a strong team with potential but the ages of your players are quite varied. What are your plans for development over the next few seasons?


The problem i had with this team when i took it over was as you would expect from a team that has not been well tended to, poor form, skill bars lower than they should be for their age, and no econs,


A complete rebuild was the logical option but if i did that it would be with mediocre 17/3 18/4 youth players and if i am honest that would not have inspired me to stick with the team so it was plan B that i chose which was to add youth to the team each season and try and save up the econs and see where that gets us maybe in 4 or 5 seasons time.


So to answer this question i am happy doing what i am doing at the moment which is removing deadwood over time and replacing them with a youth player, (next player to go would be 32/8 (MF) Leonid Yushchenko its a waste of 130k keeping him on and training him), i do want to be a serious elite team one day one that will be good enough to challenge for the title and deep down i know i will have to bite the bullet and rebuild from scratch to achieve that


Thanks everyone for the great return of questions and thank you RLTA of Rossers Rovers, you've done well to get so high so soon, proving that there is plenty of fight in your team and savviness in your tactics should anyone risk playing a weakened side against you. You may be doomed this season but if that's the case I'm sure we'll be seeing plenty more of Rossers in the Elite League in seasons to come. Good Luck!



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Big big point for us today, we are proving very hard to beat away from home with 3 draws and only 1 loss so far.


Still I knew playing Bruise would mean one of my own players would get injured, alas it was my poor captain Palmer :(

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Big big point for us today, we are proving very hard to beat away from home with 3 draws and only 1 loss so far.


Still I knew playing Bruise would mean one of my own players would get injured, alas it was my poor captain Palmer :(


Thought the heft of my squad would counteract my predictable tactics but it wasn't to be.


Massive double header coming up against Elites.


I have reports for a couple weeks back written but not formatted / posted. I'll chuck them in when i do my next round - I believe its my turn to do this week's two games right? Last week was yours? This'll be my last lot as I'm going travelling and wont have the time till I'm back :(


Lylat emerging as shock title contenders?


Oh also, was going to say, great interview with Rossers @Nikos9 - he sounds like a real future league winner, very solid long term plan in place. Does anyone know where he came from? did he just randomly apply or is he someone's friend?

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Thought the heft of my squad would counteract my predictable tactics but it wasn't to be.


Massive double header coming up against Elites.


I have reports for a couple weeks back written but not formatted / posted. I'll chuck them in when i do my next round - I believe its my turn to do this week's two games right? Last week was yours? This'll be my last lot as I'm going travelling and wont have the time till I'm back :(


Lylat emerging as shock title contenders?


Oh also, was going to say, great interview with Rossers @Nikos9 - he sounds like a real future league winner, very solid long term plan in place. Does anyone know where he came from? did he just randomly apply or is he someone's friend?


Yeh sorry I need to catch up as well will do that tomorrow.


Tbh I chalked this game up as a guaranteed loss but thought I would try my old 5-3-2 tactics I have used before against superior teams. When I saw I had guessed your formation and playmaker I have to admit I did let out a slight chuckle. Still when you equalised I expected you to lay down a beating but we held out luckily.


Good luck for the title though! Would be great to see you win it you have a huge two games next, thing is it is so close loads of teams are still in contention.


I am nervous about my double header against Rovers will be expected to win which I don't really like..


Lylat is doing so well because he poisons opposition senior goalies before matches.

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Good solid win for us, looking at some of the other teams we are doing really well on the injury front!


Hoping to take this positive momentum into the next two games and pick up some points :)


Things are a bit quiet on here has everyone gone away for the summer?


I will try and post catch up reports later this week :)

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Good point against Inter. Not too confident about the return leg but we'll give it a go.


Best thing we can do is try and keep up with the rest of the pack above us until our squad is back to full fitness and suspension-free.

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