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Pokémon Art Academy (3DS)


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I'm becoming a bore with all these posts but i'm having so much fun with this game!


I would like to share my Togepi! Which I'm particularly proud of! :D


Wow, great job! Looks just as good as mine!


Believe me, your posts are gonna be positively refreshing once I get my work posted.

I'm wondering, have you ever tried the traditional Art Academy games before?

Because it'd be interesting to get some views of this from someone who hasn't.


I've never found myself wanting to do the Mini Lessons as much as I have here. They're handled way better than in the other games, where it just dumped you in with a handful of pointers. You might as well have just have done it on Free Paint. So kudos to that. Makes them more engaging, which is great for honing what the main lessons have just taught you.


Those drawings your "rival" does are surprisingly effective for comic relief. I genuinely laughed out loud at some of them. That Piplup, man!


So far, I've finished the Togepi lesson and done the 9 mini lessons up to that point.

I've also done 3 pictures on Free Paint which I'll be sharing here soon. Probably tomorrow.

For the sake of your sanity, I don't think I'll post my lesson pictures here, unless I experiment a bit.

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Wow, great job! Looks just as good as mine!


Believe me, your posts are gonna be positively refreshing once I get my work posted.

I'm wondering, have you ever tried the traditional Art Academy games before?

Because it'd be interesting to get some views of this from someone who hasn't.


I've never found myself wanting to do the Mini Lessons as much as I have here. They're handled way better than in the other games, where it just dumped you in with a handful of pointers. You might as well have just have done it on Free Paint. So kudos to that. Makes them more engaging, which is great for honing what the main lessons have just taught you.


Those drawings your "rival" does are surprisingly effective for comic relief. I genuinely laughed out loud at some of them. That Piplup, man!


So far, I've finished the Togepi lesson and done the 9 mini lessons up to that point.

I've also done 3 pictures on Free Paint which I'll be sharing here soon. Probably tomorrow.

For the sake of your sanity, I don't think I'll post my lesson pictures here, unless I experiment a bit.


I actually haven't played any of the other art academy games before. I'm not a big draw-er to be honest. I'm much better at drawing cartoony style things rather than realistic things so this seemed more up my street.

I wouldn't mind looking into them now though after how much I'm enjoying this.


I agree that the mini lessons are definitely worth doing even though you don't really have to. It makes it easier to start drawing the Pokemon when you don't have the outline already there for you.


I haven't bothered with free paint mode yet. I'll prob do that once I've learned how to use all of the tools first. Plus I don't think I'd be that good at free paint yet! :heh:


But yeah, deffo post some of your stuff. I'd love to see your creations and get this thread bustling with drawings! Even if it is just from me and you! :laughing:

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I haven't bothered with free paint mode yet. I'll prob do that once I've learned how to use all of the tools first. Plus I don't think I'd be that good at free paint yet! :heh:


That's definitely the best way to handle it. Experimentation with tools will help you to improve, but not if you don't learn the basics first. DS Art Academy was actually how I got into drawing as a hobby. You will be honestly amazed at how some of your later pictures will turn out after some of the lessons.


And there is nothing wrong with a cartoony style. It's one of my favourite ways of colouring!

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Very true. I ventured into free play earlier and just drew a Diglett :heh: but it wasn't that great. Could tell it was Diglett though.


But then I just had the Diglett / Dugtrio chant in my head from the actual cartoon as I drew...


"Diglett dig, Diglett dig, trio, trio, trio... and repeat. :heh:


Anyways, here is my progress so far.


The first ones are earlier beginner lessons and the last few were recently done today.

The earlier ones are much easier as you are basically drawing over an outline, but the other 3 it's not quite that simple! Shows I've had some improvement though.


I also think that my Bulbasaur bulb is better than the guide picture. Modest. :heh:












Hmm. When you export them and view them on a computer screen, you can see your shortcomings! :laughing:


Must pay closer attention to the lines!


Anyway, back to it!

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Right, can't let @Aneres11 have all the spotlight! Let's get artistic!


I also think that my Bulbasaur bulb is better than the guide picture. Modest. :heh:


This is something that I noticed. The example pictures are not as perfect as they were in Art Academy, which is great. I've had a few of those moments when I thought, "Mine's actually cleaner then Andy's"


Anyway, for comparisons sake, here's my Bulbasaur lesson attempt.




He's mad because he has no background.

(Nothing wrong with using the backgrounds provided, they're bloody difficult to do!)


Anyway, for my first Free Paint picture I tried to draw a Shiny Sandslash.






Shiny Sandslash has a palette remarkably similar to Dillon from the Rolling Western games.




Just one of those funny coincidences in gaming.


Something that kinda bugs me is how Smeargle doesn't really feature prominently in this. Missed opportunity there.

So I tried to draw it as a street artist.




Mostly used markers in this (And a lot of my pictures, but that's beside the point) I did use a bit of paint for the background and Smeargle's texture. And of course, spray paint for the graffiti.


Heatmor is one hell of an overloooked Pokemon. I mean, yeah, it sucks, but I think an anteater with a fiery tongue is cool.




Look, sometimes I like to mess around with proportions a tad. It's surprisingly great practise. As long as it doesn't go too far and just looks silly. (Although, sometimes I get a good laugh out of that)

This picture is done with nothing but paints.


And finally, this one is for you, @Serebii.




Admit it, Grumpig would make a great snob.

Grumpig is my favourite Psychic Pokemon, I actually use one on my Pokemon team.

The Fennekin lesson actually taught me something about using different sized outlines. So I applied it to a drawing of my own.

The Grumpig was drawn with markers, while the background was done with paints.

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Lovely art @Glen\-i !!


This is such a good game. I urge everyone to buy it!! You need little artistic talent as the lessons are so good. All my creations above are just the lessons so far and they're really easy to follow.


Will play more of this today and post some more creations!


Today I learned all about shading!


I drew this Chimchar which I'm massively proud of as his hands and facial features were a bitch to sketch in!




Then I sketched this bird pokemon which for the life of me I can't remember its name! And I call myself a fan.

This was done with the pencils.




: peace:

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I just want to point out that @Aneres11 Chimchar came out better than mine. Something went funny with the eyes.


I actually learned something from the shading lessons, namely a way to do highlights that makes it look like the light source is behind the subject.

Aneres11 did it with that Chimchar picture above.

I then applied it to a drawing of my own.



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Gonna spend some more time on this today hopefully. Liking the Politoed Glen!! Even if I don't care too much for the Pokemon itself! :heh:


Oh, well, be prepared for another Politoed picture, I had too much fun with this one. I want to draw it with markers now!


I'm starting to think that my favourite Pokemon are really unorthodox now. Serebii doesn't like Grumpig, you don't care for Politoed...

I like all the froggy Pokemon! I'm pretty biased when it comes to the reptiles!

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Oh, well, be prepared for another Politoed picture, I had too much fun with this one. I want to draw it with markers now!


I'm starting to think that my favourite Pokemon are really unorthodox now. Serebii doesn't like Grumpig, you don't care for Politoed...

I like all the froggy Pokemon! I'm pretty biased when it comes to the reptiles!


It's cool. I tend to like Pokemon that are a little but underpowered. I obviously love Starmie, which is a beast, but I have a massive massive soft spot for Onix and Victreebel. Both of which are pretty lame in battle.


When I get to the end of my lessons on art academy, I will def be drawing them in all their GLORY! : peace:

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Fun fact...I'm raising a Grumpig at the moment :p




Have I entered the Twilight Zone or something? What brought this along?

As much as I like Grumpig, I won't let it blind me to the fact that it's pretty "meh" in battles.


Not that stops me, if I can't battle with my favourite Pokemon, then I don't want to battle!


It's cool. I tend to like Pokemon that are a little but underpowered. I obviously love Starmie, which is a beast, but I have a massive massive soft spot for Onix and Victreebel. Both of which are pretty lame in battle.


Kinda like Grumpig then.

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