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Xpert 11 Season 30: The End of History, The Era of One Champion


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Another nice win for my side in a friendly but need to take this form into the league now. Crucial three games ahead want to be secure before I face eights and Winston away.


@Charlie I will loan you a defender for your game against Leeds for 5mil Econ ;)

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Another nice win for my side in a friendly but need to take this form into the league now. Crucial three games ahead want to be secure before I face eights and Winston away.


@Charlie I will loan you a defender for your game against Leeds for 5mil Econ ;)


Ha, I was expecting a loss today so played a fair bit of youth. Might have to buy a new defender pronto. Got a lot of cash stored up for emergencies!


Edit - Found an awesome defender who will be a Kippen player by the next match day!

Edited by Charlie
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Just got an 18-6 defender through with hard trainer and quicker than most... I wish it was viable to keep him but I'm going to have to sell this late in the season (and he came through on 1dv and 3avg form). He's estimated at 7.9m :D


What is up with your youth academy?? How much money are you pumping in? it's one quality player after another. Also managed to get in my first decent youth for a while this late in the season, he's current at 3m bill day one. Useful cash injection


Nice reports dan I'm enjoying this format. Your point on kippen and elites were really interesting that group truly is the group of death.


Cheers boss - yours great as always. Have slightly stolen your thunder for this week as some of my points were written after tuesday's game!


Nice to climb above you, if only due to the game in hand


Great work so far this season @Fierce_LiNk - didn't notice how well the Dargoo were doing.

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What is up with your youth academy?? How much money are you pumping in? it's one quality player after another. Also managed to get in my first decent youth for a while this late in the season, he's current at 3m bill day one. Useful cash injection




Cheers boss - yours great as always. Have slightly stolen your thunder for this week as some of my points were written after tuesday's game!


Nice to climb above you, if only due to the game in hand


Great work so far this season @Fierce_LiNk - didn't notice how well the Dargoo were doing.


You will finish above me I reckon, looking at my dev I am not that happy with progress atm having said that I am a game behind but some of the weaker guys still need some more games which could cost me.


Really want to come out swinging for the next few games chalk up some major points before the disaster of playing you and Eights away lol.

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My academy has been on 5 stars since it was possible to add funds to it (and build up to 5) :p this is the best run I've had on decent youths though. Obviously I've had some shit come through too but this has been the best period for almost back-to-back above average talent!

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I reckon if I had gone defensive I would have shut you out.. I got greedy and hoped to sneak it.


I just need my players back, that was the 4th game Rory Ashe has missed now! and he's not even gonna be back for the Lylat match! Longest injury ever!!

2 Midfielders injured at the same time in a 15 man squad is a tactical nightmare.

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I reckon if I had gone defensive I would have shut you out.. I got greedy and hoped to sneak it.


I just need my players back, that was the 4th game Rory Ashe has missed now! and he's not even gonna be back for the Lylat match! Longest injury ever!!

2 Midfielders injured at the same time in a 15 man squad is a tactical nightmare.


I never get teams that don't have a back up goalie what happens if he gets injured in a match or a long term injury/suspension?


You would have to get this guy in!



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I've easily got enough funds to bail myself out with a high skilled veteran if needs be, but hopefully that doesn't happen.

In the mean time though i've got my 26 year old keeper on 18 dv with half a season remaining :D


Rory is gonna be a problem this season as he's only on 6 dv due to his injury, everyone else should be doing well by the end of the season.

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That player I signed today was meant to be a defender. I'm not sure what happened, I was planning on buying 2 defenders of a very similar skill level and age and he was the first. Turns out he's a forward. :S



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That player I signed today was meant to be a defender. I'm not sure what happened, I was planning on buying 2 defenders of a very similar skill level and age and he was the first. Turns out he's a forward. :S


@Charlie It doesn't matter who you're signing. I'll still embarrass you with whatever team you want to put out against me! MOT!!!

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My youth is currently going for 10m!


Wowza, 11m he finally went for!!! :o


Seems to be a trend here, my 1st decent youth to come through my 2* academy this morning since May 2012 - a 17-4 striker with cone & cool and it's too late in the season to take him on! Plus I already bought a 17-4 striker at the start of the season...typical! :indeed:

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Now we move onto a man and a team who need no introduction, our former admin and two-time winner of the Lower League with his current team Hadens Legends, it is Haden himself, welcome, tis good to have you back on the Inter View!


Question 1) First of all, it's no secret that you have a great up & coming team. With an average age 23 though, do you not find the youth lack mentoring from older veterans which leads to a degree of underperofming? Your youth development seems to be exceptional when you consider the low average age and the fact that your squad sits as the second most valuable behind only Eights Utd's. What is the key to a successful youth policy in your opinion, is it having a 5* academy or bringing in exactly what you want from the transfer window?


It is interesting for a long time we had Lucas Astle in our midfield as the key veteran player who helped build our team into a middle league side. Under his guidance a lot of my current crop of midfielders raised their game. However I also think on the flip side now that he has left you have a lot of these guys, Conden, Burlett, Mulholland, Cahill etc who want to step up and be the next legend in midfield. So in some ways it has helped us having no veteran in midfield. In defence and attack we have needed a leader and Palmer and Mallett have stepped up and are now key veteran players for us in these roles.


I think the key to a good youth policy is hard work and being flexible. By hard work I mean when you get your youths you have to train, train and train they have to be hitting the highest dev you can afford and you have to be planning what games they will be playing in so you can still get results but start playing your youths. As for being flexible I think you may look and want a player whose strong in the air for your defence. But if you get an awesome hard trainier 17 4 who is quick then you take him and adapt! Something I have started to value with youths is all rounders who can slot in to different positions. Not only does this allow you to have a tactical wild card, playing Conden in defence is fave tactic of mine. But it also allows you to develop youths in different positions which can actually be very helpful.


Question 2) Looking at the stats, you have the 7th strongest midfield of anyone which is clearly one of your team's strong points. However, goals have seemed to be slightly harder to come by so far this campaign with only 9 in 6 games, is that a worry? How do you see the rest of your group games panning out and if you were to predict an order, what would that be?


This is down to a couple of things and has always been a problem for my teams in general. I am quite a cautious manager am not a Roger Federer attacking manager I prefer to control a game and win it 1-0 rather than watch a 5-4 victory. I usually don't ship to many goals even against the best sides.


However this has the down side of meaning we sometimes find it hard to score, I have found it hard to develop forwards and made a big mistake a few seasons ago letting veteran Blanchflower go before my youths were truly ready. We now have a couple of good youngsters who are hitting their prime and Mallett who is a proven goal scorer. The only worry is when he is injured I am not sure if the other two are quite ready to step up to the plate yet.


I want to try and get a large haul of points from my next three games because I can frankly see myself getting nothing from away games to Eights and Winston so it is important for us to be a bit more clinical, the away game to Dedede will be huge and I will need a massive performance from the team to win this one. If I had to predict an order I think Eights at the top, Winston, myself and then I can see Dedede vs the Familia going to the last game with Dedede edging it.

Question 3) What are the stand out moments so far in the Champions league for you and is it living up to all the hype and excitement in your opinion? Would you like to see this as the new generic format or rather an occasional feature, every five or ten seasons say? Finally, when I had Yellow Subs on the show, they said they'd be out for blood against you, here's your chance for any counter comments - take it away!


The Champions League has been great imo it has been something different and what I love is all the sub plots in the groups that have been gathering pace. Every group has something different to offer with yours perhaps being the most interesting! I would like to see it as a feature every 4-5 seasons as I think it is great but having it every so often would keep it special and also I think it is very hard on new teams and I think we could lose a lot of good managers who give up after one season in this format.


As for Yellow Submarine the fact that this legendary team is after my blood shows how far we have come. The cup "victory" wasn't how I would have wanted it I wanted a proper win but it was still a great moment for our club and unthinkable even a couple of seasons ago. As was shown by our 3-0 home loss to Eights we basically have to get our tactics spot on because we are not as strong as these top tier sides but we want to get to the knockouts and have a go and if we meet Yellow Submarine again on the way he will have him a chance to make himself famous by knocking out the cup champions.

Any final words...


Just want to say how fun this season has been! Thanks to Peeps for organising it and for you and dan for your Interviews and reports keeps it feeling good.


Oh and Nikos, DTA

I've learnt that through you the hard way many a time already! :p


Next up in the hot seat - Coloccini FC!


The Inter View list:-



Yellow Subs





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Something I have started to value with youths is all rounders who can slot in to different positions. Not only does this allow you to have a tactical wild card, playing Conden in defence is fave tactic of mine. But it also allows you to develop youths in different positions which can actually be very helpful.[/color]


Haden - Was wondering on this note - does playing an all rounder in a different position give a knock to their form? I think it has when Ive done it in the past, so havent risked it since. Would be interested tt hear if yours have.


Good interview as always Nikos - looking forward to mine!


1 - Dragooooo capitalise on the top of table double-header



Despite rumors of tension in the changing room following F’Links comments to the press about taking early retirement the past two seasons, the troops have been well and truely rallied and capitalising on the Zell-Fed stalemates the team have gone four clear at the top of the league. Iacopino is the team’s standout player, and has excelled the past two games, but what is more exciteing for the fans is the sheer quality of the youth just on the edge of their prime - 5 youths can be seen ahead of the skill curve for their age, already appearing more than capable of the first team, YA product Van Djik being the most exciting of these talents. The front line might be lacking - reflected by a goals scored total which is a few less than their rivals, but this is an exciting time for a team who have been long in development. We all hope the manager will stick it out long enough to see his work complete and flourish. A big ask, but a win on Tuesday away at Zell would make it look unlikely that anyone could topple them off Star league’s top spot.


2 - Great games for the neutral as Federer and Zell finish their match at 3 - 3




I'm not sure how I didn't win this one. - Zell

I suspect playing most of the game with 2 defenders had something to do with it. - Roger


Neither team took game set and match in the pick of the cup’s double headers but we saw two great contests here. Where Zell’s home leg was a tense affair with both teams eager not to let the other clock a victory, Friday’s game was explosive. It looked like Zell would take an easy win as Federer had failed to capitalise on Zell’s back line of three by playing only one forward, but a red card for YS’s Villa kicked the game into life. Weyerrmann was brilliant for Federer, setting up two easy goals for Figni, though none were as good as Ataisik for the Sub, who played some delightful forehands up the flank, setting up two. Yellow sub will be frustrated not to have come away with 3 points, still behind Fed in the league despite having twice as many chances. That Zell risked a 352 here, in such a big game even away from home suggests that this will be his prefered formation come the knockouts.


3 - Identikit formations yield reverse results for DuD and the Salmon

DuD’s felt the effects of the home advantage as their visit to Silverdale saw a lineup that had won their home leg 3-0 lose 3-0, and their astonishing clean sheet record in the process. Silverdale, playing like a team with a point to prove, pressed high up the pitch with fluid, aggressive football, Scrimshaw being ruthless up front as he scored a delightful goal and set up two. Theirs is as good a squad as any. This is the first real test DuDs have faced - fans might take this game and worry about how far their manager’s defensive tactics will get their team in the knockouts.


4 - Can Lylat go beyond being merely ‘Solid’?


One might draw comparisons between the Wanderers and David Moyes’ Everton. Elite league regulars for the past few seasons, Lylat have produced the odd suprise result and have been solid performers but have failed to break into the top echelon of clubs in the series. Like Dragoo they have taken advantage of rival double headers to sneak into first - this could be the season that Peeps really kicks on. One would suggest that the players coming through are still a couple of seasons away from their prime, but this might be Phelan’s final season - he will not go out without a bang and with Pilgrim he forms half of a formidable midfield duo that will worry any team in the knockouts - as emphasised by the demolition job against Bob last friday.


5 - Game in hand puts pressure on Madpool




Star league is perhaps the most all-round exciting of the groups at this stage. Whilst we can discount Cubic and 64ers, there remain 5 teams more than capable of making an impact in the knockouts, should they make it through. Madpool loom 4 points below the drop,but the Dog is lucky that Reggie Hales red card will only rule him out of an easy fixture at home to Cubic - surely a guaranteed 3 points to get back in the running. The other two fixtures in the league tomorrow will be huge - Federer will be in trouble if he allows Russian Rev an away win (having already narrowly won the home fixture), whilst Yellow Sub might be out of the running for top spot if they don’t grab 3 points off Dragooo. The final shape of this group will surely become a little clearer by midweek.

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Great interview questions and write up!


In answer to your question dan I think it might have a negative effect but I'm unsure I will keep on eye in future and get back to you. I don't do it often but I like having it as a tactical and youth development option.


I wonder how many groups will go down to the last day to decide that top 4?

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Talking Points Special and Mushroom League

Three way war




With Winston Garden Lions beating AFC Dedede twice and the Familia drawing with Rovers once and then beating them at home leaves Dedede, Familia and Rovers now sitting within 2 points of each other and the last remaining knockout spot. We will look at the chances of these three teams to go up.


The Familia FC


This is the side that should really be going up they have top league experience and a squad full of talent, their real strengths are a fantastic defence and attack while their midfield is quite honestly not up to scratch and in the middle of a transition. They shocked Winston with an away draw early on and beat Rovers and Hydra at home however they crucially lost to Dedede at home and were held to a draw by Rovers. Their next game against Dedede will be critical they need to try and get a draw if possible, if they could shock Eights or Winston with home wins they may be in with a shout but they have a hard run in.


AFC Dedede

This is the team that lots of people have backed to get to the knockouts after their fantastic progress as of late. They have talent in all areas with intelligent players dotted around their side and no suspensions or injuries in sight. They were held to a home draw by Rovers but beat the Familia and Hydra away, they have not won a home game yet though. They came out and attacked Winston at home but it was not enough they have 3 home games left and an away tie to Rovers, you would say this is the kindest run in and they may be slight faveourites but they need a result against the Famlia at home.


Rossers Rovers


The real suprise package, Rovers who have had three managers as of late seemed to have found a good one who has put the players through their paces and got a lot out of them. They have a great defence but are lacking in other areas. The team had a really hard start away to Eights and Winston but then strung together a 4 match unbeaten run with the best result being the shock victory against Hadens Legends at home. They have a very hard run in with their home game against Dedede sticking out as one that could keep them in the knockout hunt. They are the dark horse for 4th place but don't count them out this manager is doing some great things.


Kippen reeling?




After discussing how well Kippen were doing they have had a mixed week this time around. They started off with a great 2-1 win against Aqui1a but defender Bedford was taken off after pulling a hamstring. They then suffered a 3-0 beating by Aqui1a with defender MacCrindle sent off and midfielder Galvao injured by a cynical tackle. The Kippen manager faces direct rivals Leeds M.O.T and could possible play Bedford and Galvao but it is at a risk of aggrivating their injuries while MacCrindle is suspended. So he has brought in the 26 year old defender Luciliano Seara who may make his debut today in this crunch match. Leeds have done well with goals so far scoring 13 in 6 matches but Kippen have only let in 7 goals from 7 matches. If Leeds win today they could leapfrog Kippen, it will be a great match as Kippen will have to work with limited resoures to shift momentum back in their favour.


Showing off the skills




Inter and the Elites put past struggles behind them as they enjoyed very easy double victories against Multi-Bubble FC and Recall United. A particular highlight of these fixtures was the five goals that Elites captain Bodin scored at home to help the Elites destroy Recall United. Scoring both close range shots and headers chants of “Bodin has got you on the run, Bodin he scores for fun” rang around the stadium. It brings Bodin up to 8 goals this season and could be important in the group title race as the Elites are equal in points with Inter and Aqui1a but sit ahead on a positive goal difference of 17.

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