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InSaN-E AsyLuM Mafia

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Sheikah where's your rational explanation of Dedede's innocence?


and what Diageo said


I'll happily explain it again.



Magnus claimed to have been redirected by somebody. Dedede willingly put forward that he was a redirector, but he was roleblocked (confirmed by another), so somebody else, who for most of the day did NOT reveal himself, was also a redirector (naturally that seems far more scummy to me). Note - if I was the unknown guy (now known to be Smeagol), and I was town, and some other guy was saying 'I'm a town redirector', I would have revealed so fast to get his ass lynched.


Additionally the argument was that Dedede was roleblocked and there was no kill. This assumes that Dedede went to kill (and possibly also on N1 too). This is STUPID. I see no reason why the Mafia would continue to use a redirector to kill.


One last argument was "What if Dedede isn't a redirector and he lied?"


This was pretty illogical, again, mostly because he would be found out very quickly if untrue and also that of all the roles you can claim, making up that you are a redirector is again STUPID as it is an often scum associated role.


In short: Town are STUPID.


And I like saying STUPID a lot.

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No that's my mistake sorry, you definitely targeted Esequiel.


There is something that just doesn't add up about you atm (for me anyway).


I posted all that before you?


I'm pretty sure all the arguments I just presented in my above post were mostly thought of and argued by me.


Anyway...why are you asking for my 'logical defence' of Dedede when you already know it was logical?

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I'll happily explain it again.



Magnus claimed to have been redirected by somebody. Dedede willingly put forward that he was a redirector, but he was roleblocked (confirmed by another), so somebody else, who for most of the day did NOT reveal himself, was also a redirector (naturally that seems far more scummy to me). Note - if I was the unknown guy (now known to be Smeagol), and I was town, and some other guy was saying 'I'm a town redirector', I would have revealed so fast to get his ass lynched.[..]

I was gone for most of that day, only to return at night. And what applied to Dedede applies to me as well: I willingly put forward my info, albeit not all in one go, because according to my info Magnus’ info was correct, and I wanted to confirm that. I could’ve easily shut my mouth about that. Would’ve saved me a lot of trouble. If I had kept my vote on Dedede from the start, for my original reason, simply because it was either him or Yvonne at that time, I would be off none the worse.

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@Mr\-Paul I was also shocked Esequiel turned out sane. At least in the last game he actually listened to me and take on board what I was saying, and he pretty much led town to victory. Here he had little to say.


I was gone for most of that day, only to return at night. And what applied to Dedede applies to me as well: I willingly put forward my info, albeit not all in one go, because according to my info Magnus’ info was correct, and I wanted to confirm that. I could’ve easily shut my mouth about that. Would’ve saved me a lot of trouble. If I had kept my vote on Dedede from the start, for my original reason, simply because it was either him or Yvonne at that time, I would be off none the worse.


See, I just don't get it. If someone claims redirector, and you're some kind of switch/redirector, I would have come out immediately and voiced this (not released it in riddles). It's the kind of role that is very unusual to have 2 similar types on one team (especially town) since they tend to be overpowered. They are basically Mafia killers.

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Your argument is a fleshed out version of what I already posted.

Now... I'm arguing because the morning I woke up and read the thread I didn't have time to post my thoughts until much later in the morning.. so hours passed between me spotting it and me posting about it.


As you keep saying, the town can be stupid, they can miss things... would you include yourself in that? because generally I wouldn't and yet you didn't spot the gaping hole in the claim until I posted abbot it hours and hours later even though you are online every morning and generally haunt the thread?


Your sloppiness is the reason I don't trust you this game, and the reason I tracked you last night.


I'm not happy with your explanation of Esequiel's death either.



I'm talking about the post I made that your trying to claim as your argument in my last post.

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Yeah, but I already said that last day,


1] I’ve been a townie redirector before, so it didn’t immediately occur to me, and

2] I dont have the same ability as Dedede. I don’t switch anything. I choose a target (one), and anyone targeting me ends up with my target.


I deliberately chose to be targetable night 1, and last night, I did that as well like I promised, hoping someone would investigate me. So it’s a shame Mr-Paul did not target me afterall, as he would have been able to confirm I didn’t use my ability.

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You both agreed that we shouldn't lynch Dedede, why are you arguing??!?!?!?!?!


Yes, Sheikah's actions last night are questionable, but I don't think you can hold anything against him for trying to stop Dedede getting lynched.


Questionable? No they're not. Someone made me fucking killed esequiel. Nothing questionable about it at all. :p

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Questionable? No they're not. Someone made me fucking killed esequiel. Nothing questionable about it at all. :p


Whether you're telling the truth is questionable :p


Btw, first post of the day, why did Cube so easily come out as a protector? I know he had to say something as he claims to mistakenly have killed Yvonne, but surely actually saying you're a protector isn't a great idea?

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I see you gave up trying to prove me wrong very quickly Sheikah..?


Well heres a link to page 7 of the thread where it all started. Instead of out of context quotes you can read for yourselves.


Magnus Peterson's cock-up post is the second on the page, post #152, written at 12:51am (not long after Sheikah's post, so he could have actually seen it the night before)


My post is post #155 a whole 9hrs20mins later.


Is it still Bullshit Sheikah?


Normally you would have been all over that like a rash.

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@DuD, you have indeed been claiming credit for others' efforts I see.




29-10-2013, 11:39 AM


Esequiel is the blocker I was aware of.


Changevote: Dedede

But I'm still wary of you.


^ Here is where you believed Dedede was lynch worthy. You in fact voted for him.





ME on 29-10-2013, 11:35 PM:

Well I am suspicious of him based on the above. I asked Dedede on D2 what he did on N1 since he seemed a bit shifty. In actual fact I had nothing actually on him, but I can see how he might have thought asking him who he targeted could have been a chance to catch him out lying. So he may have felt forced to admit to targeting Rummy (then deceased).


Then he also gets roleblocked on a night when there was no kill.


However...the confession of redirector seems a bit odd. Supposing he is a Mafia redirector, it seems highly odd to me that they would use their redirector 2 nights in a row to kill. I've always considered redirection to be one of the Mafia's most useful tools. Of course, it could be he isn't a redirector, but that seems kind of an odd thing to do given they are often scum associated.

Tough call, I want some more thoughts on this before I get on board.



^ That's quite a chunk of 'the argument' against why it can't be Dedede.





Then this came from you afterwards at 30-10-2013, 10:11 AM :


I've got a bad feeling about the Dedede lynch at the moment, because it just doesn't add up.


Yvonne and Dedede were blocked last night.


I know that Esequiel blocked Yvonne for a fact and he has confirmed this. Which leaves another blocker having blocked Dedede.


At this point we've (I've?) assumed Esequiel to be town.. so following on, assumed the other blocker to be mafia.


Why would the mafia block their own kill?

(It could just be that Esequiel is actually the mafia blocker)


Next we've got Magnus, who's claiming to have been redirected last night and yet he's voting against Dedede (the self claimed redirector) because it "seems most concrete" that he's the roleblocked killer??

How so @Magnus Peterson? It makes very little sense to me?


I also find odd that a tracker wouldn't be told who they were redirected to? What use is the info someone targeted Esequiel?


What's everyone's thoughts on this?


I'm convinced Magnus is Mafia, the question for me is whether his vote is distancing from Dedede or boarding the train?


If Dedede isn't Mafia I think Esequiel very well could be?


Remove Vote


Note that your questioning of Dedede here came AFTER my post where I did exactly the same thing. You had also hastily added a vote on Dedede whereas I was confident enough in my own beliefs that I didn't. The only argument you said here first that I used was that Magnus's info was sketchy.



Next up - more of the individual pieces of the argument to strengthen the point that Dedede wasn't Mafia. Again suggested first by - ME!


Me at: 30-10-2013, 11:19 AM

It could also be that the killer targeted someone who was protected


Dedede is claiming to be a redirector (who was roleblocked, which has been somewhat confirmed), and Magnus says he was redirected on the same night.


Providing they are telling the truth, it reasons there are 2 different redirectors. Even if one isn't telling the truth, then that lie is indicative of Mafia anyway.



I personally think if the Mafia had a redirector they'd probably use them to redirect. I'm less sure that they'd send them to do the kill, which makes Dedede a little less suspicious in my eyes. I'll Vote: Magnus Peterson based on the way he has acted. If he flips town then I'll be voting Dedede.



There's another piece of the argument pointed out by me.


ALSO - Note you didn't even vote Magnus after voicing your thoughts, I did. It's like you have no confidence in your beliefs. :p



One last cherry on the cake - I was the one to point out that Smeagol was probably a target switcher who switched himself, thus adding an extra point to the argument (that target switcher who waits until day end to out himself and not damn Dedede was probably more likely Mafia). Again, here is the proof:


It could also be that the killer targeted someone who was protected


Dedede is claiming to be a redirector (who was roleblocked, which has been somewhat confirmed), and Magnus says he was redirected on the same night.


Providing they are telling the truth, it reasons there are 2 different redirectors. Even if one isn't telling the truth, then that lie is indicative of Mafia anyway.



I personally think if the Mafia had a redirector they'd probably use them to redirect. I'm less sure that they'd send them to do the kill, which makes Dedede a little less suspicious in my eyes. I'll Vote: Magnus Peterson based on the way he has acted. If he flips town then I'll be voting Dedede.


Me Yesterday, 05:28 PM

@Sméagol did you switch yourself/were you switched with DuD?


So all in all, yes. I not only was first to voice that Dedede lynch was not right, I also first voiced nearly all of the arguments on him.





This may seem like a total over-reaction but I cannot stand when plebs try to claim ideas/effort for themselves when they had the most minor involvement.

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Nice try but that was BEFORE Magnus' post.


I changed vote because Yvonne outed himself as the alignment investigator ;)


Also there is no mention in your theory which was all meta based about the redirector being in play when he was roleblocked, now read mine... you pleb


Your voice on dedede lynch being wrong was based on assumption not fact. mine? fact.

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Nice try but that was BEFORE Magnus' post.


I changed vote because Yvonne outed himself as the alignment investigator ;)


Also there is no mention in your theory which was all meta based about the redirector being in play when he was roleblocked, now read mine... you pleb


Your voice on dedede lynch being wrong was based on assumption not fact. mine? fact.


Oh I'm sorry, my wonderful deductions came before something? Must mean I came up with it then.


Case closed tbf.




tl;dr version: DuD claims credit for something, challenges me to prove him wrong.


He is proven very wrong.


To add one last cherry to the cake on how little DuD believes anything he was saying:


We don't have time to organise a lynch on a new candidate. Let's focus on the problem at hand which is getting a lynch through. Whoever flips to whatever alignment is gonna tell us loads. If there is no flip we're just as fucked as we were today


This was posted not long before Dedede's lynch happened. DuD thanked this post.

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I love how you take absolutely everything out off context and twist it.


To have change up with something before the info required to prove it would make you psychic so you cannot claim to have come up with it before Magnus posted.


And yes I thanked that post because I agreed the day needed to end in a lynch and Magnus was one of the viable candidates you retard.




To have came^


Also if you go back to the page of your original quote and read it in context you aren't clearing Dedede of anything and instead are sitting well and truly on the fence.


Page 5 towards the bottom if anyone's interested.


The only thing you've said with any merit is that certain people need to start contributing.

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You thanked a post that said it was too late to change lynch candidate [from Dedede]. Truly silly.


And you can say what you like but it's there in black and white. I was putting forward points to counter the Dedede lynch why you still had your votes on him. And the vast majority of the individual claims of the anti-lynch argument I successfully linked to my time stamped posts.

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You're just being petulant now. I don't know why you're suggesting I dropped the ball anyway. It's pretty clear I was one of the most anti Dedede lynch people here which was certainly a good thing. Why criticise? Can't we just forgive and move on over this? We both recognised various things and we've both done a fuck of a lot more than most here to work things out.


Can we please hear from work the remaining people that I mentioned probably about 50 pages back. Especially Moogle. He's just gone totally silent.

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