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If they were on another console I'd be using Party Chat, that alone would allow me to talk to people whilst online regardless of whether Nintendo want it or not.


Yup, like he says, voice chat is built into those consoles (as are parties). So you would have it if you played a MK game on another console.


If parents don't want kids doing that then they can just change the parental controls.


Hmm, fair point - i didn't know such a feature existed.

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Exactly what I was about to post!


This is why I don't get Nintendo's approach sometimes - they take the responsibility upon themselves for whatever reason to debilitate certain communication/chat/message features for kids. I don't get this - if you're buying a console for your child and you don't want them doing that stuff then you should change the settings yourself. Nintendo could even make the initial boot up screen display these settings in a clear and bold way such that no parent could claim they accidentally didn't see there were parental settings to adjust.


For adults, censorship is only a bad thing and makes no sense.

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Then play those consoles.


Here are the facts.


Fact the first: Nintendo decides how things go

Fact the second: Nintendo have said countless times that they are not going third party. Accept that.


If you don't like Nintendo's output, or what Nintendo's doing, can you please stop ruining threads for people who do.


This discussion has been discussed ad nauseum anyway. Just do it in another thread, dedicated to it, if you must.

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Then play those consoles.


Here are the facts.


Fact the first: Nintendo decides how things go

Fact the second: Nintendo have said countless times that they are not going third party. Accept that.


If you don't like Nintendo's output, or what Nintendo's doing, can you please stop ruining threads for people who do.


This discussion has been discussed ad nauseum anyway. Just do it in another thread, dedicated to it, if you must.


Excuse me? You're the one who said something about how it'd pan out for Nintendo if they did - I then contested it. You also didn't really counter any of my points.


Here is another fact: Nintendo can't afford their future home consoles to all be like the Wii U. If they can't turn it around over the years, maybe they will reconsider. Not likely, but it's possible.


Here's another fact:


We have opinions and can voice them.


Exactly. So silly to suggest that we shouldn't speak our minds.

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Currently Nintendo aren't doing well and things are getting worse, not better. So carrying on doing the same thing would be a bad thing to do.


I'm not guessing. I'm looking at facts. Nintendo consoles have sold less and less every generation with the exception of the Wii - which is a statistical anomaly.

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Currently Nintendo aren't doing well and things are getting worse, not better. So carrying on doing the same thing would be a bad thing to do.


I'm not guessing. I'm looking at facts. Nintendo consoles have sold less and less every generation with the exception of the Wii - which is a statistical anomaly.


Ok, but whats it to you?


The figures Serebii posted show other platforms being in worst, almost dire-looking conditions. Whats makes Nintendo's position SO bad as to warrant daily monitoring and review (and persecution) of its operations?


Nintendo has been around since before your time, what makes you so qualified in being able to state solutions for Nintendo?

Edited by King_V
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Currently Nintendo aren't doing well and things are getting worse, not better. So carrying on doing the same thing would be a bad thing to do.


I'm not guessing. I'm looking at facts. Nintendo consoles have sold less and less every generation with the exception of the Wii - which is a statistical anomaly.

Actually, sir, you are incorrect. Things are getting better.


Q1-Q3 Operating Income

FY3/2012: -16,408m Yen

FY3/2013: -5,857m Yen

FY3/2014: -1,578m Yen


Q1-Q3 Ordinary Income

FY3/2012: -66,027m Yen

FY3/2013: 22,756m Yen

FY3/2014: 55,566m Yen


The only reason they projected a large loss for FY3/2014 is due to a few one-time expenditures during Q4. Specifically injections of 15bn Yen in R&D, 8bn Yen in Marketing and various other things, plus the $1bn they had to spend on buyback of Yamauchi shares. If it wasn't for that, their FY3/2014 financials would have shown significant growth.


Your facts are incomplete.

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I know we have joked in the past about there being a "Sony Defense Force" on this forum but my word @Serebii you sure are a Nintendo Defense Force too.


This is not meant to offend by the way. People know I love Nintendo but damn they don't half frustrate me with their lies and attitude toward a chunk of their fanbase.

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Ok, but whats it to you?


The figures Serebii posted show other platforms being in worst, almost dire-looking conditions. Whats makes Nintendo's position SO bad as to warrant daily monitoring and review of its operations?


What's it to me? I want Nintendo to make games like they use to (or even be surprising, like they use to be). They have the potential to be a much better company.


Do you mean this chart?




You mean the one that combines Nintendo's handheld and console profits into one? The one that shows Sony making a massive loss during the PS3 years when they were indeed heavily (and rightly) criticized? You mean the chart that doesn't show figures from the last three years? The one that shows Nintendo in fact has the most money to invest (ignoring the rest of Microsoft) and yet they have the least to show for it? The chart that ignores more nuanced business strategy, like the idea that Xbox serves a very important role in maintaining Microsoft's brand among a different demographics that they can use to leverage other ventures (like Xbox TV)? There are plenty of thing wrong with those numbers and relying solely on number in general.

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What's it to me? I want Nintendo to make games like they use to (or even be surprising, like they use to be). They have the potential to be a much better company.


Do you mean this chart?




You mean the one that combines Nintendo's handheld and console profits into one? The one that shows Sony making a massive loss during the PS3 years when they were indeed heavily (and rightly) criticized? You mean the chart that doesn't show figures from the last three years? The one that shows Nintendo in fact has the most money to invest (ignoring the rest of Microsoft) and yet they have the least to show for it? The chart that ignores more nuanced business strategy, like the idea that Xbox serves a very important role in maintaining Microsoft's brand among a different demographics that they can use to leverage other ventures (like Xbox TV)? There are plenty of thing wrong with those numbers and relying solely on number in general.

How does that counter any of what I said. You said things were getting worse. I countered you with facts proving to the contrary and then you made your post saying "Yeah but they're in the red so it's fine to have a go at them"


Also, Nintendo's output is like it used to be, in fact it's better.

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You didn't post facts. You posted numbers and framed them so they appeared as absolutes. Also, Nintendo don't make games like they use to; they never filled the gaping hole left by selling of Rare (I listed out the games in an earlier post - Perfect Dark, Jet Force Gemini, Banjo Kazooie, Geist, Conker's Bad Fur Day).

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Currently Nintendo aren't doing well and things are getting worse, not better. So carrying on doing the same thing would be a bad thing to do.


I'm not guessing. I'm looking at facts. Nintendo consoles have sold less and less every generation with the exception of the Wii - which is a statistical anomaly.


Here's a fact. Nintendo sell more hardware than anybody else hands down. You can't just ignore their handheld division, without Windows Microsoft would be in a much worse position with brand Xbox. PS3 3 sales were half of PS2.

This is a classic example of the way Nintendo get's trashed on here. We only look at the negatives for Nintendo and the positives for Sony and Microsoft.

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Here's a fact. Nintendo sell more hardware than anybody else hands down. You can't just ignore their handheld division, without Windows Microsoft would be in a much worse position with brand Xbox. PS3 3 sales were half of PS2.

This is a classic example of the way Nintendo get's trashed on here. We only look at the negatives for Nintendo and the positives for Sony and Microsoft.


Thats not the case at all. Serebii tried to argue that even though the GC was a flop the chart showed it was still profitable for Nintendo when in fact it doesnt as we dont know how much of that was down to the GBA.

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Here's a fact. Nintendo sell more hardware than anybody else hands down. You can't just ignore their handheld division, without Windows Microsoft would be in a much worse position with brand Xbox. PS3 3 sales were half of PS2.

This is a classic example of the way Nintendo get's trashed on here. We only look at the negatives for Nintendo and the positives for Sony and Microsoft.


Why would you consider other departments within Microsoft when talking about how the Xbox is doing? Likewise, Nintendo handhelds can be considered distinct from their home consoles - when people are saying they want third party Nintendo, they are usually explicitly referring to their ill-fated home console sector.

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