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Starbound(spiritual successor to Terraria on PC)

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Posted (edited)

So this got mentioned by @dr4hkon in the Terraria thread, and I thought I'd start up a new thread for it rather than continue discussion there.





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Edited by Rummy
  dr4hkon said:
Been waiting so long now for this game...still no release date or anything close to a beta :(


Apparently it's currently in beta with friends/family of the devs or something, but yeah it's very high on my anticipated games list! It sounds very interesting, and like it will have much more potential life in it. Plus a competitive aspect as well as co-operative sounds very interesting! I prefer co-op personally, but if the competitive is good(or even competitive co-op) then I'll definitely take it for a spin.


If I can source a laptop(less power) to borrow by then and it has the same command-line server functionality as Terraria then I'll consider hosting some worlds too. The idea of progression of worlds gives it a lot more life! In Terraria once you've done a few bits, you've...welll, done the bits.

  • 1 month later...
  dr4hkon said:
Pre-order now!


Did it and cannot wait it.


I've been checking the site incessantly for a while now, checking out the progress map etc but realising I haven't kept a close enough track to actually tell what's progress! Pre-order and beta is awesome tings though, $15 yes please! Gonna pre-order a 4 pack poss if I can get my terraria crew on board, or just a single otherwise. Excited!


Turns out I can't convince any of my friends to pre-order, but I have! Would totes be up for playing the beta(when it comes) with guys from here if anyone's interested?

Almost can't wait for this! I don't know why I'm so excited, I haven't even played hardmode on terraria yet!

  • 3 weeks later...

Not sure if you're keeping up @dr4hkon, but they're doing quite a bit of daily news on updating at the moment! Hoping we get a beta by middle/end of June...:bouncy:


(it's a blind hope, there's not actual dates in sight)


Yeah! This appears to have some more balance to it, I guess. Terraria was nice and all, but once you're good you're sorta good - felt a bit shit trying to play with mates who already had it, as they blitzed everything. That said, I'm still too pussy to take on Hardmode.


If this is closer to end of June etc, I'd be totally up for mutli-ing with peeps here; seems to have a mad wealth of content/choice compared to Terraria. Wonder if world hosting would work the same, if I can get a laptop to run a world on I'd love to leave a perpetual N-E world on or so.


I need to get back to Terraria at some point. I had unlocked hardmode but having explored so much of my world already it didnt seem as fun having to go through it all again to find the new ores.

  Rummy said:
Not sure if you're keeping up @dr4hkon, but they're doing quite a bit of daily news on updating at the moment!


Of course, I'm keeping up. :)


Starbound looks like it's going to be another one of those games that will eat my life.

Posted (edited)

I'm feeling the same.


I think this is totally a good approach to game development too - admittedly they've got a jump by being similar to a very successful game which was arguably somewhat similar to an even more successful game - but to have pulled $1.2million before the game has even been released is quite a good show - their engagement with the fanbase/community seems to be really good too. Hopefully it'll recieve continuing support after its release too!


EDIT: Gonna just throw a mild spanner of derailment into the thread for you guys. Obviously whilst working hard at work, I was just having a read around on Starbound and 'similar' games - one mentioned is a game called Edge of Space - anyone heard of it? Apparently recently Greenlighted on steam, and already available on desura etc. Inspired by Terraria, apparently been supported(well, approved of I think; post devs etc) in someway by Redigit himself - got a very different graphical look to it though. Wanna explore more into it but half the good sites are blocked here! Probably for good reason too :p

EDITEDIT: Something else called Darkout has turned up in my perusals. Seems there's a few after the Terraria crown.

Edited by Rummy
  • 1 month later...

Dammit son, thought this might be a release date post! I'd read about the fact they're gonna have instruments/music you can actually write and play. This is going to be SO much bigger than Terraria...all I wish I had was a bloody date for it! Vid's totally awesome too!

  Rummy said:
Dammit son, thought this might be a release date post!


Then I'm happy to show you this, taken from the official page:


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*buys shotgun*

*buys plane ticket*


I can't help but think this game is gonna be huge. It's made $1.5million and it's not even OUT yet. Cannot wait, cannot wait. CANNOT WAIT. Might have to actually invest in a proper computer desk to stop me destroying all my muscles.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  drahkon said:



...Simply amazing.


Just watched it myself. I am so late for work.


Looks most excellent, hopefully they'll still manage to make their 2013 beta deadline! Can see getting a lot of fun/play out of this.

  drahkon said:


Hmm, I could view this at work but it was slow as fuck. Seems I can't view it at home now though; is it just me or anyone else got issues too?


Still totes excited for this game too :bouncy:


Actually looking really forward to this as I recently watched a mate of mine play terraria which I never really *got*. He showed me just what it's like to play when you understand what you are doing.

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