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Peepsville II

The Peeps

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I had a feeling that the game was extremely close after you lynched Marcamillian, which is why we felt we had to use our kill that night (on DuD).




I tried, but alas i failed.


After Mangus turned out to be Neutral, Aqui1a was our suspected fourth (along with Sheikah, mr-paul and DuD, who were on our main suspects list by night 3). For me, mr-paul 100% confirmed that he was mafia when he questioned my info on Mangus (as he knew I was completely lying - part of the reason I went with that lie was to hope someone questioned me about it).


It was @Jon Dedede who decided to go with DuD for the kill.

Edited by Cube
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Wait so Cube, Jon and Tales were never going to vote for each other?


It doesn't have as much of an impact as you think.


If we go back to night 5, Cube & co nearly killed Aqui1a and not DuD. If they had done that, the mafia would've had majority in the day phase thanks to DuD's double vote.


There are a number of different ways this game could've gone, some more likely than others, but I don't think this game was unfair or unbalanced. I think the mafia's only mistake was coming out too early with that voting, which was made more obvious with Sheikah thanking all the mafia votes. If you had held off for one more phase, you would've had victory handed to you.

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It's certainly interesting how Peeps done the game this time around. Allowing the town to have a night kill, i've not seen that before.


And would explain why Tales couldn't have been killed.


There have been vigilantes (townie killers) before. These can kill once per night.


Our "second life" only worked once. I'm surprised it took so long for a kill attempt on any of us.

Our kill and protection were one-use powers and none of us could use our normal powers on those nights (although that option was made much easier when I lost my power). we decided to save the protection until the very last minute.

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It doesn't have as much of an impact as you think.


If we go back to night 5, Cube & co nearly killed Aqui1a and not DuD. If they had done that, the mafia would've had majority in the day phase thanks to DuD's double vote.


There are a number of different ways this game could've gone, some more likely than others, but I don't think this game was unfair or unbalanced. I think the mafia's only mistake was coming out too early with that voting, which was made more obvious with Sheikah thanking all the mafia votes. If you had held off for one more phase, you would've had victory handed to you.


What I mean is they could join their votes with their three players which is pretty powerful and had no reason to waste their investigatory powers/votes on each other, significantly increasing the chance of targeting us, the Mafia.


:p ...to make things worse, we couldn't protect against investigations nor could we ever appear town for any reason so it was pretty tough.


I don't think my thanking of posts had any effect since it was pretty obvious that a lynch train had gone down anyway (Cube even knew Marca couldn't have been Mathius and stated it after majority).


What happened on the night when DuD was killed? (when mr-paul tried to redirect Aqui1a).

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What I mean is they could join their votes with their three players which is pretty powerful and had no reason to waste their investigatory powers/votes on each other, significantly increasing the chance of targeting us, the Mafia.


:p ...to make things worse, we couldn't protect against investigations nor could we ever appear town for any reason so it was pretty tough.


I don't think my thanking of posts had any effect since it was pretty obvious that a lynch train had gone down anyway (Cube even knew Marca couldn't have been Mathius and stated it after majority).


What happened on the night when DuD was killed? (when mr-paul tried to redirect Aqui1a).


I think it may have worked in the same way as it worked with mafia, except they most likely conversed via PM's. They could chat, but unlike the mafia who knew who was town, they didn't know who was mafia.


It's pretty interesting, but a little odd to say the least. Cube saying there have been town vigilantes before, i've not seen it. May have been in games i wasn't a part of (or killed early on with).

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What I mean is they could join their votes with their three players which is pretty powerful and had no reason to waste their investigatory powers/votes on each other, significantly increasing the chance of targeting us, the Mafia.


You haven't played in many of my games before have you? :wink: there was no reason for the players to trust each other just because they were in a team. I think Cube was quite mistrusting at first but they worked out quickly enough that they could trust each other I guess. While they did not have to target each other, I don't think this created that much of an imbalance.


:p ...to make things worse, we couldn't protect against investigations nor could we ever appear town for any reason so it was pretty tough.


But you could redirect and roleblock while protecting yourselves from being misdirected. Jimbob also had quite an innocent role which could've gained information for you. You can't just list what you don't have and forget what you do have. The mafia dominated most of the game and you had confidence enough to come out with that lynch train so I wouldn't say you felt it was that tough until just afterwards.


What happened on the night when DuD was killed? (when mr-paul tried to redirect Aqui1a).


Aqui1a redirected mr-paul and DuD to each other. I decided who had the advantage with a flip of a coin, I won't pretend I wasn't happy that Aqui1a came out on top after the mafia had spent most of the game using him as a pawn. The town militia used their kill power on DuD but DuD's last action was to target Tales who was roleblocked for the following night phase (he was the one who was shot in the shoulder in the write-up). Jimbob attempted to kill Cube but their one-time protection prevented the kill.


and @Rummy it was Jimbob that killed you :p they had discovered your power the previous night.

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They trend to rarely use their powers. I remember one game where the town vigilante managed to secure victory for the Mafia.


Also, if we were wrong with our kill, all three of us would have lost all our powers. As Peeps said, Aqu1la was considered a target for the kill.

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DuD - Mathius Carson – Mob Boss:

You have an endless supply of henchmen at your disposal to carry out your business. You can roleblock each night and once in the game you can issue a ‘warning’ – the targeted player will not be able to perform any night actions for the rest of the game. You have a double vote and some roles may have trouble targeting you.


Sheikah - The American:

Round here they call you The American, you relocated to Peepsville after a bit of trouble in your homeland. You can shoot with the best of them and have been recruited to guard Carson from his many enemies. Each night you can choose a player to protect from roleblocks and redirections.


Mr-paul - Johnny Crane:

One of Carson’s right hand men; you are the public presence of Mathius Carson. As he doesn’t often leave his mansion due to attempts on his life from rival gangs, you perform his daily business deals. You walk through town with his power in your hands. Each night you can order one player to target another. You will be informed of what went on. Roleblockers are afraid to target you.


Jimbob - Jimmy Cartel:

You gain information for the mafia. Each night you can target a player and find out what they do. I have no flavour for you so you are an international man of mystery.


Town Militia:


A trio of highly trained professional cops brought together for the sole job of taking down the mafia. Can perform a night kill in place of all three player’s night action. If a civilian is killed the squad will be disbanded and stripped of all night powers, they will retain their right to vote. If any one of the three is targeted for a night kill, it will fail – but only once. Once in the game you can plant a bug for a tip-off of a night victim. You will save the player’s life.


Cube - Leo Parelli You are a seasoned police officer, highly trained in interrogation. You can spot a crook from a mile off. Each night you can investigate a player's alignment.


Jon Dedede - Peter Michaels Your day to day work involves stake-outs which is why you've been chosen to track a player each night. Alternatively you can track a location*


Tales - Alfred Bulken You are highly trained in hand-to-hand combat so each night you can roleblock the player of your choice.


*pick a player's home instead of the actual player (to see anyone going in and out) or you can choose to stake out the bar (a common meeting point).




Rummy - Steven Aimes:

You are just an average police officer. The mafia have men in the force and have bribed most of the judges making it impossible for you to uphold the law. The least you can do is escort people as they go about their business. Each night you will protect a player from any negative actions.


Marcamillian - Pete Crawley:

You are a gentleman criminal. You could’ve joined the mafia with your friends but you would rather not be accountable to anyone and it’s a pretty dangerous life to lead. You have reserved yourself to the humble skill of pick-pocketing. Each night you will pick someone’s pocket and steal their wallet. You will find out their name and potentially more.


Yvonne - Dominic Gentry:

The mafia backed your rise to power. You are the mayor of Peepsville but you have no authority. As everyone knows you’re simply a pawn for the mafia. You appear evil but you’ve tried to do as much good as you can despite your unsavoury rise to power. Each night all you can do is watch over people on the town surveillance system (reverse tracker).


Aqui1a - Tom Lancaster:

Bartender and owner of the busiest bar in town. You know your bar is a hotspot for all sorts of people but you don’t judge them as long as they pay their way. If anyone targets you they will become inebriated and maybe spill a secret. Each night you can spike the drinks of two players, confusing them into targeting each other.


Diageo - Eric Tanner:

You drive the Peepsville Monorail but you don’t enjoy it. You are underpaid and your boss is never off your back... maybe because you always get drunk and let people out at the wrong stations… who can say? Each night you can misdirect anyone trying to target two players of your choice. Anyone trying to reach person A will reach person B instead.


Nintendohnut - Edward Collins:

You are simply a good citizen trying to help people in every way you can. Each night you can protect a player from anyone trying to target them. You will be killed the second time you protect from a mafia killing (should it ever occur).


Jonnas - Andy McCluskey:

You own a popular news stand, selling the daily town paper. While you are alive there will be a write-up detailing any noteworthy occurrences from the night phase. Each night you can name a player and their night experience will be detailed in the write-up no matter what.




Magnus Peterson - Doris Mathews:

You are a femme fatale. Anyone you target, or who targets you, will fall in love with you. If one of the mafia falls in love with you, you will not be able to be night killed. If everyone in the game falls in love with you, you will win. If every living player at the end of the game is in love with you, you will win with the winning faction. You are neutral.

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I think it was a fair game.. we were unlucky Sheikah got investigated the night we took cubes power, but everything else pretty much went for us up to that point.

Now after the previous 2 mafias we may see more clever play from Mafiosos rather than a lynch train on the "last day"


Good game peeps :)

one question.. why didn't tales die last night if they used their protection up on cube?


was tales tipped off then?

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You haven't played in many of my games before have you? :wink: there was no reason for the players to trust each other just because they were in a team. I think Cube was quite mistrusting at first but they worked out quickly enough that they could trust each other I guess. While they did not have to target each other, I don't think this created that much of an imbalance.


Well maybe it wasn't impossible that some were Mafia, but unlikely - if someone on the team was Mafia he'd probably try kill them or screw with them since he knew they had the ability to make a kill and form collective decisions. Wouldn't take too long to suss it out I reckon.



But you could redirect and roleblock while protecting yourselves from being misdirected. Jimbob also had quite an innocent role which could've gained information for you. You can't just list what you don't have and forget what you do have. The mafia dominated most of the game and you had confidence enough to come out with that lynch train so I wouldn't say you felt it was that tough until just afterwards.


Yeah I can't deny that we were doing ok up to that point. Redirecting Aqui1a gave us some extra moves which really came in handy.


Aqui1a redirected mr-paul and DuD to each other. I decided who had the advantage with a flip of a coin, I won't pretend I wasn't happy that Aqui1a came out on top after the mafia had spent most of the game using him as a pawn. The town militia used their kill power on DuD but DuD's last action was to target Tales who was roleblocked for the following night phase (he was the one who was shot in the shoulder in the write-up). Jimbob attempted to kill Cube but their one-time protection prevented the kill.


and @Rummy it was Jimbob that killed you :p they had discovered your power the previous night.


Ahh man, so that's it. Well I can't feel too bad about it then. It's a shame the coin didn't land the other way. ;)

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I think it was a fair game.. we were unlucky Sheikah got investigated the night we took cubes power, but everything else pretty much went for us up to that point.

Now after the previous 2 mafias we may see more clever play from Mafiosos rather than a lynch train on the "last day"


Good game peeps :)

one question.. why didn't tales die last night if they used their protection up on cube?


was tales tipped off then?


Yeah they used their tip-off which saved Tales

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Well maybe it wasn't impossible that some were Mafia, but unlikely - if someone on the team was Mafia he'd probably try kill them or screw with them since he knew they had the ability to make a kill and form collective decisions. Wouldn't take too long to suss it out I reckon.


You really haven't played enough mafias if you think any team can automatically trust all of its members :heh: - expecially when Peeps is involved! :p I was on a two-man team with Dohnut in the Parliament Mafia where Dohnut turned out to be mafia. I figured it out eventually, but at that point Jonnas had needed to replace me due to real-life commitments, and he never realised it. :heh:




Anyway, I really enjoyed following this game! :) Cube played excellently, though it's a damn risky move to lie about an investigation on gut instinct! :heh: He's lucky it turned out so well - I'm not sure it's a popular playing style for town.

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You really haven't played enough mafias if you think any team can automatically trust all of its members :heh: - expecially when Peeps is involved! :p I was on a two-man team with Dohnut in the Parliament Mafia where Dohnut turned out to be mafia. I figured it out eventually, but at that point Jonnas had needed to replace me due to real-life commitments, and he never realised it. :heh:


But in this case they get a night kill, a team protection and co-ordinate 3 votes together. All I'm saying is it'd be unusual to get that stuff and have Mafia involved (as the Mafia would surely use this information to take the teammates out at first opportunity). It could be that an included Mafioso wasn't part of the main faction but you still would expect shenanigans when it came to power usage.


Out of interest did the teammates have their own board?

Edited by Sheikah
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But then that mafioso would be outed immediately, and thus the end result would be hugely in the town's favour. He or she would have to lay low and act more as an informant, using townie and mafioso info to manipulate the townie team. A townie team with a double agent is not nearly as impossible as you seem to think.


Nah I mean they could kill off the other two (town) members of the team via the Mafia (by telling them on their board). After the team is disbanded this way none of town would ever know there ever was a team. A Mafioso would do all they could to kill the team given their powers.

Edited by Sheikah
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Good game. Slightly annoying that our fate was partly decided by the flip of a coin, but what can you do! Funny how it basically played out like the last game.


I am a fan of having townie/neutral groups, but personally believe they should be limited to a pair. Three townies working together in a game where there is only 9 townies in total feels a little excessive, especially when they have the ability to kill someone, and survive a kill.


I think if you're going to have a large townie group, it'd be fairer to leave the alignment investigator out of it. I know we removed his power which balanced things out, but I don't think investigators should have the pool of targets narrowed so much.


Thanks to my team mates, Sheikah and DuD did the majority of the strategy, I wasn't around as much as I would have liked.

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Nah I mean they could kill off the other two (town) members of the team via the Mafia (by telling them on their board). After the team is disbanded this way none of town would ever know there ever was a team. A Mafioso would do all they could to kill the team given their powers.


That wouldn't really change anything, though. The mafioso would just be a lone player again. (Assuming of course he doesn't get to keep potential team powers, which would be overpowered.) It'd be much more useful for him to stay in the double agent role, if for nothing else then to feed the mafia valuable info.

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That wouldn't really change anything, though. The mafioso would just be a lone player again. (Assuming of course he doesn't get to keep potential team powers, which would be overpowered.) It'd be much more useful for him to stay in the double agent role, if for nothing else then to feed the mafia valuable info.


Sure it means something! He successfully eliminates a vigilante vote power house. :p


Leaving them around is dangerous since they will likely vote together which later in game is powerful.

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I can see that having a town group such as this can be viewed as too advantageous for the town... I like to try new things with these games and in terms of the mechanics, roles and interactions, I think it went quite well. I think the suggestion that town groups should be no more than 2 players is a good one though.


Overall did people enjoy the game?

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Sure it means something! He successfully eliminates a vigilante vote power house. :p


Leaving them around is dangerous since they will likely vote together which later in game is powerful.


Well, obviously the powers would need to be balanced accordingly. But I do see your point about the potential for imbalance. Balance is always the core issue of making a mafia game.

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(as the Mafia would surely use this information to take the teammates out at first opportunity).


You got rid of my investigation power rather quickly, and someone was using Tales to do their bigging throughout most of this game. Jon Dedede could have passed on this information, using us two as pawns.


Also, mafia members in townie pairs can be given negative effects. I had one game where I paired a town and mafia who could communicate. However, if one die the other would commit suicide. And the mafia member couldn't actually explain this to his fellow team.


Although I do admit that we were slightly overpowered, and my loss of power made the game much more interesting (and fun).

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I can see that having a town group such as this can be viewed as too advantageous for the town... I like to try new things with these games and in terms of the mechanics, roles and interactions, I think it went quite well. I think the suggestion that town groups should be no more than 2 players is a good one though.


Overall did people enjoy the game?


I did enjoy it :)

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