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Peepsville II

The Peeps

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As far as I'm concerned the day ends on majority not whenever Peeps can get to a computer.


I'm not exposing anything I may or may not know cause the mafia played it well, I'm not taking that away from them. If ya'll wanted to get information you should have waited.


It doesn't end until Peeps says so. But I can't blame you if you don't want to reveal your information. Especially when we have evidence from multiple sources which says you can't be Mathius Carson (which I even mentioned).

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Majority has been reached


Marcamillian (6): Aqui1a, Jimbob, mr-paul, Jon Dedede, DuD


It was a case of mistaken identity but no one would listen... or rather they didn't allow time for the charming young pickpocket to sweet talk his way out of this mess. He had ties to the mafia, sure, who didn't these days? But he had sworn against that life and had set out on his own. He was only small time and he did his best to avoid stealing from those who could not afford to lose it...


The town mercilessly rounded on Pete Crawley and sentenced him to death. He was an innocent man. Marcamillian is no longer in the game.


8 Players:


@Jon Dedede








Magnus Peterson




Night Five

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Night Five


Since Dominic Gentry's death, the mafia had grown in power. Any pretence of legitimacy had gone out of the window once the Mayor had been killed. He had been just a pawn but he had also been the last bastion of law and order against the mafia. The idea of having to use this government official to get their way had held the mafia back. With him gone, they realised they already had the hold on the town that they were working for.


They showed their hand... but little did they know, there were forces working in opposition to the mafia. They had done well to stay under the radar but now they had enough information and due cause to take action. The town militia set out in search of Mathius Carson, to take him in once and for all. Dead or alive.


The mafia had other plans of course. They were arming up for a final hit on an important member of the town. Once he was dealt with, the rest of the opposition would fall like dominoes.


The rumble of thunder could be heard as the two sides entered the town square and... squared off. Mathius Carson and his cronies against the self-appointed town militia. Both sides were at a stand off, hands over holsters until the first drop of rain landed on Carson's knuckle. He twitched and pulled out his gun, firing wildly at his enemies. Someone on the town's side took a bullet to the shoulder, taking them out of the fight but they would live.


Everyone dived for cover but neither side could see very well anyway due to the heavy rain that was now coming down on top of them. Gunfire and shouting could be heard but it wasn't clear who was winning, if anyone, due to it being pitch black and raining... suddenly there was a flash of lightning which lit up the town square. It was just enough time for someone to get a clear shot. Another flash of lightning struck a few seconds later, setting the news stand ablaze. Someone had been hit and bad. They were on the floor and bleeding out...


Sirens wailed which could've belonged to the police or the fire department but it was enough to spook everyone into retreating. The rain lifted as dawn was breaking and a ray of sunlight burst through the clouds to start the day. A body was highlighted by the morning sun... the body of Mathius Carson.


Mathius Carson has been taken out. He was the head of the mafia and could roleblock his targets. DuD is no longer in the game.


7 Players:


@Jon Dedede








Magnus Peterson





Day Six

Majority is 4

Edited by The Peeps
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I put on a vote for a bit of pressure to get Marca to talk, was reading the thread on the tube and had the post ready for when I got signal back. I feel pretty stupid now getting caught in the middle of a quick hammer lynch when I was part of one in the last game. I didn't have the common sense to refresh the thread or consider the likely amount of remaining Mafia.

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I followed Jimbob's info yesterday as everything he had said thus far had seemed accurate, and Jonnas earlier in the thread seemed to trust him. You can't blame me for everyone jumping on it afterwards, I voted quite early. I had missed that Marc had said he was called Pete, and was willing to trust someone who was an info gatherer over someone who stole wallets.


I was indeed redirected to DuD, as Aqui1a has said, but I did not kill him. He roleblocked me, but all I would have found out was that he targeted me. Jimbob and Jon Dedede are the ones we need to look at.


Also, haven't heard from Tales or Dohnut for ages.

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Sorry guys, i was mislead into revealing Marca as Mathius Carson. I apologise for that, and i didn't realise a vote was required after the information was revealed. This is my first chance to say this as i've not been able to get online. Had some internet issues today, so i apologise.


I'm not in a trusting position with some people after this, especially with Aqui1a, mr-paul and Jon Dedede. I was convinced i had correct information right until the lynch occured. After all, i don't lie in mafia games.

Anyone have any information on what they did last night?

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