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Battlefield 4 (Wanted)


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I'm surprised that noone's made a thread about this before.

Battlefield 3 is briliant and the console ports were by far inferior. If Dice pull this off correctly, THIS could be the game that proves the Wii U's power.


Not to mention that I LOVE BF3, my definitely favorite shooter in multiplayer. Well, at least it was until DICE started to listen to fans and nerf this, nerf that, reduce recoil on this, until you had no choice but to use automatic weapons.




Hopefully this is true and DICE won't listen to COD-whiners wanting the game to be more Michael Bay-ish, with weak full auto guns.


Anyhows: Battlefield 4 for the Wii U, what are your thoughts?

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I wouldn't be surprised if EA canned the Wii U version. Wii U sales have been sluggish and EA have already put a block on Crysis 3 coming to the Wii U, even though Crytek seemed positive about it.


If it does come to the Wii U I'll definitely jump in and give it a go, I just hope it has Wii Remote controls and doesn't force you to use the dual analog sticks.

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Battlefield actually is like a battlefield, it promotes realistic combat at penalizes people who think they are Rambo and can run round with automatic weapons and survive.


I'd orgasm at news it was "cuming" to the WiiU, no seriously the series is that good! where else can you fly a jet, drive a tank and engage in squad based combat other than the real life armed forces?

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Battlefield actually is like a battlefield, it promotes realistic combat at penalizes people who think they are Rambo and can run round with automatic weapons and survive.


I'd orgasm at news it was "cuming" to the WiiU, no seriously the series is that good! where else can you fly a jet, drive a tank and engage in squad based combat other than the real life armed forces?


This is why I fail at it and dislike it. :D

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Battlefield actually is like a battlefield, it promotes realistic combat at penalizes people who think they are Rambo and can run round with automatic weapons and survive.


This is why I LOVED the beta, but hate the game now.

I used to take a sniper rifle and remove the scope and use it as a semi auto assault rifle, as I learned in the army.

Then they nerfed all the semi auto sniper rifles to the point where they're nigh on worthless (while playing as assault or machinegun class before they nerfed everything, I got more kills using pistols than my actual main weapon). Instead I had to relearn the whole game, and I ended up taking an M60, putting a laser sight and vertical grip on it and firing from the hip, which disapointingly turned out to actually work really well :weep:

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This is why I LOVED the beta, but hate the game now.

I used to take a sniper rifle and remove the scope and use it as a semi auto assault rifle, as I learned in the army.

Then they nerfed all the semi auto sniper rifles to the point where they're nigh on worthless (while playing as assault or machinegun class before they nerfed everything, I got more kills using pistols than my actual main weapon). Instead I had to relearn the whole game, and I ended up taking an M60, putting a laser sight and vertical grip on it and firing from the hip, which disapointingly turned out to actually work really well :weep:


in fairness the last time i played it (since having a huge game back log of RPG's) was when the explosive rounds in shotguns was an issue, in the end i trolled the explosive gunners, i was far more accurate than they were and when i saw someone on a map using them i switched to a DAO-12 with explosive rounds and went expendable on their ass. was good fun but i hear its been nerfed

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I'm not trying to start any arguments here but of the most common complaint I ever heard from my friends who played this game was that the online had too few players compared to the map sizes. Obviously this was a result of designing everything for the PC and then scaling it down - I've had no complaints from the PC users who love it.


Now we know things are frosty between EA and Nintendo already and some members of DICE have been a bit critical of the system - I seem to recall reading one guy from there complaining after the E3 2011 reveal, let alone the more recent comments though in both cases, I'm not sure either had been hands on yet the CPU was the bone on contention in both instances.


Still, between EA not being too fussed about the machine, DICE already having doubts (and Frostbite 2.0 being the future of EA games), questions over the Wii U's online cabailities, plus concerns over the CPU which could indeed hinder player count, Battlefield for the Wii U just doesn't sound like a good fit. Can they get it up and running...probably, but would it be worth it? I'm not too sure. There could well be the install base numbers wise if Nintendo can sort out it's marketing and pricing to attract a wider crowd but are they the type to play this type of game, I'm not convinced.


A lot of Wii U owners looking to buy a game like this are likely to fall into the "hardcore" gamer camp and I'd imagine most of them have more friends with Xboxes and PS3s that they want to remain being able to play online with them. In that regard, it's just like CoD except this game is a harder sell and I'd imagine more costly to make.

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thats right the biggest complaint is its now 32 player online compared to 64 on PC's, which is always the better place to play Battelfield.


Battlefield isn't as popular on the HD twins as COD, which themselves dominate the Console FPS market, BF dominates the PC market, if it were capable of running BF4, with a closer experience to the PC version (aka having 64 player) i'd love to see nintendo plow money at EA for exclusivity and help repair their EA relationship, it could be awesome and sell the Wiiu to some "core" gamers


pipedreams though

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Exclusivity? Ha ha!! Not a chance in the world. I'm not sure the Wii U version would sell enough to recoup dev costs on the system alone, let alone lost revenue from other platforms. Nintendo would have to cough up a substantial sum.


Though now you've got me thinking, could Nintendo redesign their Battlion Wars games to plug a Battlefield style gap. I'm not saying to totally do away with all the things that people like about the series, but perhaps give it a different angle to appeal to more traditional gamers on other machines and expand the multiplayer components to allow for more players at once.

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Exclusivity? Ha ha!! Not a chance in the world. I'm not sure the Wii U version would sell enough to recoup dev costs on the system alone, let alone lost revenue from other platforms. Nintendo would have to cough up a substantial sum.


Though now you've got me thinking, could Nintendo redesign their Battlion Wars games to plug a Battlefield style gap. I'm not saying to totally do away with all the things that people like about the series, but perhaps give it a different angle to appeal to more traditional gamers on other machines and expand the multiplayer components to allow for more players at once.


Oh totally its a pipedream, it would never ever happen unless there was some sort of miracle, the best we could ever hope for is a timed exclusive before what ever Nextbox/Xbox/Ps3/4 is out.


but you could be on to something there with your idea

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Oh totally its a pipedream, it would never ever happen unless there was some sort of miracle, the best we could ever hope for is a timed exclusive before what ever Nextbox/Xbox/Ps3/4 is out.


but you could be on to something there with your idea


I wouldn't want it exclusively for the Wii U for anything in the world. I want BF4 to have even more advanced graphics which need to be even more visibly cut down to run on the PS3 and Xbox 360, while the Wii U version is PC-perfect :santa:


THEN noone will complain about how weak it is.

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thats right the biggest complaint is its now 32 player online compared to 64 on PC's, which is always the better place to play Battelfield.


Battlefield isn't as popular on the HD twins as COD, which themselves dominate the Console FPS market, BF dominates the PC market, if it were capable of running BF4, with a closer experience to the PC version (aka having 64 player) i'd love to see nintendo plow money at EA for exclusivity and help repair their EA relationship, it could be awesome and sell the Wiiu to some "core" gamers


pipedreams though


Battlefield isn't 64 players on the consoles not because of a lack of power, but because they're operating peer-to-peer. The PC version is on servers. Peer-to-peer is a struggle with 32 players, so it would die on it's feet at 64.


COD is much better suited to consoles and plays better than BF because it's designed for consoles. Small maps, on foot combat and fast and fluid gameplay. Battlefield is great on PC as it can emulate a battlefield, however on consoles the maps are just too big and empty.


I also wouldn't say Battlefield is 'dominating' the PC market. MOBA games are dominating at the moment with LOL basically being the biggest game on PC.


Even if BF4 was Wii U exclusive I don't think it'd do any good. I just can't see major sales of any shooter (other than Goldeneye) on a Nintendo console. It just doesn't have the right userbase for that kind of game.


Though now you've got me thinking, could Nintendo redesign their Battlion Wars games to plug a Battlefield style gap. I'm not saying to totally do away with all the things that people like about the series, but perhaps give it a different angle to appeal to more traditional gamers on other machines and expand the multiplayer components to allow for more players at once.


But... NOW YOU'RE TALKING! I'd love Battalion Wars to reappear on the Wii U. To be able to use the gamepad to co-ordinate your troops and expand on the multiplayer options found in the Wii version it'd be immense. I loved those games!


I'd love it if you could choose your faction and wage all out war online - I'm with the Xylvanians!

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