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Petition Started Asking For Dark Souls II on Wii U


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Following on from Friday's announcement that Dark Souls II will be winging its way onto PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC at some stage in the future, it seems Nintendo fans are put out that the game isn't slated to appear on Wii U.


According to NintendoLife, a group of frustrated gamers have banded together to start a petition asking Namco Bandai and developer From Software to reconsider porting the game to Wii U as well.


At the moment the signature count is hovering around the 3,000 mark. If it's something you'd be interested in though, be sure to add your name to the list; Namco Bandai has previous form in listening to requests from gamers, and it was actually a petition just like this that managed to secure the release of the original Dark Souls on PC.




Really it's the type of hardcore gaming experience I'm sure many Nintendo fans would enjoy, and it's a shame it's another new game that hasn't as yet been named for the Wii U.


Maybe they could launch the original on the Wii U or eShop to gauge the market too.


Here is the Petition: http://www.change.org/petitions/dark-souls-ii-for-the-nintendo-wiiu

Edited by Retro_Link
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Hope it does, however I'm not sure I'll sign; as it's not a game I think I'd be likely to pick up. ZombiU even sounds like it might even be too hard for me, let along Dark Souls!

Not having played ZombiU can't comment on that one, but Dark Souls (and Demons Souls) are REALLY good games and it's a big shame if WiiU misses out on this one now that the system is able to run them. There are no excuses really, wasn't Nintendo after the core gamers after all? I signed the petition btw.

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Oh yeah, I've heard they're good - albeit rather difficult! Just not for me really; and I wouldn't want to sign a petition to get the game on the system, then not buy it. If they think there's demand, release the game, then have poor sales...that will burn them and re-affirm that the wii u isn't viable.

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Oh yeah, I've heard they're good - albeit rather difficult! Just not for me really; and I wouldn't want to sign a petition to get the game on the system, then not buy it. If they think there's demand, release the game, then have poor sales...that will burn them and re-affirm that the wii u isn't viable.


The games are not hard in the traditional sense, they just use a specific timing and animation priority so that when you commit to an attack you cant cancel it. You definetly get used to it, its actually not unlike Monster Hunter so if you like those games you may like Dark Souls. Everything is paced very deliberatly, some people say its bad controls or its unfairly hard but its the kind of game that you just need to take time to learn the systems and timings, a pretty big investment but one that does pay off.

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The games are not hard in the traditional sense, they just use a specific timing and animation priority so that when you commit to an attack you cant cancel it. You definetly get used to it, its actually not unlike Monster Hunter so if you like those games you may like Dark Souls. Everything is paced very deliberatly, some people say its bad controls or its unfairly hard but its the kind of game that you just need to take time to learn the systems and timings, a pretty big investment but one that does pay off.


Well, compared to Monster Hunter the characters in DS move really clunkily and slowly. Combined with the unforgiving difficulty of the game, it turns into a friggin' nightmare to play...

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Well, compared to Monster Hunter the characters in DS move really clunkily and slowly. Combined with the unforgiving difficulty of the game, it turns into a friggin' nightmare to play...


Im a bit of a convert, i felt exactly the same, really hated it for a good week or so but forced myself to keep playing because everyone i know told me that you dont know if you really like it until youve played it for at least two weeks. After that i really did start enjoying it, i think if they changed the controls and made it easier it just wouldnt be dark souls anymore, its not for everyone but i its worth giving it a try to see.

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Im a bit of a convert, i felt exactly the same, really hated it for a good week or so but forced myself to keep playing because everyone i know told me that you dont know if you really like it until youve played it for at least two weeks. After that i really did start enjoying it, i think if they changed the controls and made it easier it just wouldnt be dark souls anymore, its not for everyone but i its worth giving it a try to see.


Yeah, I realised this too, that maybe I didn't understand all of the gameplay mechanics, like levelling yourself up etc. Just got frustrated with the old skool type of unforgiveness. Maybe I'll buy it again someday, who knows. Still, have to give it to the development team, it really feels like you're in a nightmare while playing the game, quite horrible really : D

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