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ZombiU locking up?


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Just wanted to see if i was the only one experiancing this or if there are others...


The other night i was playing ZombiU and my internet connection dropped as it likes to do randomly and the game completely locked up, couldnt turn my WiiU off and the game literally froze mid battle so had to unplug it at the wall and left it at that.


Tonight, ive played a bit of Tekken, a bit of Mario and then decide ill replay the bit i did last night and lost the progress on. Was playing for an hour or so, my internet connection dropped and the same thing happend again, game froze up, the WiiU wouldnt respond and i had to unplug it at the wall.


Has this happend to anyone else out there? Is it a coincidence that my WiiU locked up when the network dropped in that exact game or is this something that needs a patch to fix?

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I haven't found ZombiU has locked up. But, my WiiU wouldn't connect to the net at all today and when I tried to load System Settings, or the Wii menu it took 5 minutes to actually do anything. The first time I had to unplug as I thought it had frozen. The second time I was in the middle of writing an email to Nintendo, and yeah after five minutes it actually loaded. But still this can't be normal!

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I've been having problems with ZombiU freezing too. On maybe 4 or 5 occasions it has frozen completely and I've had to unplug the Wii U in order to restart. Glad I'm not the only one experiencing issues, though none of the freezes seem to be related to my internet connection dropping out, I do also experience this occasionally.

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Looks like the freezing issue might not be related to my net connection afterall, i had a look through the posts on the Ubisoft site and there seems to be all manor of random issues with the game, one of them is the freezing issue ive had. Ive reported it to the tech team as they suggested and posted a topic up so if anyone comes back to me ill post the answer here.


On a side note, i was listening to the Giantbombcast today and they have reported the WiiU doing the same freezing in seemingly random tasks, everything from the Wii to WiiU transfer to freezing whilst playing Nintendoland. Might actually be a system wide issue that is caused by an as yet unknown stimulis....in other words a pain T-T

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I've only experienced freezing with ZombiU so far, hope it's something they can sort out with a patch at some point. It's annoying because as soon as I get into it the game freezes or, a more common occurrence, I die and have to traipse my way through areas I've already done. Curbing my enjoyment somewhat.

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On a side note, i was listening to the Giantbombcast today and they have reported the WiiU doing the same freezing in seemingly random tasks, everything from the Wii to WiiU transfer to freezing whilst playing Nintendoland. Might actually be a system wide issue that is caused by an as yet unknown stimulis....in other words a pain T-T


Yes I suspect so. I've only had mine lock up using the web browser - on the Yoshi Land thread! Switched power off and on again went back to the browser and still stuck, nothing working. Eventually it seemed to unfreeze and I managed to open a new tab and delete the original. Scared to go back to that thread again now! :laughing:


We need a quicker more stable firmware update asap.

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I've only experienced freezing with ZombiU so far, hope it's something they can sort out with a patch at some point. It's annoying because as soon as I get into it the game freezes or, a more common occurrence, I die and have to traipse my way through areas I've already done. Curbing my enjoyment somewhat.


The same for me, i havent had any issues with other games but the problem definetly seems to be out there. Its annoying as ZombiU is a great game but a lot of the time you do things a certain way due to a mix of fear and luck, when you have to replay that same section you often dont do as well and things can go sour very quickly. I want to play the game more but ive been avoiding it for now just because i know it will lock my machine up, so far i havent had a response from Ubisoft other than to tell me they are looking into my query.

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Im beginning to think the internet thing is just a coincidence, it drops fairly often around 2am and then does it around a further 3 times, BE claim its supposed to do that but i think the hubs on its way out lol.


Its a damn frustrating issue, i havent tried playing since the patch but others have had crashes since then so dont think it did anything to fix stability in game.

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I got a reply finally from Ubisoft but it was just to tell me to install the latest WiiU firmware update...which of course ive already done. If they come back with anything more constructive ill post it here but with all the other random freezes happening it might be an actual hardware fault..

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Well...ive offically given up on playing ZombiU, its still the only game that freezes on me, Ubisoft dont have any answers and Nintendo dont seem to even know there is a problem. Its a shame because i really love the game, but the prospect of playing for an hour and losing all that progress when it inevitably locks up on me just makes it not worth my while.


*edit* - Ah who am i trying to kid? Ill be playing this tonight no doubt, its just too good...

Edited by Kagato
Change of heart
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok I see a lot of people have the same sort of problem as me where the game freezes for no particular reason. However I think I've found a solution, basically if you have the resolution settings on the wiiu set to 1080p change it to 720p as this has helped me and I hope it helps you too.


Would appreciate if you could let me know if ot's helped you as it helped me.

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