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The Cell Games 1: DIH Mafia


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@Magnus Peterson . I have done nothing for two nights... if you wanna suspect me of gooing something on anything other than the second night you might want to rethink.


Also... @DuD... on the holes. Mafia confusion pretty much ensures town confusion as write-ups and night powers are proving less than fruitful because of them. I wouldn't be averse to a less holey night 4.

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@DuD - I see your point but from the outset the mafia know who aren't mafia and can whittle down numbers without extra information from actions and write-ups, information that the town rely on to get a clearer picture. I'm just saying that to some degree town need to gain information more than the mafia do. But anyway... difference of opinion... lets move on (though if Diageo could refrain from getting holey for a night I wouldn't complain)


On the Magnus situation... I'm intrigued.. what have you to say Magnus?

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Sorry, was I speaking to quietly?




I am an alignment investigator. I investigated Magnus last night and found he was evil. I have previously been roleblocked night 1 (Yvonne), investigated mr-paul night 2 (revealed my results yesterday, without giving away my role) and last night I went for Magnus. He is evil. Jimbob is straight on my 'next to investigate' list after voting for a townie on basically nothing yesterday and now passing on a vote after solid evidence shows up a mafioso.


*too quietly.


Urgh, no editing :-/

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That's true. Yvonne was a roleblocker and he was forced to target you because of me so you couldn't have been the killer. If we can get everyone accounted for with the write-up, we can find these mafia scum.


Everyone please highlight yourselves in the write-up.


Not the Killers




Oops, missed a page.


Vote Magnus

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Oh my, mafia just flipped on me. Which includes Nintendohnut apparently, because I am most certainly not evil.


My activity:


N1: Target Rummy; find out he's sherlock.

N2: Target The Peeps; find out he's Sportacus

N3: Target Daigeo; find out he's Excadrill.



Mafia suspects:






@Marcamillian, I may have been wrong about you. I don't have much to go on. It's all just been a hunch.

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Right so there's 9 players left.


Assuming there's a standard 4 man mafia, there are 3 mafia still alive :. giving us a 6 man town.


So if we jump on a Magnus lynch and he flips town, AND its almost certain the mafia will get another kill tonight we will have a 4 man town vs a 3 man mafia at best.


I'm very reluctant to believe late game claims from alignment investigators as its an easy way for mafia to get a train going and its too late to do anything afterwards.


That being said Magnus' last post is complete crap. why accuse 2 of the few players cleared in the write up? seems retarded to me?!


Suspicious that diageo jumped at it with no questions.


Mr-paul be careful who your giving your voting powers to, especially if this lynch goes ahead. Wrong person now = game over.

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Oh come on, this is ridiculous. I have solid evidence here, and we're not going to follow it? Fine, in your situation, where my information is wrong, we're in a slight amount of trouble, but what if it's right? Then we have two mafia left and six townies.


And if you're not willing to vote based on solid evidence, what ARE you willing to vote on? Are we just not going to vote for anyone over the next two day phases in case we get it wrong? Because if we do that, we lose anyway.


Something else to consider - yesterday the lynch train built up a head of steam very quickly ON A TOWNIE, based on little information. Today I have solid information that clearly says a player is evil, and I'm the only person voting for them. If the information was wrong, the mafia would be jumping on the incorrect information. DuD's maths speaks for itself - if the mafia lynch a townie today, they're much closer to the win. If my information is right, the mafia won't want to lynch their own player. If it's wrong, and Magnus is a townie, the mafia would be all over this lynch. So why am I the only vote so far?


Magnus is mafia. If we don't lynch when we have information this strong, we aren't going to win.


Now, you know that DuD, so why are you avoiding the vote?

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I'm half and half.

As long as Mr-paul's clever with his power we're not urgent for a lynch, but obviously we need to lynch at some point in order to win.

I think we follow diageos line of inquiry for today and look for more evidence on Magnus OR Nintendohnut as the case may be.


I'm avoiding the vote because you say Mr-paul is good, and our hard evidence is your word and your word alone.


Sooo, back to my maths....


IF Magnus is town,

You have cleared Mr-paul, so I would assume you are on same team.

That leaves 4town votes against 4mafia votes which equals a mafia win.


So basically it all boils down to.. Do we trust you?

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Vote: Cube then.



Maybe chrome just aint firefox.


You ever think of that?


You're right DuD, Nintendohnut has been known for this sort of stuff. And haven't we lost an alignment investigator already?


Remove Vote


Yeah that was Rummy...is it normal to have 2?


EDIT: sorry meant @DuD comment about alignment investigator

Edited by Dedede
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If you don't trust me, we're going to lose.


So really it's up to you.


Rummy was an alignment investigator OR a tracker, and we don't know the limits on his power. Whether it's 'normal' to have two is irrelevant, because I am one.


Of course, the only way to test whether I'm telling the truth is to lynch Magnus.




Here's something to consider:


Everyone is basically saying I'm mafia, and that I'm lying about being an investigator to get Magnus lynched. Fine, if he is town, lynch me tomorrow. Then the mafia will have even fewer numbers and be a long way from majority.


Of course, in your made up scenario, you've also assumed that mr-paul is on my team just because I have cleared him. The thing is, I AM SEEN TARGETING MR-PAUL IN THE NIGHT 2 WRITE-UP. If I was clearing him, why would I be targeting him? I could target anyone, and just claim to have targeted mr-paul. But that didn't happen - I actually targeted him and am mentioned doing so. So no, we're not on any team together, I just targeted him on both night 1 and night 2 (but was blocked on night 1).


I'm not really sure what your point is in this situation. I'm seen targeting paul, so we're clearly not on the same team, and so even if I am lying (I'm not) about Magnus, and I am mafia (I'm not), you could just lynch me tomorrow. And then the mafia would only have two players left and the town would still have 4 (assuming Magnus is town and there's another kill tonight).


Basically this lynch is a win-win for the town. Magnus is evil. Lynch him and you kill a mafioso. Or, if I'm lying about it and I'm mafia, you lynch me tomorrow and still have cut down the mafia numbers by one. Either way you get a mafioso. Of course, I know I'm good, and I know Magnus is evil. But from everyone else's POV there is no disadvantage to voting for Magnus.

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but there is... I refer you back to my post above.. an entirely feasable scenario that sees the lynch of Magnus directly resulting in a mafia win.


Jon.. There can be any number of any role it's completely up to the mod. so it is feasable that doughnut is telling the truth.


I Havent gone back to yesterday's write up to check what your saying as I'm on my phone at work and simply replying is a task in itself.

I will be looking back when I can though.

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and just because your seen targeting Mr-paul doesn't mean you've investigated him.. maybe you boosted him? we don't have any proof of your power.

It would explain peeps' none use of the negative vote whilst it being in effect?

maybe Mr Paul was able to vote two people the vote power.


I'm not by any means insisting any of this is fact, so don't argue as if I am. and also everyone else be aware that this is all just thoughts out loud not fact.

All I am saying is that.. it is entirely reasonable for us to not jump at your finger pointing as everything is based soley on your say so.. and nothing more.


I will use yvonnes list later to analyse the write up. I'd prefer people to play themselves though!!


play? POST

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I apologise if I have brought up allegations against players already cleared of suspicion; I didn't re-read the write-up. Out of laziness. ...There's so much to follow in these games. :(


I just wanted to open up some avenues. Ignite some drama. Get people talking. ...And I have.:heh:


Nintendohnut is talking shite. A LOT of shite. A lot of possibly PLANNED shite.


My role is to investigate, and I have been. I've been forthright about my activities, which can be seen in every write-up.

Evil shm'evil.






The Mushroom - Jimbob

three men in suits - DuD

cloud creature - Nintendohnut

radiation - mr-paul

pink thing - Jonnas

small orange creature - magnus peterson

mole - Diageo

An Australian businessman - Jon Dedede

The Shaman - marcamillian


*CHANGE* VOTE: Nintendohnut


**Removed the deceased from the list**

Edited by Magnus Peterson
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