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How to get you hyped again?


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I personally think the hype will start once it launches in the US.

I mean, we're almost in a better position than those guys as we get to read all the game reviews and carefully decide what games we want to go for, whereas the reviews don't seem to come out until the thing has launched! Imagine plumping for a game that looks great but then it gets panned. Oops. Ha.


Plus there will be chance to read consumer opinions on games too rather than just have to rely on websites which can sometimes be a little biased.


My hype level has wained slightly but only because it seems like ages away.


But once America gets it we'll have so much more to look at and discuss which is bound to provide erections all round again.

: peace:

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Haven't listened to it yet but the latest Giant Bombcast is up:


We report in on our first week of Wii U ownership with a scathing treatise on the music of New Super Mario Bros. U, plus we share our latest thoughts on Halo 4, Black Ops II, Curiosity's life-changing secret, and the sexual enigma that is Michael Keaton.


Might hype you lot up a little?

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Thought that was fairly obvious.


Frankly, this post-launch period has been dreadful. Reviews have been mediocre, the games too few, games have had graphical issues, it's questionable if the Wii U is at all more powerful than its competitors and not a single new game has been announced by anyone. No new screenshots or info from Pikmin, arguably the only proper game Nintendo have announced so far, and definitely the only game that might in some way graphically push the envelope and prove the Wii U to be a true next-gen system.



Beyond the stuff that's been announced before, I'd get hyped if Nintendo bought back a bunch of Rare IP's, like Perfect Dark, Conkers Bad Fur Day, Jet Force Gemeni and then give them to Retro Studios. Microsoft aren't using them anyways. I've played Perfect Dark on the 360 and I can tell you that the AI is supperior to anything found in any modern FPS and it still works excellently online, although I wish they'd add drop in multiplayer. If modernised correctly, rather than Modern Warfare-ised, it could be excellent.

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What the fuck? We're have green reading? I think the reviews have been fantastic. What are these graphical issues? They have been absolutely minimal.


I'm all for people having their own opinions but when they're so uninformed its hard not to get irritated.

Sure that they're minimal, but this is a next-gen system, it does not have the right to look worse than current gen systems. It's unacceptable that both Batman and Mass Effect have lower framerates than the Xbox 360 versions. I would say OK if there were noticable improvements graphics wise, but from what I've seen in comparing pictures, at least Batman seems to have more low res lightmaps.


None of the exclusive titles got overwhelmingly good reviews. Nintendoland was average, ZombiU was considered "an interresting idea with flawed execution" by nigh on every review I've seen and New Mario Bros also was a bit so-so.

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Sure that they're minimal, but this is a next-gen system, it does not have the right to look worse than current gen systems. It's unacceptable that both Batman and Mass Effect have lower framerates than the Xbox 360 versions. I would say OK if there were noticable improvements graphics wise, but from what I've seen in comparing pictures, at least Batman seems to have more low res lightmaps.


None of the exclusive titles got overwhelmingly good reviews. Nintendoland was average, ZombiU was considered "an interresting idea with flawed execution" by nigh on every review I've seen and New Mario Bros also was a bit so-so.


Mario so-so?! Really, I'd say a universal best new super mario bros yet is pretty decent.


And if you read more into the batman and mass effect they're not as bad as what people say and actually the wii does some things better.


Remember one console they were rushed for at launch, the other cobsole is producing the best it can do.


Zombi I has been getting average to greta reviews.


You're not interested i it, absolutely fair enough, but to say it's been getting bad reviews and graphical issues and such. Just harsh.

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