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Your 3D usage

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It's been over a year and 2 months since the 3DS was launched and after filling in a lot of surveys on Club Nintendo for some extra stars, one of the questions regarding the use of 3D had got me thinking, just how much do I play in 3D?


Back at launch, I used the 3D feature a lot. No matter what the battery life or how basic the 3D feature was for certain parts of games, it was just always on.


But these days, it's nearly always off. I only seem to ever flick it on for videos, descending levels in Super Mario 3D Land and the occasional level on Kid Icarus. Of those though, only Super Mario 3D Land has actually given me the feeling that the 3D contributes to the gameplay, everything else seems like some visual gimmick which is nice to turn on every now and then.


I feel that over time, I've kind of gotten over the fact it's 3D without glasses and I've started to not care much for it. Brilliant console with brilliant games, don't get me wrong, but considering that 90% of the time I play with 3D off I personally feel they could have but the resources elsewhere.


So my question is, how about you guys? Is the 3D feature still going strong for you? Have you found any games where the 3D feels more apart of the gameplay than just the visuals? When do you find yourselves switching between the two?

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I think it was somewhere in the main Nintendo 3DS thread but good luck finding it in there!


I only use 3D for my first time playing through a game, after that I leave it off unless if there are areas where the 3D looks really nice e.g. cutscenes


EDIT: I've also heard that the 3D technology is not as expensive as people like to think it is... After all why else would Nintendo put it in the 3DS? They're not known for using expensive parts in their systems.

Edited by f00had
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EDIT: I've also heard that the 3D technology is not as expensive as people like to think it is... After all why else would Nintendo put it in the 3DS? They're not known for using expensive parts in their systems.


You've got a very good point about this, I've been hearing the same lately, though god knows whether this is a recent breakthrough or not. I guess my remark about resources is pretty much voided in that sense!


But still, my intrigue as to what the machine is capable of doing with 2D only games remains.

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When I heard Nintendo were making a handheld that offered stereoscopic 3D, I was extremely excited. For the first year, I did indeed play most games in 3D.


A year later, the novelty of 3D has worn off. That's not to say I don't like it, just that my 3DS is in 2D mode as standard. I only flick on the 3D when I want to concentrate on a difficult bit (which it really does seem to help with). In other words, it has its uses, but is no longer a thrill. It's generally nicer and more relaxing to play in 2D.


In no way do I dislike the 3D, but nor would I be unhappy if everything was 2D-only from now on.

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3D all the way, it just makes the games look so much better. For example, I think <em>Mario Kart 7</em> looks barely any different to DS without the 3D turned up.


Really? I think it looks fantastic in 2D and performs a little bit better as well, as I always notice the dips in frame rate (I think I'm becoming notorious for being so picky when it comes to frame rate around here).

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Really? I think it looks fantastic in 2D and performs a little bit better as well, as I always notice the dips in frame rate (I think I'm becoming notorious for being so picky when it comes to frame rate around here).


When you have played Diddy Kong Racing and Perfect Dark in multiplayer on the n64 you become strong against terrible frame rates :p

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I only use 3D for games that look better in it, improve the level of immersion or is actually required. When I had 3D land I almost always played in 3D. I usually have the 3D slider on max for Revelations, Kid Icarus & Starfox those games are stunning in 3D.

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