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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

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A possible promotional image for the first "Call of Duty: Black Ops II" DLC titled "Revolution" leaked on the game's official forums Sunday. The image reveals four multiplayer maps along with a new Zombies map and a bonus weapon for the PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U and PC shooter.


The four multiplayer maps shown in the "Black Ops II: Revolution" image are Hydro, Grind, Downhill and Mirage. Hydro appears to take place at a hydroelectric dam while Grind is set at skate park. Downhill is a snowy map set at a ski resort that reminds us of the Summit map from the first "Black Ops." Lastly, Mirage appears to be set in China as there are Pagoda-type buildings in the background.


The new Zombies map is Die Rise which almost sounds like a play on words with the original Der Riese map and "high rise". The background shows buildings half-toppled over but we'll have to wait and see if that is something players get to enter or not.


Finally, the "Revoltuion" DLC adds a bonus Peacekeeper Sub-Machine Gun which is an interesting choice given the amount of complaints from the "Black Ops II" community about how the SMGs are over-powered.


No release date or price is listed on "Revolution" promotional image but we expect it to $15 (1200 MS Points) like all previous "Call of Duty" DLC packs and to release on Xbox LIVE first followed a month later by the PS3 and PC. There is still no word from Activision or Treyarch on if they are supporting DLC on the Wii U version of the game.

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Just came across this on the neogaf PAL Charts thread


Guardian Top 20


Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (all formats) Week 1 - less than 37.767 (-65%)


COD:BO2 (360) - less than 21.527 (57%)

COD:BO2 (PS3) - less than 14.729 (39%)

COD:BO2 (PC) - less than 755 (2%)

COD:BO2 (WiiU) - less than 378 (1%)


COD:BO2 is sixth in the Wii U specific top 10


Less than 378 new UK players last week!!! woohoo! :rolleyes:

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Here's an absolutely awesome anti-camper class...



Also, the Laser Sight is different in how it works when compared with Steady Aim from previous titles (Steady Aim simply used to double the effectiveness of hipfire on any weapon)...


Edited by Kav
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So we're getting another patch, that's some good news. However I wish they'd go back to the lag compensation free gaming they implemented for a couple of weeks before they put it back in again.


I lol'd when all the noobs were crying that there piss poor connection was stopping them getting kills!

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I know I seem to complain a lot about this game, but seriously, watch this video to see how broken things are!



This shows just how much of an advantage people can get in the game when ducking behind cover!


That is fucking atrocious! I'd not have expected this from Treyarch! This really does explain some things!


Broken indeed!

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So I've just ordered this. Is it like this on all versions and is it being talked about/acknowledged on the official forums? I only know MW3 on the Wii, so, is it worse than that? Hackers aside, I didn't really have any issues with MW3.


I had no issues other than hackers either on MW3, I was a MOAB machine on that game!

The issues on this game are across all platforms, although the PS3 and WiiU suffer a little more from poor matchmaking and unstable lobbies/parties so party members find themselves being kicked from the party and not being able to join certain people.


I'm still enjoying it overall but it really pisses me off at times. Moreso than any other game I've played, it can be infuriating!

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Can I just say that I have the game and really enjoy it and dot feel any injustice. Im no expert and dont play online shooters much but I think it's a really impressive game.


The only thing that fucks me off beyond belief ae nobs who hide in shadowy corners, and especially people who fucking lay down when engaging in a gun fight. ARGH!

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Can I just say that I have the game and really enjoy it and dot feel any injustice. Im no expert and dont play online shooters much but I think it's a really impressive game.


The only thing that fucks me off beyond belief ae nobs who hide in shadowy corners, and especially people who fucking lay down when engaging in a gun fight. ARGH!


Have you seen the video Zechs posted though Dazzy? It's crazy, that's why we moan, things like that happen all the time. When you play the CoD games as much as we do it's very noticeable and really, really ruins the game!


I still love the game funnily enough though. It's just that sometimes you get screwed over by complete injustice like what's in that video!

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Have you seen the video Zechs posted though Dazzy? It's crazy, that's why we moan, things like that happen all the time. When you play the CoD games as much as we do it's very noticeable and really, really ruins the game!


I still love the game funnily enough though. It's just that sometimes you get screwed over by complete injustice like what's in that video!


Yeah that is insane. Is it definitely not faked? (Someone do it for the Wii u version :) ) I guess I don't feel that injustice when actually playing it, barring the odd time. And surely everyone's in the same boat?


But like I say, I'm so shit I always think I deserve to die and do t really play these games so my judgement is really narrow.


Good that everyone can still enjoy it and hopefully patches will fix it!

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I think the point here is that we're playing the 6th release in the modern COD series. These problems shouldn't be there in any FPS, but in one that is a yearly release it's unforgivable. It's a game where the competitive multi player is the key component, yet it's broken.


But to add salt to the wound, things weren't always that way! In fact Wii gamers have been enjoying COD releases since 2008, and none of them had this stupid issue! In fact it's an all new 'addition' to the series.


It makes you wonder, did they even play test it? I mean something like this would come up almost right away. Even if you couldn't identify what was wrong exactly, play testers would know something was 'off' as it just never felt 'right' to seasoned COD players.


The other scary implication of this is exactly what environment are these 'professional' reviewers playing the game? Do they actually play test the game fully (as I did) or do they just get to go through it in a controlled environment at an event?

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The other scary implication of this is exactly what environment are these 'professional' reviewers playing the game? Do they actually play test the game fully (as I did) or do they just get to go through it in a controlled environment at an event?


They play tested and reviewed the game with a nice big cheque in their back pocket.

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I think the point here is that we're playing the 6th release in the modern COD series. These problems shouldn't be there in any FPS, but in one that is a yearly release it's unforgivable. It's a game where the competitive multi player is the key component, yet it's broken.


But to add salt to the wound, things weren't always that way! In fact Wii gamers have been enjoying COD releases since 2008, and none of them had this stupid issue! In fact it's an all new 'addition' to the series.


It makes you wonder, did they even play test it? I mean something like this would come up almost right away. Even if you couldn't identify what was wrong exactly, play testers would know something was 'off' as it just never felt 'right' to seasoned COD players.


The other scary implication of this is exactly what environment are these 'professional' reviewers playing the game? Do they actually play test the game fully (as I did) or do they just get to go through it in a controlled environment at an event?


I know a couple of reviewers and they end up doing one of two things, either they review it before the game lauches and only get to play it against a handfull of other reviewers online but meet the games release...or they wait until the game is out, review it properly with everyone on playing and the review goes out too late to be of any use. Im sure there are also some dishonest ones that take backhanders but i dont associate with them.

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