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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

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As much as it should mean it's 1080p, video game publishers tend to not agree and be very snide about it. It seems that, seeing the lack of court cases regarding false advertising, you're allowed to advertise your product as 'Full HD 1080p' providing there is an instance where it does.


It's a bullshit marketing tactic, but the PS3 and to a bigger extent, the 360, are guilty of having publishers making use of that. I hope for the consumers sake that Black Ops 2 does run in 1080p because it's nothing ground breaking visually, but performance wise they're very keen on maintaining that 60 FPS. The one thing good I can say about the Call of Duty franchise, performance over graphics. How it should be.


A lot of companies use HD-Ready, which sounds like 1080p, but in actual fact means 720p (a lot of restored older movies do this, you think you're getting the Full HD experience, but not so). If it says Full-HD that's gotta mean 1080p. It's just companies playing with words to fool the fool.

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A lot of companies use HD-Ready, which sounds like 1080p, but in actual fact means 720p (a lot of restored older movies do this, you think you're getting the Full HD experience, but not so). If it says Full-HD that's gotta mean 1080p. It's just companies playing with words to fool the fool.


Unfortunately, like my example shows, it doesn't happen in the gaming industry.


There are very few games, mostly downloadable games, that ran at a constant 1080p this generation. The Xbox 360 packaging sort of misleads customers by showing having a list of all the resolutions it displays in at the back, which I've had countless friends believe to mean the modes it renders in. However, on the PS3 side, we've got the 'Full HD' selection of games. Stuff like Gran Turismo and WipeOut are advertised as full HD but only do so at select instances like in menu's and certain shots of the car before the race. Then, it dynamically changes the resolution based on the intensity of resources required to keep the game running.


It wouldn't surprise me if the Wii U uses this technology, as many people don't batter an eyelid at it apart from the guys who love the technical side of it.


EDIT: It's also worth mentioning that the whole 'High definition' marketing point for resolution is nothing but a chirade as well. What should matter is the pixel density on your television, but I don't see 'High Density' being a selling point any time soon.

Edited by Debug Mode
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A lot of companies use HD-Ready, which sounds like 1080p, but in actual fact means 720p (a lot of restored older movies do this, you think you're getting the Full HD experience, but not so). If it says Full-HD that's gotta mean 1080p. It's just companies playing with words to fool the fool.


When you say 'restored older movies' which are you thinking of? I'm a collector of old films on blu-ray and don't own a single one which is 720p - not just spec wise, the difference is pretty obvious to see when projected. There are certainly many 720p compressed versions doing the rounds online, but those are nothing to go by and should be avoided.


For some years now the practise as been to scan at a minimum of 2k after the photochemical resto (if any) is complete, do some further digi work and then downconvert to 1080p. 720p simply isn't a restoration standard - no respectable label does this (and in general only the more decent ones can be arsed to release older films!).


Of course the few hd tv channels all still broadcast in badly compressed 720p and in the early days of blu there were a couple of dodgy sd 'upscales' like Escape from New York.


I only comment because this sounds dangerously close to the myth that "old films can't be HD".


Back on topic, 1080p is always preferable to me, but with games I'd rather have a smooth framerate. 720p with decent AA at 60Hz is ample - see the Nano Assault vid that madeinbeats posted!


By the by, I compared some E3 footage of Nintendoland with some from a more recent build and it seems they've implemented AA at last. It makes a huge difference.

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When you say 'restored older movies' which are you thinking of? I'm a collector of old films on blu-ray and don't own a single one which is 720p - not just spec wise, the difference is pretty obvious to see when projected. There are certainly many 720p compressed versions doing the rounds online, but those are nothing to go by and should be avoided.


For some years now the practise as been to scan at a minimum of 2k after the photochemical resto (if any) is complete, do some further digi work and then downconvert to 1080p. 720p simply isn't a restoration standard - no respectable label does this (and in general only the more decent ones can be arsed to release older films!).


Of course the few hd tv channels all still broadcast in badly compressed 720p and in the early days of blu there were a couple of dodgy sd 'upscales' like Escape from New York.


You're perfectly correct. I was thinking of watching movies off of HD TV channels, with the, as you say, bad compression. But, also I do own a few early days HD DVD's (not BluRay's) with upscaling, and back in the day they looked quite good, but to today's 1080p there's no comparison.

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I'd recommend buying a proper gaming headset, I'm going to be doing so, the advantage they confer is huge! You'll not believe how well you can pinpoint where people's footsteps are coming from on CoD when using a proper gaming headset... definitely worth it given how much use they'll get!

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I'll probably stick with the old head banger set until I get some feedback on which headset is the best - after all, I don't want to spend what is the price of a game on something that might not be awesome!


Secondly here's some new info:


• The Crossbow returns, this time with a “triple shot,” a “burst fire,’ a faster re-load and multiple scopes.

• TDM, Kill Confirmed and Hardpoint are all multi-team playable

• Sprint duration is based on chosen weapon, combat knife users will run the furthest.

• Option to rejoin old game lobbies (Youtube stars will adore this one).

• Gun balance is improved to better suit their specific role.

• The knife lunge has been removed completely. You want a knife kill, you need to be in knife range.

• Footstep noise is increased but balanced by more environment noise.

• Upgraded spawn system.

• Custom optic reticles return, some with typical Treyarch humor (there is a mustache one).

• Gold camouflage returns, this time on weapons other than your primary weapon such as your launchers, riot shields and crossbows.

• Other camouflage as well: Ronin, Carbon Fiber, Skulls ect.

• Interactive levels return, much like "Radiation" and it's closing doors from Black Ops 1.

• "Duel Band" thermal scope has been buffed

• You can earn XP through playing combat training for the first 10 levels of your character.

• Improved emblem editor: 32 layers, new shapes and graphics, 256 bit color wheel (unlimited colors) and transparency adjusters.

• The ability to “YY” on the reload is back.

• 10th emblem is a gold skull that’s on fire.

• Sniping is resembles how it was in Call of Duty 4.

• Shotguns have improved range.

• Objective players are rewarded much greater than slayers in objective based games.

• No game ending streak.

• The time to kill is more like the original Black Ops than Modern Warfare 3.

• Aim assist is still ON for sniper rifles, but sniping is “challenging.”

• People still reporting issues with Ghost, but not nearly as bad as in Black Ops 1.

• Awareness perk counters the Dead Silence perk.

• Scavenger replenishes all equipment and a lethal grenade given the kill was from a non-explosive.


The goods on list are pretty obvious: No crazy knife lunge and proper sniping - so no silly quick scoping!


That doesn't mean people won't be able to snipe well - it'll just be very hard. There won't be any more of the 'pull your scope up and fire once you see the inside and it's an auto kill'. That'll mean essentially that gunplay is more like the original MW and Black Ops and NOT like MW2 or MW3.


It will also please people to see that killing is secondary to completing objectives in objective based games so you'll get far more points for capping flags than for killing.


I'm very happy with how this is looking. After MW3 I don't think I could stand another COD that was infested with quick scoping, dual wield SMGs and knife lunges that passed through a tream of bullets and killed you!

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What is "YY"? and what was the problem with 'Ghost' in Black Ops?


YY is the ability to cancel a reload mid animation. Basically, if you're reloading and someone comes at you but you've still got half a mag full in the mag you're discarding it allows you to stop reloading and use what you've got left to defend yourself.


Ghost was regarded as overpowered in Black Ops as when you had the pro-perk it gave you the following abilities:


Regular: You are undetectable by the Spy Plane killstreak when you have this equipped.

Pro Ability: Undetectable by aircraft, infrared, sentries and dogs. Enemies won't see your name or a red crosshair when targeting you.


So in Black Ops 2 it's been split into the following three perks:



Ghost is back, much to everyone's horror... The good news? It's not nearly as powerful this time around. Ghost will only make you invisible to UAVs... IF you are MOVING. i.e. if you sit in a corner, Ghost isn't going to stop you from showing up on the enemy radar. No more stealth camping for you, champ!


Blind Eye

Blind Eye is another one than has appeared before. This will make you invisible to AI-controlled killstreaks. You'll still be visible to player-controlled killstreaks, if their eyesight is good enough.


Cold Blooded

Looks like all of the stealth perks are being broken up into 3 pieces in order to prevent them from becoming too overpowered. This one makes you immune to Target Finders, Player-controlled killstreaks and Sensor Grenades. In some of the footage, you'll see that certain futuristic scopes put a red box around enemy players. Cold Blooded will get rid of this effect.

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Oh right, that clears that. Ghost was my favourite perk in Black Ops, I had it in almost all of my classes.


Ghost was very powerful when the pro-version was unlocked - that's why they've nerfed it.


They've gone a little too far though. It's not necessary for it only to work when you're moving, I think it should work all the time. Proper snipers rely on Ghost as do players who use stealth. I agree that some campers use it too, but you're always gonna get campers whatever you do.


I also think campers are more a function of map design than the perks. In Black Ops, MW and WAW campers weren't as numerous - mainly because the superb map design didn't allow for it.


Camping is a massive problem in MW3 because the maps are too tight and far too cluttered with too many places for campers to hide. Also, in Black Ops, WAW and MW you had more health which meant if you did come across a camper you would have a fighting chance. In MW3 it felt like the guns all had stopping power equiped as standard - combine that with cluttered and tight maps and you've got a campers paradise!

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Health has always been the same across all the CoDs, it's always been 100, unless you added on things like Juggernaught or the Painkiller Deathstreak.


I don't mind the changes to Ghost, even when I'm playing a traditional sniping role as more often that not I'm moving to change up my firing position.

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Health has always been the same across all the CoDs, it's always been 100, unless you added on things like Juggernaught or the Painkiller Deathstreak.


I don't mind the changes to Ghost, even when I'm playing a traditional sniping role as more often that not I'm moving to change up my firing position.


Yes, that maybe true. But in MW3 the base damage of the weapons was higher - almost as if every gun had stopping power equiped by default. This leads to very quick deaths which is great if everyone has a good connection, but if there's any lag it magnifies the problem. Hence why it was easier for campers and more frustrating for many.

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Weapon balancing is much better in Black Ops, the damage mark ups are generally the same but in MW3 there are some definite inequalities in gun stats... but there are still definite stand out weapons in both... Famas & AUG in BO and ACR & MP7 in MW3 for instance.

Yet in MW3 you also have the insta-death Akimbo FMGs, this is down to poor gun balancing for sure. In BO, when dual wielding SMGs, the gun stats change to balance, whereas on MW3 they don't.

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Here is a full list of attachments. Remember - you can now have up to three on a weapon at once. Also, in MW3 you had weapon proficiencies and perks that altered the way a gun handled. Now all perks and proficiencies that alter the way a weapon handles are dealt with in attachments. So now Steady Aim is Laser Sight etc. This is the full and final list!




Reflex Sight


The Reflex Sight replaces the iron sights with a precise and quick sight. It is available to Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Light Machine Guns, Shotguns, and Pistols.




The Eotech replaces the iron sights with a holographic weapon sight. It is available to Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Light Machine Guns, and Shotguns.


ACOG Scope


The Advanced Combat Optic Gunsight (ACOG) provides mid-range magnification for precision fire over long distances. It features a chevron reticule. It is available to Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Light Machine Guns, and Sniper rifles.


Target Finder


The Target Finder is a weapon sight that highlights enemies with a red diamond. It can be countered by using the perk Coldblooded. Its appearance is similar to the EOTech Holographic Sight. The sight itself it very obstructive, giving very little peripheral vision. It appears to be the attachment's answer to MW3's "Marksman" perk. It is available to Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Light Machine Guns, and Shotguns.


Hybrid Optic


The Hybrid Optic is a mid-range magnification scope with a small Red Dot Sight mounted on top for quick acquisition of targets regardless of range. It is available to Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, and Light Machine Guns.




The Suppressor keeps you off the radar when firing by suppressing the sound signature of the weapon. It also reduces muzzle flash. It is available to Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Light Machine Guns, Shotguns, Sniper Rifles, and Pistols.


Fast Mag


This allows the player to reload their alternate weapon faster by taping two magazines together. It also doubles your total ammunition count. It is available to Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, and Pistols.




The foregrip reduces recoil by giving the shooter a more stable hold on the weapon while firing. It is yet to be seen whether it will include extending stocks like in Black Ops 1. It is available to Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Light Machine Guns, and Shotguns.


Laser Sight


The Laser Sight emits a red beam of light where the weapon is pointed, increasing the player's hip fire accuracy. It is available to Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Light Machine Guns, Shotguns, Sniper Rifles, and Pistols.


Adjustable Stock


The Adjustable Stock allows the player to move faster while aiming down their sights. It is available to Assault Rifles and Submachine Guns.


Quickdraw Handle


The Quickdraw Handle allows the player to draw their weapon faster. It is available to Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Light Machine Guns, and Shotguns.


Millimeter Scanner


The MMS provides the ability to see through solid objects of up to 25 feet using millimeter wave scanning technology. It can be countered by using the perk Coldblooded. It also reduces accuracy. It is available to Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Light Machine Guns, and Shotguns.


Grenade Launcher


The Grenade Launcher is an under-barrel attachment that fires 40mm grenades that explode on impact, and only arm after travelling a safe distance from the player. The model in Create-a-Class shows the M320 Grenade Launcher. It is available to Assault Rifles only.


Select Fire


This allows you to use a guns select fire switch to switch between two different fire modes (depending on the gun), useful when engaging enemies at varying ranges. It is available to Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Light Machine Guns, and Shotguns.




FMJ increases bullet penetration through surfaces. It is available to Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Light Machine Guns, Shotguns, Sniper Rifles, and Pistols.


Extended Clip


This increases the weapon’s magazine capacity by 50% (usually). It is available to Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Light Machine Guns, Shotguns, Sniper Rifles, and Pistols.


Rapid fire


This increases the weapon’s rate of fire. It is available to Submachine Guns and Light Machine Guns.


Dual Band


The Dual Band Scope is a Thermal Scope that highlight enemies using color-heat vision, as opposed to the white used in previous games. It is available to Light Machine Guns and Sniper Rifles.


Long Barrel


The Long Barrel increases the effective range of the weapon. It is available to Submachine Guns and Shotguns.


Ballistic CPU


The Ballistic CPU is an advanced Sniper Scope that reduces idle sway. It is available to Sniper Rifles only.


Variable Zoom


The Variable Zoom is a Sniper Scope that has multiple levels of magnification. It is available to Sniper Rifles only.


Dual Wield


Dual Wield the player to equip a weapon in each hand, doubling firepower at the cost of no aiming down the sights. It is avaliable to Pistols only.


Iron Sights (Attachments)


Iron Sights is an attachment that replaces the Default Scope of the Ballista to Iron Sights. It is available to the Ballista Sniper Rifle only (see above).



The idea of equipping a laser sight (steady aim), a fore grip (reduced recoil) and rapid fire to an SMG looks like very appealing for a run and gun class!

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On an SMG if you're going for Primary Gunfighter I'd change the Fore-grip for Fast Mag. Given that SMGs have such good hipfire performance as standard you'll be utilising it more often than normal (especially with Laser Sight attached), lessening the need for aiming down the sights and with Rapid Fire attached you'll be hitting your reloads much quicker than normal, plus Fast Mag gives you double ammo too which negates a need for Scavenger on your beefed up gun.


Given the role of a Rush Class being in the face of the opposition as much as possible, you want to minimise the time in between your ability to fire. I'd advise something along the lines of:



Laser Sight

Rapid Fire

Fast Mag

Primary Gunfighter

Perk 3 Greed

Ghost or Lightweight

Cold Blooded

Engineer & Dead Silence

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Wii U Black Ops 2 preview:


When most people think of the Call of Duty franchise, they think of the series on the Xbox 360, PS3 or PC. And while we’ve seen a few of the most recent games find themselves on the Nintendo Wii, it’s safe to say that they haven’t gained much traction, largely in part to their inability to keep up with its HD counterparts. Not just graphically, but in terms of features, controls, online structure and did I mention graphics?


Well all that is about to change with next month’s release of Call of Duty: Black Ops II. Yes the game is coming out for the previously mentioned consoles, but it too is coming to the Nintendo Wii U. After having played the game at a demo session earlier this week, I can safely say that what Activision has in store for Nintendo fans, is most definitely a legit COD experience.


During my demo, I was able to check out the Cargo (Port of Singapore) map, where I played a round of multiplayer to get a feel for the controls. Naturally I’m a COD player, so I was able to pretty much pick up and go, though I’ll admit it did take a few minutes to get used to the Gamepad. Obviously with the Gamepad being much larger than a typical controller, gamers may need to play a few rounds to become acclimated with it, but fortunately it didn’t take too long before I was piercing away with headshots and bulletstorms onto oncoming foes. Within minutes, I could appreciate just how good the game looked on the Wii U. You’ll notice some impressive lighting effects and textures, while the gameplay was extremely smooth. I appreciated the amount of detail in the game and honestly forgot I was even playing on a Nintendo console; let’s be honest, it’s not your typical “Nintendo” experience; and quite frankly I loved it.


Now with the press of the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ buttons on the Gamepad, I was able to switch my gaming experience over to the Gamepad’s screen. The transition was seamless and instantaneous and actually looked really good on the smaller screen as well. I could easily continue the action and didn’t lose a step, which will be great for anyone who needs to hand the TV over to a loved one who won’t leave you alone about a show their missing. Activision had also previously mentioned that with the Gamepad, two people could play co-op at the same time; each with their own screen, which is pretty sweet. For those who may not care for the Gamepad for Black Ops 2, you do have the option of also using the Wii U Pro controller, while Wii Remote and Nunchuck functionality is also there; especially useful for four-player madness. (The game also supports the Classic Controller Pro)


Getting back into the main screen, I was able to use the Gamepad’s touch screen to call up score streaks and also customize my load-outs on the fly. This was extremely useful and kept me from having to pause the game and go into another screen. Sure, you can still do that if you like, but being able to do it on the Gamepad felt so much more natural.


Speaking of load-outs, I dug the game’s new “Pick 10” allocation system, which gives you full control over how you want to equip any custom classes. You no longer have to take an item from each category and you can in fact, even create a class that has no guns. Are you feeling like going in with just a knife, grenades and a bunch of perks? You can do that! Of course if you go in that way, it’ll probably be useful to equip the Scavenger perk so you can grab a fallen soldier’s gun. You also get three Wild Card slots, which let you equip anything from any category, in case you want a few more guns or perks. I’m willing to bet this new create-a-class system is going to be one of the most popular aspects of the game.


Gamers will also get to enjoy CODcasting to commentate on your favorite game, equip new score streaks, such as The Guardian, which is a high powered microwave that can slow down enemies or take them out – great for use when sniping. eSports via League Play will also be possible on the Wii U, which offers skill-based matchmaking and seasonal ladders. Hardcore gamers can go up against skilled players, while those who are a bit more casual, can also match up against lesser skilled players.


According to Treyarch, the game will also include some additional Party Game Modes, Theater Enhancements, an Emblem Editor and of course Prestiging. Again, the Wii U version will stack up right alongside the other platforms, but with the added benefit of the extra touch-screen thanks to the Gamepad.


If you’re on the fence about which platform to get Call of Duty: Black Ops II on, and you’re already planning on picking up a Wii U, I’d highly recommend checking this version out. You might even say it’s the most complete package of them all.


Nov. 18 can’t come soon enough!


Link to original: http://gotgame.com/2012/10/11/preview-call-of-duty-black-ops-ii-for-the-wii-u-is-legit/

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Cool I can't wait to get this game on Wii U


Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 GGTV



Nintendo fans have no doubt been excited about Activision’s Call of Duty: Black Ops II making its way onto the Nintendo Wii U next month (Nov. 18 to be exact).


However, after the publisher had previously stated that the game could run at 60fps and at 1080p, gamers have been asking the question as to whether or not that 1080p is native or if the console will upconvert it.


Today, Activision confirmed to us via email that “The game is not natively 1080p”, which of course means that it’s the Wii U that will be able to upconvert it, since the system supports the format.


In addition, the publisher also confirmed that the Wii U version of the game will also feature the re-imagined Nuketown map, for those who pre-order the game.


Source http://gotgame.com/2012/10/12/activision-says-wii-u-version-of-black-ops-2-not-natively-1080p/

Edited by canand
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Sorry not knowing anything about CoD: Black Ops games... but is this a Mulitplayer game only... because every video/discussion/update is all about multi-player maps/systems/upgrades etc...


I really like single player FPS's but hate playing multi-player ones.


Question: Is this game for me?

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Sorry not knowing anything about CoD: Black Ops games... but is this a Mulitplayer game only... because every video/discussion/update is all about multi-player maps/systems/upgrades etc...


I really like single player FPS's but hate playing multi-player ones.


Question: Is this game for me?


It's both singleplayer and multiplayer. Though the majority of the fun and time is spent on multiplayer. Why don't you like that feature? I've never finished the story mode in the original, probably only half, just didn't care but the online is absolutely brilliant. Hundreds and hundreds of hours spent there. You don't know what you're missing.

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It's both singleplayer and multiplayer. Though the majority of the fun and time is spent on multiplayer. Why don't you like that feature? I've never finished the story mode in the original, probably only half, just didn't care but the online is absolutely brilliant. Hundreds and hundreds of hours spent there. You don't know what you're missing.


I've never really liked Mulitplayer games, especially online... I've played a few including TF2, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, Mario Strikers, SSB Brawl, MarioKart, FIFA etc.


Firstly: I find that they are only fun is people are exactly your skill level (good or bad) half the time it's like playing a 5 year old or a professional gamer. Either case I get no enjoyment.


Secondly: And by far the worst is they people who don't play for enjoyment, just to WIN. Whether in boring play or 'cheating' á la snaking in Kart or ghosting in the goal in Strikers!


I'm just content with beating the CPU...

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