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Theme Park Mini Meet?


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I should also mention here n-e that:


1. They propositioned me with a pot noodle.

2. I was sitting down and out of breath, they took it the wrong way.


In other words - goafer and moogle are dirty perverts.




Also 68k on the Duel ride, fucking machine, stop wanking!

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1. They propositioned me with a pot noodle.


Lies! Goafer said (something along the lines of) that up north, all you need to get a girl into bed. To which 'wolf instantly replied, "I'd like a pot noodle."


She then sat on the floor and said, "I can't get up, I'm in such a vulnerable position".


2. I was sitting down and out of breath, they took it the wrong way.


Also not true. She led us down into a forest, and laid down on the grass in a secluded clearing. She then said, "Oh look at me, being alone in the forest with two guys". She then told us that she had really low standards.


goafer and moogle are dirty perverts.


This bit is true.


Also 68k on the Duel ride, fucking machine, stop wanking!


It was a very erotic ride.

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What really happened in the forest:


Nightwolf: "I really am too trusting, walking through the woods with 2 strangers"

After a brief climb of some stairs, Miss Wolf becomes "tired".

"I need to sit down. I'm far too tired to carry on walking, running away from something would certainly be out of the question. I doubt I could even defend myself from an assailant, should one or possibly two try to take advantage of little old me"



What really happened with the Pot Noodle:


Me: "I hear girls will have sex for a Pot Noodle up north"

Nightwolf: "I fancy a Pot Noodle"

Me: "I think I have a solution to both of our problems..."



Other highlights:


"I say that's a lot of hair" from a guy dressed up as ye olde Navy officer.

My self esteem being torn to tatters at every opportunity by Nightwolf (her mouth said no no, but her eyes said yes yes.

Moogle's face on Rita. I have never seen a funnier face.

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