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The Shadow Line


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So, I've actually been meaning to make this thread for a few weeks, but never got round to it, and actually surprised no one else has!



Has anyone else been watching/watched this? For a quick overview it's one of the beeb's latest dramas, contains Christopher Eccleston and Chiwetel Eijifor most prominental, as well as Rafe Spall(think that's his name, pete vs life guy, but he plays this quite well!).


Basic idea is that a recently released from prison crime boss guy is found dead, and lots of people want to know who or why. From this, you have an interesting perspective, the police trying to investigate the murder by orthodox means, along with the crooks trying to find out who's killed their boss by maybe less than orthodox means. To make it worse, the second big boss/partner in crime has seemingly dissappeared without trace, so the criminal faction is left a little lost regards of where to go, and who takes over.




I'll be honest, my description is shit and can't do anything near to justice what this is, I'd highly recommend checking out the first episode on iplayer(they're an hour long each) and see how you like it, but I find it's done really well. You're seeing the same story from at least 3 perspectives/approaches(aforementioned Rafe Spall, nephew of dead boss and someone else act as two sort of wildcards), and it's done quite well imo. I haven't actually gotten round to catching up with last weeks episode(tis on bbc2 thursday nights, and thursday is pub night) but they certainly left it well the week before! Just waiting to get a time to have a proper sitdown/chillout with the latest ep!


So how about you guys, anyone else a fan? I think I actually only ever ended up taking notice of it was because of a status ReZ had on feeb a week or two before it started!


If you haven't seen it...do! - http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/search?q=shadow%20line

Edited by Rummy
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The wonders of iplayer! Though that is pretty shitty. If you have a virginbox they might also have it on like catch up(not sure if they'll have the whole series, though) and they tend to have it HD on the box catchup as well!


Fucking missed it and am pissed about it.


Huh? Whyyyy!

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Fucking missed it and am pissed about it.


Just looked and all 4 episodes on iplayer


The wonders of iplayer! Though that is pretty shitty. If you have a virginbox they might also have it on like catch up(not sure if they'll have the whole series, though) and they tend to have it HD on the box catchup as well!




Huh? Whyyyy!


Yah true...just annoying lost recordings along with a ton of other stuff.

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I've never heard of this show before. Keep us updated on how the rest of the season turns out (good/bad) and I might check it out once I'm through with the last four seasons of Friends.


Its the kind of thing I'd want to watch on TV though. And just would have been better on normal TV/could PS3 iPlayer it I guess.

Just download it and watch it on your PS3. :hmm:

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Yeah tbh I wouldn't want to watch this on a crappy computer, though I do fullscreen iplayer it now I've got a decent TV to hook to my computer. Totally get where you're coming from ReZ, but it's also rather excellent so emplore you to check it out!

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Soooo...we had any takers? I have used my today off to catch up on the last two eps(which I hadn't seen), 4 felt in some ways a bit slow and I started to worry, but 5 definitely started making up for it! Totally loving this again now!

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