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So! I got this mentioned to me by Marcamillian, I checked out the demo which sucked on my computer, one driver update later it still sucked but was actually playable.


I decided I quite like it, and as of yesterday I bought it cos I'm getting paid in about 45minutes. Then I thought I'd check out here, and suprised there isn't a thread already!


Has anybody got it? What do they think? I quite like the whole concept, which I'll try to run down following(in tags to prevent this being too tl;dr) for anyone who doesn't know.


Released towards the beginning of the year, Magicka is basically an adventure sort of game wherein you're a definitely-not-unoriginal wizard. You move by clicking with the left mouse button. In your arsenal you have...8 elements/spells(mapped Q-F). You can select anything from 1-5 elements at a time(including repetition) and this forms the basis of the spells which you go through the game using.


Set in a traditional medieval game style setting, it's actually quite full of humor and apparently has throwbacks to a number of famous games and jokes based around stereotypes of the genre. Personally my favorite discovery so far was something known as 'The Sword of the Masters' ;).


For combat, you cast a spell in its 'default' format with a click of the right mouse button, alternatively middle button casts upon oneself(very much used for the heal element, which don't worry does not unbalance this rather challenging game). Shift can either let you imbue your weapon, or cast the spell as an area spell around your character.


Sort of top down/isometric view, you travel through the game inevitably finding yourself besieged upon by monsters that you end up defeating to proceed. There's a mild weapon/melee system(activated by shift and left click) where you hold a sword that attacks and a staff then generally tends to...do something magical. Obviously with a name like magicka, you can often imbue your blade with various kinds of enchantments for a hit, though as mentioned it's a bit of a mild system and I don't find myself using it often. It's important to try and learn to use everything at one's disposal however, because this game seems to be refreshingly challenging. Hard, but hard in a learnable way, also throwing back(whether intentional or not) to a save system that won't properly kick in until you complete your current level, though there's a checkpoint system along the way to keep you rooted in your present session for all the more longer.



What I like about the game is the sheer choices available to oneself, the variety in the spells(which early on have environmental implications/interactions also) and how they combine. As if it wasn't enough, there's actually a large number of additional rather specific spells that can, when you've lined the elements up correctly, be cast in its special form with a tap of the spacebar. There's also various issues in the elements in obviously having opposites/cancelling each other out, which whilst it naturally reduces variety somewhat, it ensures a balance, leads to some interesting possibilities, and helps stop things being too easy(I often accidentally cast an opposite and ruin my original spell lineup). A slight exploratory nature is added given the previously mentioned specific spells, which can only be cast once found in a spellbook somewhere, a number of which are cleverly hidden just off the beaten path.



Basically, I think it's pretty decent, and if you've got a steam account, recommend taking the free demo for a spin and seeing what you think. Even that's quite impressive, apparently containing 1-2 hours of gameplay! I wouldn't know though, there was so much I didn't even manage to finish it before I caved and bought the whole game :P




On top of everything else, it's boasts 4 player co-op! Not something I've tried as yet, but a fun sounding idea. Has anyone else picked this up? What are your thoughts?

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Incredible game. Me and Brian Mcoy absolutely loved messing around in the co-op mode. Accidently killing each other is as much fun as playing the game properly. They did a great job and the DLC they keep releasing only goes to expand on it.


And as mentioned the voice acting is incredible. WAKACRACK?! became a bit of a catchphrase on our Ventrilo server!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I tried it, but only had one controller hooked up at the time, for co-op, which didn't work, and had the resolution on 1080p, so we couldn't see what was happening.


Rumours are that it's headed for 360, so I might hold out for that.

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I tried it, but only had one controller hooked up at the time, for co-op, which didn't work, and had the resolution on 1080p, so we couldn't see what was happening.


Rumours are that it's headed for 360, so I might hold out for that.


Ta for the heads up.

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