Diageo Posted May 11, 2011 Author Posted May 11, 2011 Audio Audio At once, Wolf was engulfed by a purple energy and was disintegrated. The town looked in terror at the sight in front of them. Heroicjanitor is dead. A large hand appears out of the sky, slamming down on a small monkey and his larger ape companion, crushing them. Nintendohnut and Jonnas are dead. The hand then swoops down again, grabbing a unsuspecting robot. And crushing it repeatedly in its palm until there is only dust left. Tales is dead. Rising high up into the sky, the destructive hand begins to drop bombs from its fingers. The blue-clothed woman uses her agility to dodge two of them, but they were too fast for her, she was caught up in the third. Esequiel is dead. The hand returns to the skies, and points one finger at a young boy. He tries to fly away but the hand comes after him a blistering speeds and the finger pierces through his back. Jayseven is dead. The hand is triumphant. Its plan of mayhem, destruction and corruption all came to fruition. Everything and everyone, annihilated, destroyed and maimed, and yet it remained, the only survivor, the winner. The Peeps has won the Game! Audio
heroicjanitor Posted May 11, 2011 Posted May 11, 2011 I fucking knew it you fat cunt of a fucking fucker. Jonnas this is all your fucking fault. If you hadn't punched me I would have accused Peeps in the mafia forum before now. What a cunt you all are.
ReZourceman Posted May 11, 2011 Posted May 11, 2011 Peeps, how could you betray me and your other fellow mafioso?
heroicjanitor Posted May 11, 2011 Posted May 11, 2011 I accused him before Diageo wrote this so I still win HAHAHAHA. I am the actual winner Peeps not you, and Jonnas is the reason you have this false victory. It is so god damn frustrating to not be allowed talk in the mafia forum. Even dead people could talk. Fuck you Diageo.
ReZourceman Posted May 11, 2011 Posted May 11, 2011 I accused him before Diageo wrote this so I still win HAHAHAHA. I am the actual winner Peeps not you, and Jonnas is the reason you have this false victory. It is so god damn frustrating to not be allowed talk in the mafia forum. Even dead people could talk. Fuck you Diageo. You called it after he voted for you, lol.
Dannyboy-the-Dane Posted May 11, 2011 Posted May 11, 2011 So The Peeps was a traitor member of the mafia. Huh. That is actually fucking brilliant.
Diageo Posted May 11, 2011 Author Posted May 11, 2011 [1] The Peeps - Crazy Hand *[2] Cube - Lucas [3] MadDog - Ice Climbers [4] Nintendohnut - Diddy Kong ** *[5] Ellmeister - Olimar [6] Jonnas - Donkey Kong *[7] mr-paul - Falco Lombardi [8] Zell - Mr Game & Watch [9] Dannyoby - Meta Knight [10] HeroicJanitor - Wolf [11] jayseven - Pit [12] Tales - ROB [13] Dyson - Luigi [14] Chairdriver - Captain Falcon [15] ReZourceman - Toon Link [16] Rummy - Ike [17] Sméagol - King Dedede [18] Esequiel - Zero Suit Samus * Pikmin Red - Always returns Mafia Results Blue - Always yields Town results Yellow - Yields Correct Results White - Always yields neutral Purple - Poisons the target, they will be confused and not remember anything that happened during the night.Yields no results. Night 1 - Top Poster - HeroicJanitor [item = Key - Lock someone in their house] *jayseven [illuminate] Jonnas [chaidriver] *Ellmeister [Purple Investigation] ReZourceman *Cube [Coward] *Tales [Watch] Rummy *Rummy [Wallop] ReZourceman *Nintendohnut [scavenge] Jonnas -> jayseven *Zell [bucket] Dannyboy *Heroicjanitor [sniff] Page 1 *Dyson [swap] The Peeps and Cube *MadDog [Revitalise] mr-paul *Chairdriver [Protect] Jonnas -> Nintendohnut *Sméagol [Power name] ReZourceman *Jonnas [Charge] *ReZourceman [Protect Self] *mr-paul [intercept] HeroicJanitor *The Peeps [Tingle] Jonnas [banana Peels - Anyone who targets Jonnas will target someone else] *Dannyboy-The-Dane [Kill] Nintendohnut Night 2 - Top Poster - *Rummy [Food = Increases Stamina, allows the targeting of two people] *HeroicJanitor [Parasite Growth - New Power - Discover Character] *Ellmeister [White Investigate] HeroicJanitor - Hidden *Cube [scan] ReZourceman -> Chairdriver *Sméagol [Power Name] Dyson *Zell [Protect] Esequiel *Dyson [swap] Chairdriver and ReZourceman *Nintendohnut [scavenge] Nintendohnut [You have found a peanut, that you already had.] *Esequiel [seduce] jayseven* *Rummy [Wallop] ReZourceman -> Chairdriver *jayseven [illuminate] Ellmeister - Locked *Tales [Watch] Chairdriver ->ReZourceman *Chairdriver [Protect] mr-paul - Walloped *MadDog [Revitalise] mr-paul *HeroicJanitor [Kill] Ellmeister and [Lock] jayseven *ReZourceman [Protect Self] *mr-paul [intercept Cube -"You were knocked to the ground by a powerful force, as you hit the floor you glanced up and noticed a red and beige figure running away." *Dannyboy [Hide] HeroicJanitor *The Peeps [Groundon] Rummy [Groundon - Protection] Night 3 - Top Poster - *ReZourceman [Mr-Saturn - Throw at a character, will break shields and lets out a cry to highlight the character in the write-up.] *jayseven [illuminate] The Peeps *Chairdriver [Protect] HeroicJanitor -> Zell [Wallop] *MadDog [Refresh] ReZourceman *Esequiel [seduce] Zell -> HeroicJanitor *Nintendohnut [investigate] ReZourceman *Rummy [Wallop] Chairdriver & Cube *Dyson [swap] Zell & HeroicJanitor *Tales [Watch] Sméagol *Zell [Protect] mr-paul *Jonnas [Nothing] *Cube [FP] MadDog [Wallop] *Sméagol [Power Name] Nintendohnut *The Peeps [Metroid] Rummy [Metroid - Sucks energy preventing vote from being counted.] *Dannyboy [Hide] Heroicjanitor -> Zell *mr-paul [intercept] Jonnas [Replace -A lightning fast character was darting towards you, but before he reached you a green wave of energy struck you from above. You are unable to use any abilities for the next day and night phase.] *ReZourceman [Protect Self] *Heroicjanitor [Kill MadDog] Zell - 6 - [Nintendohnut, Esequiel, Dannyboy, Rummy, mr-paul, The Peeps] Sméagol - 1 - [Cube] The Peeps - 1 - [Dyson] 16 Players - Majority is 9 Night 4 - Top Poster - *Esequiel - [Heart Container - You have gained protection from dying once.] *Rummy [Wallop] Sméagol *jayseven [illuminate] Chairdriver -> Cube *Cube [FP] Chairdriver -> mr-paul *Nintendohnut [scavenge] MadDog [No peanuts] *Sméagol [Power Name] Esequiel *Esequiel [seduce] Jonnas *Jonnas [Nothing] *ReZourceman [Mr Saturn] Tales & [Command] Tales [Kill] Sméagol *mr-paul [intercept] Esequiel [You managed to evade an attack from a green orb, however feeling dazed you have forgotten your results.] *Dannyboy [Remove] Heroicjanitor *The Peeps [isaac] jayseven [targets the next person, can't be targeted] *HeroicJanitor [kill] Cube *Tales [Watch] mr-paul -> Chairdriver *Dyson [swap] mr-paul & chairdriver Night 5 - Top Poster - Esequiel - [Fan - Roleblocks, breaks shields, can't be protected from. *Jonnas [Punch] HeroicJanitor *The Peeps [Kill - Lyn] Dannyboy *Dyson [swap] Dyson and Rummy *Esequiel [seduce] Nintendohnut *Tales [Watch] jayseven *Rummy [Wallop] Herojan *Heroicjanitor [Kill] Rummy *Dannyboy [Hide] Heroicjanitor *Mr-paul [intercept] Jonnas ["An enchanting song plays through the air. A beautiful voice makes you sleepy. Falling asleep you are unable to post today. You are not permited to thank posts."] *Rez [shield] Self Night 6 - Top Poster - Esequiel - [Hot head - Throw is in front of you to illuminate a path to your target, meaning you can't be redirected.] The Peeps [Kill - Gray Fox] ReZ m-paul [intercept] Dyson [An almighty attack from above has left you solidly placed into the ground. Unable to move from the spot you have been silenced for the day. You are not able to thank posts.] ReZourceman [song of Passing] Night to Day Night 7 - Top Poster - Esequiel - Crate [Throw it to release 3 items] *mr-paul [kill] Esequiel *The Peeps [samurai Goroh - kill] mr-paul *Esequiel [Hot-head seduce] mr-paul *Jonnas [charge] *Nintendohnut [scavenge] Dyson* - Peanut found *jayseven [illuminate] Esequiel
The Peeps Posted May 11, 2011 Posted May 11, 2011 If you hadn't been punched out of the game you would've died first Herojan! I couldn't afford to let the town lynch you because I only increase my vote if I kill my fellow scumnags myself.
heroicjanitor Posted May 11, 2011 Posted May 11, 2011 When else could I call it? I was thinking we had a traitor I was already saying to Diageo outside the thread that I think we have a traitor or Peeps trophies killed randomly. It mightn't have taken much to put those together.
Dannyboy-the-Dane Posted May 11, 2011 Posted May 11, 2011 I knew it was way too convenient that the last few deaths were mafia members. No one could predict them that well and stop our kills. But I hadn't seen this coming. Still, wouldn't it have been impossible for the mafia to actually win this? I don't see how they would have had any chance of figuring this out.
Diageo Posted May 11, 2011 Author Posted May 11, 2011 Just because you called it doesn't make you win. You needed to kill him.
ReZourceman Posted May 11, 2011 Posted May 11, 2011 Fucking devilish twist. Hahah, I was so pissed that Dyson kept redirecting our killer (as I had assumed). Good show Peeps/Diageo. Mother fuckers.
heroicjanitor Posted May 11, 2011 Posted May 11, 2011 I knew it was way too convenient that the last few deaths were mafia members. No one could predict them that well and stop our kills. But I hadn't seen this coming. Still, wouldn't it have been impossible for the mafia to actually win this? I don't see how they would have had any chance of figuring this out. I never trust my damn teammates. And now, the one time not trusting them would have helped Diageo reduces me to below a dead character. I fucking know I would have accused him before now if I could speak. I know it. You can all say I am just being a tool but I WOULD HAVE. AND PEEPS YOU COULDN't KILL ME I AM IMMORTAL!!!! MUahahahahah. Except for when I died. The nI wasn't. I am so pissed off! Agh!
ReZourceman Posted May 11, 2011 Posted May 11, 2011 Still, wouldn't it have been impossible for the mafia to actually win this? I don't see how they would have had any chance of figuring this out. Well when it got down to just us, we would have basically all known there was a traitor. And Crazy Hand would have been the most obvious. Peeps played smart to make sure he didn't let us reach majority. And the bastard knew to get his PM in before I changed the day.
The Peeps Posted May 11, 2011 Posted May 11, 2011 I seriously thought I was going to get called out lol and then the town was on my case for killing - even though I was only killing mafia! Did anyone even figure out that ReZ was mafia btw? No one commented on it...
Diageo Posted May 11, 2011 Author Posted May 11, 2011 If the mafia figured out it was him, you would just need to pick him as the night's kill. His kills were separate from mafia kills. Also if the mafia reached majority without the extra votes that The Peeps had, then the mafia would have won without him. The vote he began with still counted. I will admit it was difficult, but still, you had the chance to figure it out, as Herojan so vehemently claims he could have done.
ReZourceman Posted May 11, 2011 Posted May 11, 2011 And if we're revealing real roles. :p Oh town played kinda shitty btw.
heroicjanitor Posted May 11, 2011 Posted May 11, 2011 Also Diageo you know the mafia started with 4 members right? So they started with 3 members in essence, and there was a character who knew who they all were? Also realise I fucking hate you.
Dannyboy-the-Dane Posted May 11, 2011 Posted May 11, 2011 I have to admit Peeps being a traitor was an annoying twist. But then, at the same time, it's much more satisfactory that if it was some lucky townie. Still, looking back, we maybe could have caught on sooner. I hadn't heard of such a twist before, so I did not suspect it at all.
heroicjanitor Posted May 11, 2011 Posted May 11, 2011 I have to admit Peeps being a traitor was an annoying twist. But then, at the same time, it's much more satisfactory that if it was some lucky townie. Still, looking back, we maybe could have caught on sooner. I hadn't heard of such a twist before, so I did not suspect it at all. While talking to Diageo outside the forum I did tell him I thought we had a traitor at one stage. I thought it was Rez for some reason that I forget, and then Rez died. I will get the damn logs out if I have to. Also it wasn't cheating to talk to him because I was just saying what I thought, not receiving info. Also I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone else. Jonnas that is the worst thing anyone has ever done to me in a mafia game. I hope you are proud. You're still epic for calling me out so hard though
Ellmeister Posted May 11, 2011 Posted May 11, 2011 My pikmin powers were going to be hard to use with so few nights and having no clue what they did. Would have been hard to work out what each does. I died anyway straight off >_<
Diageo Posted May 11, 2011 Author Posted May 11, 2011 The Peeps - Fake Dannyboy - Fake Esequiel - Real Heroicjanitor - Real Nintendohnut - Fake The Peeps - Fake Smeagol - Real Dannyboy - Real mr-paul - Real Dyson - Real MadDog - Real jayseven - Real Ellmeister - Real Chairdriver - Real Heroicjanitor - Real Cube - Real Rummy - Real Tales - Real Nintendohnut - Real Jonnas - Real Zell - Real
heroicjanitor Posted May 11, 2011 Posted May 11, 2011 You can easily tell it was done in a rush, but it has everything I wanted it say. And I reiterate: ROB made the kill on his own for the first time, but the clawed kill happened anyway. Wolf is most likely the mafia killer, and Herojan is most likely Wolf. Post of the game I didn't want to thank it at the time for obvious reasons. Lol'd quite a bit at it. Diageo The mafia had 3 members, along with a neutral killer who knew who every single one of them were. Unfair? They were lucky to recruit me at the start to make it 4, but even then...
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