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Pokémafia 9 : Red and Blue


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Yeah... sorry about that :P but seeing as you had voted for me for three days in a row and the majority is 3 when you have a double vote it was in my best interest. Anyway, at least it proves yet again that you've been trying to distract people from your accusations. Still think I'm a redirector?


Sooooo... I've just looked back through all of the previous write-ups. EVERY night that someone has been killed they have managed to carry out their actions BEFORE THEY DIED. Seriously, every night the pokemon managed to reach their target and carry out their action... and then later in the night they died. Chair will have been the first time this has happened. Seriously, go through the write-ups, you'll see it. So, what does that mean?

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He's been after me for quite a while so it makes sense he is still making things up to get my lynched. "Clearing" other townies make the said townies trust him. It doesn't mean he is telling the truth. Your turn to eplain the danny and write up.




Yes, and joining an offensive against three of my fellow mafiosos was also part of the plan to get the town to trust me.


And you call my theory crazy ... :nono:

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OOOH. So Dohnut has used Ice Beam on Tales?

So basically 3 of the other 4 of us need to agree on something.

And if Nintendohnut or Dannyboy is mafia and Tales isn't, they'll jump on whatever others are voting for.

Just to reiterate so it doesn't get lost up the page, what is your evolution power called in your PM(question to you too Dohnut I guess)?


I have a theory....

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You don't get the last question? It's basically wondering whether it proves you're lying or not. Every other killed player manages to complete their night action. You claim chair targeted Dannyboy. Dannyboy says he wasn't positively effected, and if he were evil he would have been role blocked. Either he wasn't targeted by chair at all, and you are lying OR he was somehow killed before he reached Dannyboy. mr-paul has pointed out it wasn't a normal kill but I'm not sure it would make much difference.

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I want to hear both of your answers first so I can try and fully see if it works, but it relates to Tales' role PM, comparing it to ours...

I'm not sure if it is any good or not, there is one possible hole in it that I have thought of... but if you can tell me what yours says I will come out with what this idea is! I don't want to come out with it before I know your answers just in case either of you are evil and manipulate your answer to what I want to know.


And I think if either Peeps or I were mafia, we wouldn't be so indecisive!


from the write up:


....A beam of light shot out of the sky. It illuminated a giant and fear inducing red, cream and white Pokemon who was searching for its target....


It doesn't look like chair reached his target... but MadDog reached his (chair).


Tales, what part of your power corresponds to the word "Brute"?

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Ok, but there doesn't have to be correlation between the write up and my pm. All I know at least it was Chairdrivers intent to target him.I guess this doesn't mean anything to you but here it is:


Tales, you stalked Dannyboy-the-Dane. You discovered that Chairdriver targeted him.


Why didn't I just say he got targeted by no one? If that's what happened. What would I gain by saying Chairdriver targeted him?


Tales, what part of your power corresponds to the word "Brute"?

One kill survival. Beats me why.

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Okay, well mine is also called Water Stone Trigger. Hope that helps.


Thanks for pointing it out more clearly in the write-up. In that case we can forget that line of enquiry :)


What you would gain by saying someone targeted someone else: it puts you away from the crime scene. Also the fact that you picked one of the dead characters to target Dannyboy helps if you're lying as they can't confirm or deny it, so we just have to take your word for it.

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Thanks for that Dohnut :)


Also interesting that the last night he said he'd targeted me and couldn't find me... although had his power worked properly before that?


I'm still really confused over there being a redirector somewhere. Because I remember the other night chairdriver targeted eenuh, nothing happened to her, eenuh targeted herself, yet somehow diageo had his power enhanced.


Despite my tiniest reservations about Nintendohnut, I have a lot more trust of him now, he has a good investigation, hasn't lied about his powers (and was very honest about not using ice beam and I think we can applaud him for that.)

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Not that I don't trust him, it sounds like he already knew your power, mr-paul.


Mine is called Power of the Sun, a lot less lame.


Was it in the write up?


Do you mind posting your list of targets and results please, Tales?

Don't think so.


Sure, 5 minutes.


Night 1

Tales, you discovered that Zell targeted Dyson.


Night 2

Tales, apart from you - no one targeted Rummy.


Night 3 - Mistake by Rez, reverse it.

Tales, you stalked Rummy. You discovered that Eenuh targeted him.

I didn't mis read your PM, I mis-typed my PM lol.


Swap them around. You stalked Eenuh and discovered that Rummy targeted her.


(Lol sorry)


Night 4

Tales, you stalked Cube. You were the only person to target him.


Night 5

Tales, you stalked The Peeps. You discovered that Diageo targeted him.


Night 6

Tales, you targeted Dannyboy-the-Dane. You discovered that no one targeted him (other than yourself).


Night 7

Tales, you stalked MadDog. You discovered that he was targeted by Diageo and yourself.


Night 8

Tales, you targeted Diageo. You discovered that no one else targeted him.

I answered with "Surprise."

Lol, yeah. You seem to be avoiding everyone pretty well!


Night 9

Tales, attempting to stalk mr-paul you approached close to his location but only saw a large flashing light. As you got closer it became too bright to withstand and you had to retreat.


Night 10

Tales, you stalked Dannyboy-the-Dane. You discovered that Chairdriver targeted him.

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Had work, sorry. Took me 15 mins to read through all of that!


I'm still none the wiser. My evolution thing is leaf stone trigger if you wanted to know :p


A few things I'm puzzled by:

Why would Nintendohnut's evolution trigger be water stone when he's using ice beam? I know it's pedantic but ice is not water.

Who is the fukin g r,edirector scumnag?

Something else.


Whoever the final mafia is, he is awesome but I'm going to enjoy taking the win from him. I bloody hope.




Another thing: Nintendohnut has voted for every townie lynch so far but no mafia (except for Sméagol where he was the final vote).

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