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Being Human


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Last thread, I swear! (lol)


This is one of my all-time favourite shows and they get better every season. Although I think this season will be pretty hard to top and I'm loving the cliffhanger with the characters. I can't wait to see the next episode on Sunday.


Is there anybody else here who is a fan?

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I've started watching it this season, probably wouldn't have ever checked it out if it weren't for me being lazy and not changing the channel - it followed Top Gear on BBC HD!


Have to say I've been enjoying it, probably have a look at the earlier seasons at some point.

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I am a HUGE fan of Being Human and have watched it since day 1.


Last sunday's episode was so amazingly good I simply cannot wait for next weeks! Easily the best thing on TV at the moment!


Same here! I can't wait to see what happens. Have you seen Becoming Human on the web? That's great as well. It follows Adam who meets a werewolf and a ghost and they try to find out who murdered the ghost. It's like a supernatural Grange Hill, lmao.




Herrick is BACK!!!


I KNOW! That was a surprise!


I didn't like Nina at the start but I've grown to like her and Herrick is such a bad-ass. When he walked away from killing her, I totally didn't expect him to come back. I wonder what'll happen...



So what do you think guys? Happy ending or sad ending?

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  • 10 months later...

So what did you guys think of the new series? I thought it was awesome but there were a couple of things that really bugged me, like...


how they didn't give Nina a proper exit. The last time we saw her, she was standing by George when he said that the vampires had a fight on their hands. Then we discover she got beaten up by 'hoods' when getting something from the corner shop?



However, I did like...


Everything else. Such good twists and I didn't see George's death coming at all. I just thought he'd be able to transform at will but my heart really went out to Annie. I am interested to see how the new characters develop though.



Looking forward to tonight's episode though...I think it's tonight anyway...

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So what did you guys think of the new series? I thought it was awesome but there were a couple of things that really bugged me, like...


how they didn't give Nina a proper exit. The last time we saw her, she was standing by George when he said that the vampires had a fight on their hands. Then we discover she got beaten up by 'hoods' when getting something from the corner shop?



However, I did like...


Everything else. Such good twists and I didn't see George's death coming at all. I just thought he'd be able to transform at will but my heart really went out to Annie. I am interested to see how the new characters develop though.



Looking forward to tonight's episode though...I think it's tonight anyway...


I'm so glad it's back! Although I was utterly devastated with last week's events. Yes, I cried!


So, so glad it's back!

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I liked this week's episode but I just didn't like Pearl at all. I think Hal would make an interesting addition. There were a few moments where it had me shaking my head shouting "NO, DON'T DO IT!" at the TV but other than those moments, the episode was fine. Loved the shorts though, Hal's one was the best.


If you don't know how to get to the short episodes, press the red button when you're on BBC Three.

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  • 1 month later...

Great end to the series! Even though we lost Mitchell at the end of last season and then George at the start of this one, I liked both Hal and Tom (even though you can't compare them to Mitchel and George).


...and I don't mind admitting I shed a slight tear when Annie passed. Loved it!


I'm looking forward to seeing how next season plays out!

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My God, the entire series was absolutely fantastic. I was a little bit scared because most of the originals weren't there but the show still remained fresh and still addicting. Everything was just great and the final episode was near-enough perfect and even brought a little tear to my eye.


Hal and Tom are great characters and I look forward to seeing them in the next series. I agree that they may not be George or Mitchell but it's also great that they're completely different from them as well. The next series needs to be in my life very soon! lmao.

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