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Battlestar Galactica & Caprica


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I knew they hadn't killed off Starbuck even when we saw that her viper had exploded. When the final 5 were introduced I thought for sure she'd be the 5th (which was probably what the writers wanted us to think) but once that was debunked I had absolutely no idea who/what she was.


Yeah it was most likely a bit of miss direction, and afterall with her seemingly the most likely suspect to be the 5th it should have also been obvious she wouldn't be as it would have been too expected by the viewer.


I remember at one point I actually thought she may have been a God in human form... either the "God" or one of the Gods of Kobol.



I don't think there's an "official" explanation for her, but my view is that she's become something similar to the other angels / messengers (that's Six and Baltar, and I don't recall myself but the wiki says there are even more alluded to).



Another of the "other Angels" would have been the Leoben that appeared to Starbuck in her visions during the ep "Maelstrom".


Oh and the vision she later has of her Father in the final season.


I think that was all of them then? Anyone think of anymore?


The other angels are the ones that appeared to "The Final Five" before they left the first Earth. Think it was Anders that said that they had all seen visions warning them of Earths impending doom and that is when they re-invented Resurrection and when to try find the 12 Colonies in hopes of stopping them being destroyed by their own Cylons if they made any. But by the time they got there Humans and Cylon were already at war.


I do find it funny however that a "race" that started out as Cylons on Kobol, rebelled against their human creators, would then effectively become "human" to a degree... create their own Cylons only to mistreat them and be destoryed by them in turn... is that irony?


Human only lead to destruction, Cylon only didn't work either. As they say maybe a combination of the two will. I guess we'll find out when we start making our own Cylons, haha



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Now I may be mad, but that doesn't mean I'm not right


Been motoring through season 4 and 5 the last few days, just finished it up today with the extended edition of Daybreak... even at 2 hours 30mins I still wish it was a bit longer, haha.


Still got chills at certain things through the final 2 seasons, so much epicness crammed into 20 odd episodes. And the final, Daybreak, still had my heart pumping even though this was my 5th viewing.


ONly noticed it this time around, strange I never noticed it sooner, but so many times some characters would say something that was actually a line from "All Along the Watchtower", of course I always noticed the obvious ones like when Tigh and co first heard the music (well that was season 3 i guess) but there were a few other times when random characters would say something that I hadn't noticed before. Like when Tigh talks to a dying 8 in sickbay, her last words are "there's so much confusion", never noticed that before.



Frak I love this ep so much, haha, the tension built up with the "before the fall" flashbacks in the start, to when Adama and Starbuck set out that line in the middle of the deck, that moment when Galactica jumps right into the Cylon colony and it is dwarfed by it. The whole battle, extraction of Hera. Cylons fighting alongside Humans, Cylons fighting Cylons. The dream of the Oprea house revealing to be Galactica is the Oprea house, all leading towards Mankinds and Cylons only true way forward. When the Final Five try to give Cavil back Resurrection and the Chief learns thr truth about Cally, god I loved it when he broke Tory's neck, haha.


Then the jump, the music hits, Kara where are we... I don't know...


You see our Moon and then our Earth, even though I know the Earth they found earlier wasn't ours, I still feel some kind of wonderment at seeing that final reveal.


And also when the President finally dies in the raptor with Bill talking, even though she's been dying the whole 5 seasons, you know her time is up, every time that moment still brings tears.




Right so that is BSG done again for now... will prolly make it a yearly tradition (think it already is) that I watch it again every year, haha.


Though will be trying to force a cousin of mine to sit down and watch the Mini Series later this month when he comes visit and finally convince him it is a show well worth his time and attention. :)


Oh and some questions... does anyone know the name of the music in the show, the kinda soft Irish sounding music that plays during sad/somber/reflective moments?


Always loved that music but can't find the name of it so I can find a download?

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It would have to be one of Bear McCreary's songs, and if it's not on the BSG soundtracks you probably won't find it.


There's very little music not done by him. Kara's Dad's piano wasn't by Bear McCreary, and a few background songs are done by Bear's Brother's Band. I think there was also some music that wasn't his in the episode "Scar".

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It would have to be one of Bear McCreary's songs, and if it's not on the BSG soundtracks you probably won't find it.


There's very little music not done by him. Kara's Dad's piano wasn't by Bear McCreary, and a few background songs are done by Bear's Brother's Band. I think there was also some music that wasn't his in the episode "Scar".


I don't have the soundtrack, I guess I should have checked that first, it's a fairly consistant song through the whole show, appears in a number of eps. Will try find the OST see if there's a full version there.


Also does anyone know a good site to buy BSG official t-shirts and stuff?

I found a site once, had an awesome baby gro that said "Viper Nugget" with the Viper emblem and everything but they only delivered within the states... also looking for the "WTF... What the Frak" shirt :)




Found the song I was looking for on Youtube, it's on the season 1 soundtrack as "A Good Lighter", must be from the ep when Bill gave Apollo his fathers Lighter?


The song appears in many eps as I said, does it have a proper name and/or longer version? I almost certain when it appears in some eps it's more than 2 mins long?


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Haha, went through all the track listings on Youtube for each OST album and found the song I was looking for on each... except the Mini Series. Each time it had a different name and slightly different composition and/or turned into another melody half way into the track. Appears once in all albums for seasons 1, 2 and 3 and appears in the season 4 album (which also includes season 5 of the show) a few times.


So it Season 1 it is, as above "A Good Lighter"

Broadcast Yourself


In season 2 it is "Reuniting the Fleet"

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In season 3 it is "Admiral and Commander"

Broadcast Yourself


And in season 4 it is, "Farewell Apollo"

Broadcast Yourself


"Grand Old Lady"

Broadcast Yourself


"Adama in Memorial Hallway"

Broadcast Yourself


"The Heart of the Sun"

Broadcast Yourself



This the version I like best is "Reuniting the Fleet" the drum bit at the intro adds a lot more to the emotion of the melody, with "The Heart of the Sun" next as it becomes the original BSG shows theme at the end :)


Finally after how long I finally figured that out... haha, I always assumed it had just the one name that it was known by :heh:


Also I managed to find THIS baby clothes that I wanted to get for my son on the Amazon USA site... but the bloody shipping costs double the cost of it :heh:

Might still get as a birthday gift for him in december....

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I'm rewatching season 1 with my Ma. Just seen the episode where Starbuck is great, even without oxygen. I kinda hate the whole Bill/Lee/Zak/Kara storyline, because it's so overbearing, and ultimately irrelevant. Literally there's been 2 episodes dedicated solely to that...



Playing the game where I decide the 12 Cylons in my life. Freya and James are obvious. Me and Paj are so scared we're part of the Final 5, since we share a rapport, but realistically, we could just be instruments in God's plan. There's another Cylon on N-E, but I'm too scared to speak their name. It's undeniable though. Just too many coincidences and things said to not hold significance.

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Now come on guys, no need to point fingers, as you should know there's a little bit of toaster in all of us :)


Was going through the extra features on the last disc of season 5 today.


There was one called "Manifesto Destiny", in it Edward James Olmos said when he first got the script and saw "Battlestar Galactica" on the front he didn't read it and just ignored it. My gods, imagine if he didn't play Adama, it just wouldn't have been as perfect as it was.


He basically brushed it off as a regular cheesy sci-fi show with aliens and such. Luckily his wife read it and the first 3 pages were a note from RDM which he intended just for the studio as his sales pitch detailing how he wanted to approach the show, didn't know the studio sent it with teh script to potential actors. And it was those pages that and description that managed to grab the actors attention to want to do the show.


Was a funny part of Olmos' interview where he said "if ever an Alien character were to walk onto that ship I would faint right away on camera, stay down till they said 'cut', then get up and walk out and never come back. They could say the character died of a heart attack cause that would be it for me", I just couldn't stop laughing listening to him describe that as I could picture it my head so clearly, haha.

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Just rewatched Six Degrees Of Separation. I love so much. How it doesn't feel the need to explain. When Shelly appears in the CIC, and it's literally like "fuck is going on?". My favourite thing.


And God is so rife in this episode. Yessss.


And I love how Inner Six makes a really foreboding comment about Gaius' trial in series 3. The Plan.




My mum is really nonplussed about the whole situation, and she asks questions which are really annoying to answer, because if I answered truthfully I'd give away too much, but at the same time don't want to lie and confuse her more. She asked me what the point of the Helo and Boomer thing on Caprica was, and I wanted to reply with "Because the Cylons tell jokes and they're really disorganised amongst themselves, so all their plans are really bad and hinge on this weird curiosity with humans that has to battle against their desire to just wipe humanity out, once and for all", but obviously that'd ruin the whole thing.

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Haha, I remember last year when I got the wife to watch the whole show and it got to season 4 and she was asking me .... wait better spoiler this just in case.


... she kept asking who the final Cylon was, obviously I didn't want to tell her so kept just saying "wait and find out", but she'd keep going is it character X or character Y. At one point she said "is it Starbuck?" and just said nothing, so she took my silence as a yes. And I just left it at that. When Ellen was revealed she was like "hey I thought you said it was Starbuck" and I just said "I didn't say yes or no :heh:"


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Haha, I remember last year when I got the wife to watch the whole show and it got to season 4 and she was asking me .... wait better spoiler this just in case.


... she kept asking who the final Cylon was, obviously I didn't want to tell her so kept just saying "wait and find out", but she'd keep going is it character X or character Y. At one point she said "is it Starbuck?" and just said nothing, so she took my silence as a yes. And I just left it at that. When Ellen was revealed she was like "hey I thought you said it was Starbuck" and I just said "I didn't say yes or no :heh:"


It's actually interesting how, if you've somehow been wrongly convinced about how a plot point/ending/twist is going to play out, it can completely change the way you view the series/film/etc. Obviously it only works the first time you see it, but it's really fascinating how it changes the way you read the characters' behaviour, the supposed messages, the hints that (you think) are being dropped, etc.


[/barely related to BG, but wanted to share it anyway]

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Woot, finally managed to get my cousin to sit down and watch BSG.


Had to give him a speech first and assure him there were no aliens, and it was nothing like Star Trek... or the original BSG either.


Told him to just sit down through the mini series first, then if he still finds himself not interested, fair enough.


Watched the Mini Series and then watched the first 2 eps of season 1 before he had to go... mwahahaha.... told him he'd love it. :D


When they did the "reveal on one of the Cylons" at the end of the mini series, he had to do a double take. Told him if he liked that reveal, wait till you get through the rest of the show.

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Last night watched the last 9 eps with my cousin we were up till 2am finishing off the show.


Had to explain to him about Earth2 though, took a bit of explanation to get him to realise Earth 1 wasn't our Earth. He thought they just jumped back to Earth and somehow it was all green, haha.


The "150,000" years ago really messed with his mind as he was assuming (like many others I guess) this was all happening in the "future"



He loved it which was awesome, considering how long it took me to convince him to try to watch it. I knew he'd be hooked if I got him to see the mini series and he was.


I of course still loved every minute of it, can't get enough.


I look forward to doing another re-viewing next year (or in 6 months time :D)



Now I may be mad, but that doesn't mean I'm not right

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Holy mother frakking crap Edward J Olmos is following me on Twitter :D


It's probably his assistant or someone looking after it for him but I'm gonna imagine it is really him :D


He sent me a PM too on twitter asking to like his facebook page :D


Only reply I could think of was


"Yes Sir Admiral *Salutes*"

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Why would you sell BSG?


Or are you selling the DVD and gettin the BluRay?


Oh and where did you pre-order the Caprica BluRay?


I can still only see it on French Amazon is that where you went?


I'm selling the DVD. I've owned the Blu-Ray since December.


And I ordered it from Amazon.fr.


I also got the same follow/response. Still awesome.

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I followed EJO and he followed me/sent me a PM back too - must be an auto-response. Sorry for ruining your dreams Mokong. :p


I also got the same follow/response. Still awesome.

It is still pretty cool though, never had any other actor do that on Twitter... even if it is just his assistant doing it and/or a bot

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